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2021-09-04 11:57 网络整理 教案网

3、小导游资格证书的颁发。老师总结:通过大家生动形象的介绍,我们知道,在国内外著名的黄山风景区,都有一些有趣的奇石奇石。黄山是天地的宠儿,任何地方,松石、云海温泉,处处都是美丽奇特。置身其中,让人仿佛来到了天上人间。同学们,希望你们到访黄山,感受黄山的美丽与神奇! 六、布置作业:深情朗读课文,背诵你喜欢的段落。优美的词句在摘录中描述,背诵,并在摘录中复制。 (最好有图文) 备注科目:中文|第三课 教学时间:20XX年、月、日,题目 植物妈妈有方法 编者:陈叶一 教学目标:1、通过教学让学生了解几种课文中介绍的植物繁殖种子 激发学生热爱自然和观察自然的兴趣的方法。 2、 正确、流利、情绪化地大声朗读课文。背诵。 3、对观察植物、了解植物知识、探索植物奥秘感兴趣。教学重点:了解植物传播种子的知识。教学难点:了解植物传播种子的知识。教学准备:一、引新课师:同学们,如果你想离家去很远很远的地方,你会怎么走?学生回答,老师补充:步行、骑自行车、骑马、汽车、火车、飞机、船……如果动物想离开家,去很远很远的地方,它们怎么到那里?学生回答,老师补充:走、跑、跳、飞、走远。

那么,植物呢?植物说:我也想去远方,我也想去旅行。请问:植物能自己走、跑、跳吗?植物会飞吗?除了依靠人类的帮助,植物还有其他办法吗?今天,我们要学习的课文是告诉我们植物如何远行。 (黑板:《植物妈妈有办法》)二、范读课文1、老师广播媒体资源。 2、students 会标记他们不知道的新单词。 3、文章中提到了哪些植物,请标出。 三、student 自读课文,生词学习及教学过程1、student 自读课文,找出课文中需要识别的生词,自己阅读。教学过程2、出示词汇卡,学生识别。教师朗读,学生跟读,学生分班轮流朗读拼写,互相纠正。老师随机检查学生拼写以上生词3、 老师讲解重要生词,学生写。 (1)老师讲解重要的生字,帮助学生初步了解这些字的笔画、笔顺、结构、部首。(2)学生写,老师检查。(3)让学生在黑板上写字,其他学生到达黑板批改第二课一、review 课文要求认新字和重要新字的书写1、共拼读2、出生字卡检查学生拼写3、听写重要生词二、朗读感悟1、播放媒体资源PPT,让学生感受和领悟文中描绘的画面。2、老师范读或播放媒体资源,学生可以自由阅读,领悟植物传播的方法文中描述的种子..


3、播放媒体资源,了解文章中提到的植物的知识、它们的撒种方法以及作者的写作方法。师:本文采用拟人化的手法来书写科学知识。植物妈妈妈妈的孩子离家出走语文表格式教案,四通八达。他们在谈论植物如何传播种子。播放图片,让学生根据图片和课文内容,说说这些是什么植物,它们是如何传播种子的。学生回答,老师在黑板上加写:蒲公英降落伞风吹苍耳,带刺的盔甲挂在动物的皮毛上,豌豆荚暴露在阳光下,豆荚爆炸4、群讨论,谈谈你所知道的其他植物传播种子的方法。 5、小组依次朗读,看哪个小组朗读最响亮、最标准。 6、游戏背诵全文。 三、小结 今天,我们学习了《植物妈妈有一个方法》的课文。作者把植物当人,把植物的种子繁殖比作旅行。他向我们介绍了蒲公英、苍耳和豌豆三种植物知识,并介绍了它们各自的播种方法。请再想一想哪些植物有相同的传播种子的方法?哪位植物妈妈还有其他方法?备注科目:中文|第4课教学时间:20XX年月日二班古诗编纂者:陈野义教学目标:1、认识6个新字,写3个字。 2、 朗读课文,正确、流畅、感性地背诵课文,欣赏诗人对秋天的赞美。教学重点:识字和背诵课文。教学难点:识字和背诵课文。

教学准备:修改意见:教学过程修改意见:教学过程一、进口揭题1、今天我们将学习第四课黑板题目中的两首古诗(要求学生举起右手来跟老师写题目时,老师强调“第一”:下面是“自己”不是“白”),一起读题目。 2、引导学生观察文字插图,并用我们在第一次识字中学到的习语来描述这些美丽的风景。 (盛回:林尽染,山川壮丽……)现代人不仅喜欢秋天,还赞美秋天。我国古代有一位大诗人苏轼,他还为好友写了一首描写秋日美景的古诗。刘敬文。题目是:让刘敬文(板书)一起读。你想读吗?赶紧翻到中文书的第15页。 二、初读古诗1、生用拼音读古诗,要求发音准确。 (自由阅读3~4遍)2、同桌阅读古诗,互相指正。 (学生互相朗读1~2遍)3、四人轮流朗读。看完后语文表格式教案,告诉我你理解单词或句子吗? (整体感悟,对古诗词大意的理解,字词理解的交流,形成一定的自主学习能力。)三、识字1、本课6个生词拼音展示。您可以自由练习阅读。如果你不知道,你可以使用拼音朋友。读完之后,哪些词更难读,你第一次读就犯了一个错误。你需要提醒大家。 (学生自由朗读,全班交流,老师重点指导,必要时朗读)2、组词,读准字音。 (借助一定的语言环境)刘静雯菊花残枝君橙橙(一起读书,火车上读书。

) 3、 去掉拼音练习读单词。 4、保存新单词并阅读它们。 5、每个人都非常准确地阅读这些生词。相信大家都能很快记住这些生词。你最记得哪一个?与小组中的同龄人交谈。 (小组合作背单词)然后全班交流。 (鼓励好的识字方法)6、齐读新字。 (石震生词丢)这些生词现在都在古诗里了,赶紧翻书看吧。 1、听了同学们的朗读,老师也想读了,听老师朗读的地方最美。 (老师情绪化的阅读模式,用夸张的节奏感和节奏感感染学生。) 学生评价老师。老师:“你想向老师学习,古诗词有情感吗?学生一起读,大声朗读(阅读能力”你想向老师学习,古诗词有情感吗?学生们,老师点评),模仿阅读。 2、师作意境的渲染图。 □□请学生合上书,(老师在黑板上画粘笔,荷花下垂 □请同学合上书,(老师画下垂的荷叶、枯萎的菊花、黄橙、青橙)一边在黑板上写生,一边用赞美的语言描述美丽的风景。)(使用图片。)直观的效果,想象古诗的图片,让学生感受古诗的意境,理解古诗的含义)3、面对如此美丽的风景,同学们想怎么表达?然后快速读古诗,边看画边看黑板。 (老师演奏古典轻音乐)4、各种形式的阅读。 (男女生竞赛阅读、师生竞赛阅读、音乐阅读)5、读读:①看黑板,看图,和老师一起背诵。


