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中学体育教案格式 参考( 【本文】第一篇初中体育与健康教学论文范文参考)

2021-09-09 06:04 网络整理 教案网




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研究发现,青少年时期的技能水平与成年时期的活动水平高度相关。 12 岁之前参加集体运动也与成年后的活动水平高度相关。为青少年提供高质量的体育教育,提高他们的运动技能。并且自信对以后参加体育活动有积极的影响。本文对美国学校体育教学进行系统研究,希望对我国学校体育改革有所启发。

美国的体育教育是在NASPE国家体育锻炼标准指导下进行的。在国家体育锻炼标准的指导下,各州为学校和体育教师制定了自己的教学大纲,作为课程设置和教学内容选择的参考。美国国家体育锻炼标准的出发点是学生:“应该知道什么,可以做什么”。 《标准》提出将参加体育活动作为一种生活方式。相信对学生进行体育教育的最终目的是让学生养成良好的健康健身习惯,随着学生的成长,形成良好的生活方式。 《标准》更详细地描述了高质量的体育教育,认为高质量的体育教育必须能够提高学生的身体素质、健康相关的体质、责任感,让学生享受体育锻炼的过程,从而达到终身体育教育的目标。指出高质量的体育教育包括:学习机会、有意义的内容、合适的教学方法。


美国的学校体育除了教授运动技能外,还教授健身和保健。体能内容从与健康相关的肌肉力量和耐力、柔韧性、循环系统功能和身体成分等方面讲授。 美国学校体育中的保健内容从营养、安全、个人和社会责任、心理和情绪健康。美国在教学评价方面下了很大功夫。小学、初中和高中有专门的评价系统。我们需要进一步研究。




课程评价研究在80年代后期成为我国课程理论研究的一个重要领域,至今只有20年的历史。课程评价是一个比较有争议的话题。它被定义为没有经过测试的课程不值得学习的课程。泰勒还认为,课程评价是检验学生的实际变化和课程目标的实现程度,是课程研究中不可或缺的重要组成部分。不同时期的学者对课程评价的概念不同,因此很难对课程评价的概念给出统一的解释,但我们可以看出,它们至少都包括以下三点:一是收集和处理信息;二是检验课程的应用效果是否与课程目标一致;第三中学体育教案格式 参考,课程评价的过程和结果将为今后课程改革的进一步发展提供重要的支撑材料。


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(1)学生问卷调查结果显示,学生对体育学习的态度发生了变化。学生不仅喜欢体育,现在也喜欢体育课。学生对体育课的价值有了更全面的认识。学生充分认识到健康性的重要性。学生的体育行为发生了积极的变化,积极参与体育活动。学生不仅自己积极参加体育活动,还带领家长一起参加体育活动。学生的教学方法、教学内容和体育老师的教学评价都让我很满意,取得了很好的教学效果 Level2、level3、level4 运动态度、运动行为变化、对体育老师的满意度几乎没有差别。从省市对比看,江苏、上海、福建、天津、广东、安徽、北京、四川n及其他省市学生对体育学习的态度、运动行为的改变、对体育教师的认可程度略高于其他省市。

(2)教师问卷调查结果显示体育教师的课程观念发生了变化,对“健康第一”的认识位居第一。教学观念发生了积极变化,教与学的比重发生了变化. . 教学方式变了,教学方式实用适用,注重培养体育课堂氛围,注重因材施教,注重多种教学方式的运用。开发本地资源,注重校本课程的开发,注重学生的基础技能和基本技能的提高。教学目标。体育教师更注重教师评价、学生学习的有机结合。自我评价和相互评价。

(3)",SoCQ",测试结果表明,我国体育课程实施水平已进入第五阶段的“合作”阶段,课程实施效果明显。 11-15岁的体育教师最好,基本进入了第6阶段“重新聚焦”阶段,“LOU”测试水平结果表明,我国体育教师新课程实施水平已达到“合作”6级,进入7级“更新”阶段。男性体育教师的体育课程实施水平略高于女性体育教师。研究结果还表明,如由于学习规模、学校历史、学校人数和领导支持也是体育课程实施的重要因素。

(4)学生",on-task",课堂测试结果显示我国学生"on-task"率95.12%,略高于学生",on-任务”,BTPS规定率95%,证明体育教师课堂组织有序,学生课堂秩序良好,体育新课程实施效果显着。 -task”,比例略高于4级学生的任务率,说明2级体育教学效果优于4.级


