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2019-07-16 04:05 网络整理 教案网

Here, the Chinese Communist Party organizations and the Red Army as a result of activities, one after another rose Longdong farmers, organized armed combattu hao, join the revolution. Autumn 1933, the rate of HO Ping is a reminder more than 10 people killed food to paragraph 5 isning min small round, seized their weapons and ordered to set up a guerrilla Hirako, adapted for the third road after the fourth guerrilla detachment. November 3, 1933 to 5, Shaanxi and Gansu temporary headquarters while the Red Army in the County Packet Heshui Zhaizi meeting house, decided to resume the 26 Red Army, the formation of 42 divisions, as the center beam to open up the south of the revolutionary base. November 8, Red 42 Heshui division in the county set up the Lotus Temple, Mission jurisdiction red, red four groups, a total of more than 500 people.

16. 临时会议

16. ZD-1应急通信指挥系统不仅具有强大的应急指挥功能,例如:强插、强拆、监听、三方通话、呼叫保持、呼叫排队、呼叫转接、调度日志、夜服、通话录音、预置会议/临时会议、群呼、选呼、会议录音等;而且还具有充分的行政办公功能,例如:电脑话务员、分机权限设置、分机热线、分机转接等。

ZD-1 emergency communications command system not only has a strong emergency command functions, such as: strong intercalation, , bugging, tripartite call, call hold, call queuing, call forwarding, dispatch logs, night clothes, call recording, pre - Home Meeting/ad hoc meetings, Group Call, Selective Calling, conference recording, etc.; but also have adequate administrative office functions, such as: computer operator, ext permissions settings, ext Hotline, ext adapter and so on.

17. 第四十五条董事会应定期召开会议,并根据需要及时召开临时会议。

The board of directors shall meet periodically and shall convene interim meetings in a timely manner when necessary.

18. 如果全国人民代表大会常务委员会认为必要,或者有五分之一以上的全国人民代表大会代表提议,可以临时召集全国人民代表大会会议。

the law of the people's republic of china on resident identity cards, adopted at the 3rd meeting of the standing committee of the tenth national people's congress of the people's republic of china on june 28, 2003, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of january 1, 2004.。the 9th and 10th national people's congress. the 11th standing committee of the cppcc national committee, the 12th, vice chairman of cppcc national committee.。 in february 1995 the npc standing committee amended the electoral law for national people's congress and people's congresses at local levels and the organic law of the local people's congresses and local people's governments, thereby further perfecting the electoral and recall systems for people's deputies。

19. 临时会议

19. 经1/3以上董事提议,可以由董事长召开董事会临时会议。

The chairperson may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by more than one-third of the directors.

20. 临时会议的近义词

20. 译:董事长可根据董事会三分之一董事的提议,召集临时董事会议。

The Chairman may convene an interim meeting in accordance with a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors.