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2021-09-02 10:01 网络整理 教案网

Last year x month, I served as the language teaching work for _level_ class, and from this year x until now, I have served as the language teaching for the two experimental classes of this level _ and _. For a teacher, it is undoubtedly essential to strengthen his professional level and improve the quality of Chinese teaching. With the passage of time and the increase in the number of days of my language teaching, I feel more and more lack of knowledge and experience. Faced with those longing eyes under the podium, I feel a great responsibility every time I go to class. In order to enrich myself as soon as possible and make a qualitative leap in my Chinese teaching level, I have strengthened myself from the following aspects.

First of all, it is from Chinese teaching theory and Chinese teaching knowledge. I not only subscribed to three or four middle school Chinese and Chinese teaching magazines for Chinese teaching reference, but also borrowed a large number of books on middle school Chinese and Chinese teaching theories and Chinese teaching methods. Use the strengths of all families for your own use. While letting advanced theories guide my own Chinese teaching practice, I also verify and develop this theory in Chinese teaching practice again and again.

The second is from the experience of Chinese teaching. Because of my lack of experience in Chinese teaching, sometimes I encounter problems of one kind or another in the process of Chinese teaching and I don't know how to deal with them. Therefore, I humbly learn from the old teachers and strive to add some valuable Chinese teaching experience from them as soon as possible.

#378313 The work summary 5 of Chinese teaching in the sixth grade of primary school


Looking back on 20_, this year has been a particularly hard year in my work_, and it is also a year of fruitful work results.

Thanks to all my colleagues for supporting and helping me, leaders at all levels for helping me and guiding me, allowing me to continue to work in the position of teaching, research and management, which gave me temper and improve my stage; I am also grateful for myself He has the tireless passion for teaching and educating people, and has the inexhaustible motivation to continue reading and learning.

I abide by the professional principles of "Teacher by morality and high school, and be a good example". Taking school as home, fulfilling his duties, carrying heavy burdens bravely, running at full capacity over workload, and often forgetting to sleep and eat for work. Loving students and adhering to the principle of "moral education first, education for people", not only persists in the penetration of moral education in the classroom, but also pays attention to comprehensive care for students in terms of ideology, life, and learning, and is highly respected and respected by students in the evaluation of teaching by students. Welcome, he was named "Excellent Individual of Teacher Ethics" and "Advanced Worker" at the end of the year.

Following the work principle of "practising as a learner and teaching as a thinker", he practiced his internal skills in the process of diligent study and continuous cultivation, and constantly surpassed himself in teaching. Subscribe to 5 kinds of professional magazines, purchase more than 40 business books throughout the year, and study with great concentration; carefully choose 15 kinds of excellent high school third language teaching materials, eclectic, and use the macro. Was rated as "One Hundred Reading Activists" in Liuyang City. It is under this background of reading that I am based on practicing the new concepts of curriculum reform, tracking and grasping the new trends of college entrance examination reform, and pursuing the personality of "using teaching staff instead of being limited to teaching staff" in teaching design. Chemical processing, always carefully select materials and prepare lessons under the premise of extensive possession of materials, forming a Chinese classroom teaching feature of "horizontal expansion, shallow entry and deep learning, equal emphasis on knowledge and ability, and stimulating thinking and enlightening wisdom". The Chinese lessons taught are deeply loved by students. The students' language literacy has a visible and sensible development, and the teaching effect is good. Actively devoted himself to the reform of teaching, research and teaching, and offered open teaching and research open classes and demonstration classes to colleagues inside and outside the school for many times. The open classes taught were well received by Liling No. 2 Middle School and Liuyang No. 1 Middle School. Selected and transferred by the Municipal Education Supervision Office and the Municipal Educational Department, accompanied the teaching and research staff to the sixth middle school and the first middle school to participate in the third-year teaching research and evaluation, and commented on the open class in the city's third-year Chinese teaching seminar.

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