(6)体育课学生MVPA练习时间与上课时间的比例为53.6%,达到BTPS体育课至少50%上课时间的标准。可见我国体育课堂学生的运动量和运动时间达到了体育锻炼的效果,促进了学生的身体健康,教师课堂管理时间与课时的比例为17.88%,已达到15- BTPS体育课堂管理时间占课时的比例为20%,体育教师课程规划合理,教师知识讲解时间为17.48%,略高于确定的10-15%按照BTPS标准,提醒我国体育教师在知识讲解方面需要进行强化讲解和练习,平均练习时间为22.67%,学生技能练习平均时间为22. 31%,符合BTPS 的 20% 标准。这说明在体育课堂中,教师更注重基本功以达到学习目标 基本功的教学。从研究结果来看,5级学生的MVPA运动参与时间、运动参与体能和技能实践时间需要加强,教师教学计划需要进一步从以教师为中心向以学生为中心转变。





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(6)近今日中国中小学体育教材 体育教材的整体水平随着时代的发展不断进步*,表明体育教材从关注体育教材的社会价值到关心个人发展,从“教科书”到“教材”,从“以教师为中心”到“以学生为中心”的转变,以促进学生身心全面发展为目标。







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21世纪的教育是一门综合性的教育,培养能认、能做、能生存、能共处的“完整人”。综合教育需要综合课程,综合课程促进综合教育的发展。课程作为教育发展和改革的核心要素,要适应教育的需要,体现全面性、连续性和整体性的特点。学校体育课程作为课程的重要组成部分,是整个教育体系中时间最长的课程,也占有重要的地位,能够产生巨大影响的课程之一,是由课程目标、课程内容、课程实施和课程评价。它是体育文化知识的载体,是实现学校体育教学目标的基本途径。 The study of the system can adapt to changes in the diversity of demand for talents in social development, conform to the trend of school physical education curriculum reform, and meet the needs of the scientific development of school physical education curriculum. It is an important content of school physical education curriculum construction 一.

In the research process of this paper, the literature method, survey method, mathematical statistics method and analysis method are mainly used.

Using literature research methods, drawing on system theory, curriculum theory and other related theories to demonstrate the constituent elements of the school physical education curriculum system and the nature of the school physical education curriculum; 8 elementary school physical education syllabuses (curriculum standards) promulgated after the founding of the People’s Republic of China , 7 middle school physical education syllabus (curriculum standards) and 5 higher school physical education guidance outlines in the development and evolution of physical education curriculum objectives, curriculum content, curriculum evaluation integrity, system and level analysis; physical education curriculum research Relevant literature results are reviewed; 1370 physical education teachers and 7971 students in 7 provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government) were surveyed by a questionnaire to understand the current situation of school physical education curriculum. Conclusion:

A study combed the main components of the school physical education curriculum system, including physical education curriculum goals, curriculum content, curriculum implementation, and curriculum evaluation, and clarified the relationship between the main components and the content they contain. Performance as:

School physical education curriculum goal is the core of physical education curriculum. It is composed of vertical school stage goals, horizontal field goals and internal structure content goals. It is systematic, holistic, specific, hierarchical and adaptable; school physical education The content of the course is the foundation of the physical education curriculum, and is the sum of the knowledge system composed of the basic theories of physical education and sports technical skills; the implementation of the school physical education curriculum is the way to realize the physical education curriculum, which is composed of the subject of the curriculum implementation, the implementation path, the implementation environment and the implementation effect The curriculum practice action; school physical education curriculum evaluation is the supervision, feedback and guarantee of physical education curriculum, and it is a complete evaluation mechanism composed of physical education curriculum teaching materials evaluation, process evaluation, effect evaluation and environmental evaluation.

The second study demonstrated that the school physical education curriculum is a "skillful" comprehensive curriculum with distinct disciplinary characteristics; physical activity belongs to the cognitive knowledge of the body, and is the main content of sports culture. It is proposed that the primary goal of the physical education curriculum should be Dissemination of sports culture-that is, to teach sports technical skills and knowledge, sports courses must be selected and reasonably organized in the content of the courses; physical education curriculum evaluation is positioned at the school level, and content indicators for sports curriculum evaluation are drawn up.

Thirdly, it analyzes the development, evolution and status quo of the main elements of the school physical education curriculum system, and expounds the historical development characteristics of each element of the physical education curriculum system and current existing conditions and problems.

(一) The study of the school physical education curriculum objectives from the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China to 2000 found that the curriculum objectives have certain systematic and holistic characteristics, which are consistent with the social background and educational thoughts of different periods; but the level of the curriculum objectives Sexuality and progressiveness are not clear; the form of representation is single, mainly based on "universal goals"; the internal structure of physical education curriculum goals is not clear, and it is difficult to distinguish cognitive goals, experience goals, and skill goals; "enhance physical fitness" It is the primary goal of the physical education curriculum. The current school physical education curriculum goals have changed significantly in level, progressiveness and representation form, but the recognition that the primary goal of the physical education curriculum is to impart knowledge of sports technical skills is still insufficient.