②学生一出生就自由练习背诵。 ③背诵游戏,看谁背诵得既准确又情绪化。 (采用鼓励的方式。)五、writing1、小黑板展示本课学生要写的3个新字:第一,刘,季。学生自由认读,小老师带字教阅读。 2、 看到新词能不能马上写出来?是的,我们必须先观察。观察什么? (盛:观察它是什么结构,观察它的重要笔画,观察发生变化的笔画……)然后请仔细观察,等着看谁仔细观察,提醒大家最好。 (学生观察生词,全班交流。)3、师范写生字(边写边教)4、生练,老师评价,(4、生练学生,老师评价, (to The opportunity for students to show and experience success. Subject: Chinese and Chinese Garden One Subject: Chinese and Chinese Garden and One Fun, so that students are happy to write.) Teaching time: 20XX year, month and day Writer: Chen Yeyi Teaching goal: 1、识字, writing , Accumulate words and sentences; carry out Chinese practice activities with the theme of autumn. 2、 master knowledge and cultivate abilities through independence, cooperation, and inquiry. 3、learn to plan autumn outing activities independently. 4、乐于learning, happy to show. Teaching focus: Teaching Difficulties: Modification Suggestions: Teaching Xin Preparation: One Modification Suggestion: First Class Time: 一、我的Found. 1、 Discovering literacy methods, exciting and interesting literacy, students read each g roup of words repeatedly by themselves, and talk about these. What did you find in the group of characters? Give it a name, and then the group distinguishes each group of the two characters, and then the group uses different lines to familiarize the words.

2、 Show the new words for students to recognize. Teaching process 3、识字游戏 "Chinese character mom finds a doll" six students hold six characters such as "jiao" in their hands, and six students hold six characters such as "jiao" in their hands when they are Chinese character mothers, and six students hold six characters such as "交" in their hands when Chinese character dolls, "mother" Raise the word first and say: "I am the mother of Jiaozi, where is my doll?" "Wah" raised the word and said: "I am a doll in the teaching process. I went to the overpass with my friend." 4、Find Chinese characters Specially write, with words with the same radicals. There are four Chinese character families who invite us to visit. Everyone, please see which four are. After reading, can you name the four according to the characteristics of each group of Chinese characters? Show the words, students recognize and discuss, and classify according to the radical rules. The house is too big and there are too few dolls. Can you add more dolls to their house? Which group adds more. Students learn to write and report to each other. The second lesson: Reading words and expressions every day 1、, read it a few times by yourself, read it to your friends, reciprocate each other, and name it as a teacher to take the reading. 2、 recite nursery rhymes. A. Create a situational introduction. It is autumn now. Autumn is a harvest and season. Let us walk into the autumn field orchard with beautiful music. B. Guide students to look at the pictures and imagine the orchard and vegetable garden in autumn, and let the students talk about their feelings. C. Please read this nursery rhyme with a good feeling! D. Group competition reading, single performance reading, competition recitation reading. 二、口语交交1、Talk import, create a situation. Classmates, during this period of time we have been making friends with autumn every day. We have accumulated beautiful words about autumn, read beautiful poems of autumn aloud, and also looked for autumn and painted autumn. Do you want to have an autumn trip? ? Today we will set up several travel agencies and make a plan for each of our autumn outings. A group is a travel agency. We will choose which one makes a good plan. We will comment on which one is the most correct travel agency and give it to ourselves first. Name your travel agency! 2、Select scenic spots.

A. Group discussion: The first step should be to decide where to go and what to do? Each group took out their own information, and first talked about their own suggestions, and then everyone discussed where to go and what activities they could carry out. Finally, a representative was selected to speak. The teacher in-depth group guidance, paying attention to the students’ language expression and Talking attitude. B. The whole class exchanges. Representatives of each group came to the stage to talk about the idea of ​​this group: Discuss the pre-travel test instructions. 3、From the arrangement, location, and route of the autumn tour, each travel agency really crosses the sea with eight immortals and shows their magical powers, but before the autumn tour starts, What should you also remind passengers to prepare? Let’s compare which travel agency thinks most thoughtfully for the tourists, and can write what you can write. Students discuss preparations for autumn trips, and teachers go deep into each group to discuss and remind the main points. Using tourists to ask questions and tour guides to answer, talk about preparations for the autumn tour from five aspects: clothing, food, housing, transportation, and knowledge. 4、Summary: Through research and discussion, all travel agencies have made suggestions for our autumn outing activities and come up with a good plan. Next, we will choose a plan and go to the autumn outing happily. We decided to give the other plans to the first-grade children for their reference in arranging autumn outings.