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(二) Through the study of the school physical education curriculum content from the beginning of the founding of the country to 2000, it is found that the curriculum content is relatively stable; there is a trend of integration and increase in the curriculum form, nature and content category. According to the current situation survey, it is found that the current Physical education content, physical education teachers’ preference for curriculum content, and students’ demand for physical education curriculum content are consistent; physical education curriculum content is mainly based on modern sports events, which basically meet the needs of physical education teachers and students’ learning, but the teaching content The system is complex, and insufficient attention is paid to traditional sports and fashionable sports.

(三)The survey of the current implementation of the school physical education curriculum found that:

(1) On the subject of curriculum implementation, physical education teachers have a correct professional attitude, agree with the reform of physical education curriculum, and can accurately position the role of teachers; they have accurate understanding of the role of physical education curriculum in each school stage and can be targeted The choice of teaching mode and the preparation of physical education. However, physical education teachers have few opportunities to continue learning, and the degree of knowledge renewal is lacking. In the process of physical education teaching, the implementation of the primary goals of the physical education curriculum is not enough; the manager attaches importance to the physical education curriculum Not enough; most students like the current physical education curriculum and have a positive attitude.

(2)In terms of implementation methods, schools at all levels can set up physical education courses in accordance with regulations, and the number of hours of physical education courses is basically guaranteed to be 2 hours a week; however, physical education courses are occupied and misappropriated from time to time, and physical education courses are taught. Organizational arrangements need to be improved and perfected; regular morning exercises, inter-class exercises, and after-school sports training are carried out well, but the organization of extracurricular sports activities is relatively simple一.

(3) In terms of the implementation environment, the various systems for curriculum implementation and the text files that should be available for physical education are relatively complete; however, there are some lack of software environments such as campus sports atmosphere and teacher treatment, and investment in sports funds There are deficiencies in the hardware environment such as venues, facilities, and sports teaching materials.

(4) In terms of implementation effects, most students like and are satisfied with physical education courses and physical education teachers; students can learn some sports technical skills and knowledge through physical education courses, and cultivate students’ awareness of sports participation and social adaptability Has a certain impact.

(四) Through the study of school physical education curriculum evaluation from the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China to 2000, it is found that the evaluation of school physical education curriculum experienced a transition from "single" to "multiple", and the object of evaluation from "physical education" to "physical education curriculum". , Evaluation orientation from "target orientation" to "target orientation" and "subject orientation" combined development process, showing a trend of continuous development and improvement. Through the investigation of the status quo, it is found that school physical education curriculum evaluation is in terms of physical education evaluation and student academic evaluation Relatively mature and complete, the evaluation of physical education curriculum materials and curriculum environment is insufficient; academic evaluation takes teachers as the main body, and does not pay enough attention to the role and status of students participating in evaluation; physical education teachers’ theoretical understanding of curriculum evaluation needs to be improved in order to understand correctly The difference between curriculum evaluation, student academic evaluation and physical education evaluation.

Four countermeasures to improve the school physical education curriculum system (一)In terms of school physical education curriculum goals, put sports technical skills goals in a prominent position.

(二)体育course content to increase the content of traditional sports and fashionable sports to reflect the diversity of sports knowledge; clarify the intensive teaching part and introduction part of the course content, and give clarity in the organization of the course content Reflect.

(三)Through playing the active role of the main body of physical education curriculum implementation; effectively implementing physical education curriculum teaching, broadening and developing the ways of physical education curriculum implementation; improving physical education curriculum implementation environment and other ways to improve the effect of physical education curriculum implementation.

(四) Through the establishment of a meta-evaluation system for school physical education curriculum evaluation and a diversified evaluation subject mechanism; further improve the content and standards of physical education curriculum evaluation, and implement curriculum evaluation; strengthen the professional quality of the subject of physical education curriculum evaluation, Establish a high-level curriculum evaluation team and other methods, improve the curriculum evaluation mechanism, and improve the role and effect of curriculum evaluation.

This article is a sample essay on physical education and health teaching in junior high schools, which can be used as a reference for topic selection.

Citations in junior middle school physical education and health teaching:

[1] Junior high school sports and health teaching essay outline How to write junior high school physical education and health teaching essay outline [2] Junior high school sports and health teaching reference literature recommendation How to write junior high school sports and health teaching reference literature [3] Junior high school sports and health How to determine the topic of teaching thesis for junior high school physical education and health teaching "Junior high school physical education and health teaching thesis sample essay reference junior high school physical education and health teaching graduation thesis sample essay [selected]" word download [free]
