(2)指名学生朗诵。(3)分成四组,选择自己喜欢的朗诵方式。(4)集体朗诵古诗词。五、指导写作。1.重点说明) (1)“燕”,“十”是燕子的头,“嘴”是燕子的身子,“嘴”左右两边形成的“北”是燕子的翅膀,“灬”就是燕尾。(经过这样的处理,同学们会记住的很快,不容易出错。)(2)“融、鸳、鸯”这种字笔画很多,一层一层积累,字形大,书写时笔画要轻细,注意笔画之间的笔画,力争占位,避免浓密松散,左紧上松右,上紧右松,内紧外松,密而不挤。)不要离开。2.学生练习写作,教师检查,个人所有的指导。 六、课外延伸,注重积累。 1. 你还收集了哪些与春天有关的故事?回到学生。 2.多么迷人的春天,你也可以做个小诗人小作家,说几句赞美春天的诗句。 3.拓展阅读:刘勇(唐)何志章碧玉造高树,万千青丝垂垂。我不知道是谁剪下了细叶。二月春风似剪刀。春晓(唐)孟浩然不知春晓,处处鸟鸣。夜风风雨声,花儿知多少?春天正在发生。随风潜入夜,默默滋润万物。独江岸寻花(唐)杜甫黄石塔东江前,春懒倚风。
桃花丛生,可爱绯红,爱浅红色?江南春(唐代)杜牧,千里映,青红,水乡,山国九旗风。南朝四百八十座庙宇中,有多少建筑在雾霭中。 一、Story 在第二课教学过程中导入。 1. 讲个故事。苏轼和惠冲都是宋代名人。惠崇能善诗画,为宋初九位名僧之一。苏轼是宋代著名作家,还擅长绘制最新版小学三年级语文教案(全卷)人文教育版和书法。两人志同道合,经常一起交换意见。 (黑板:惠冲、苏轼、宋)(识字指南:惠冲)有一天,苏轼去惠冲的住处,看见门开了,走了进来。此时,惠冲正专心画画苏轼静静地站在后面看着。只见慧冲在宣纸上轻轻画了几笔翠绿的竹子、粉红的桃花、郁郁葱葱的青蒿、初生的芦笋和几只在水中嬉戏的鸭子。 “太棒了!太棒了!画得真好!”苏轼忍不住赞叹。惠冲回过头看了一眼,发现苏轼站在他身后。他指了指刚完成的画,谦虚地说:“如果能再题一首诗就更好了。”苏轼想了想,开始作画。空白处写着:“竹外三两桃花,春江水管鸭先知。山艾布满短芦芽,是河豚快要走的时候。”诗!”这样,好画配好诗,好诗写好图,诗中有图,图中有诗,这才是好故事。
2. 导入。惠冲画的画叫《春江夜景》,这幅画上刻有苏轼的诗,故名《惠冲《春江夜景》》。 (黑板:《春江夜景》)今天我们来学习这首诗。 (幻灯片展示全诗)二、先读古诗,读对,读得顺。 1.读拼音,写字,1.学生自由朗读诗歌。并用你自己的话写下来。要求:根据拼音准确读出发音。所写字的意思。 2. 报告和阅读。 huì ch óng 要求:声音洪亮清晰,读音正确。 () 春江夜景 3.识字教学。竹外三两枝桃花,(1)(幻灯片中所示)艾草先知,河豚,春江水管鸭。(2)猜字义,小识字法。l óu h āo l ú y á 4. 识字。()全处()短,最新版教育部版小学三年级第二卷语文教案(全卷)(1)蒌橘:草名,有青蒿、青蒿等《诗经》《悠游鹿鸣》,hé t ún 野菜的青蒿。芦苇,可食。(1)(3)鲶鱼:鱼的一种,学名鲀)”,肉质鲜美,但卵巢和肝脏有剧毒。产于中国沿海还有一些内河。每年春天,它都会逆江而上,(2)在淡水中产卵。江阴有“拼命吃河豚”的典故。(4)上:意思是逆江而上.( 3)5.指示阅读节奏。
惠冲春江夜景(四)宋代:苏氏竹外/桃花/三二枝,春江/水暖/鸭子/先知。青蒿/满地/芦芽短,正是/河豚/欲望/上石。 6. 原声背诵。引导学生阅读诗歌的魅力。 (书百遍有义,诗百读有义。)三、再读古诗,探诗。 2.阅读《惠崇春江晚1.请按照自己喜欢的方式再读一遍,边读边想,边看风景》人教版小学语文三年级下册表格式教案,完成填空,了解你所知道的。如果我不明白该怎么办? (看笔记,问同学,问老习。老师……)从诗中我们能看出这是一首描写春天的诗吗?这首诗的作者(春江水暖鸭先知)是()《诗中写了哪些春景?唐宋八2.?一共有七个地方,请找出其中一个” (), (1)全班交流,找风景:竹子、桃花、河水、鸭子、艾草,诗中描写回冲吕布、河豚鱼。一个叫()(2)让我们更具体的。例如:绿色竹子的画,画面的风景有全班交流,老师总结:一片竹林,粉红桃花,三两枝动静,桃花静花开,微波荡漾泉水,成群的鸭子,戏水的鸭子,繁花似锦 有(),(), 一株苍翠, 满地苍翠, 短芦芽, 新芦芽, (), (),和河豚逆流而上。(),动人3.低吟古诗词,想象诗中的美景。 ,诗句所描绘的图画为(),最新版小学三年级语文教学计划第二版(全卷)。
(),作为诗人,我们已经从苏轼的诗中体会到了春天的美好。如果我们能感受这些风景的美,拿出冲画所绘的《春江曙光》,就再好不过了!可惜,()在此,可见距宋代已一千多年,此画早已失传。后人只能根据诗人苏轼的诗作,再加上自己的理解和想象。我们只能借用课本中的插图来思考。 (展示插图)想想感受。春天,诗人想到河豚逆流而上产卵。诗人巧妙地将所见与所想结合起来。这首诗美吗?一幅美丽的画,一首美丽的诗。充满诗情画意,如诗如画。让我们再一次美妙地阅读这首诗。 (自由阅读、点名阅读、男女生竞赛阅读、一起阅读)4.图文对比欣赏。什么是真实场景? (前三句为实景。)哪些是诗人的想象? (最后一句是想象。) 经验:诗因图而生动,图因诗而传播到今天。这真的是:诗中有图,图中有诗。 四、 归纳学习法。今天,孩子们的学习非常好。在这么短的时间里,他们不仅明白了诗的意思,而且还背诵了古诗。让我们回忆一下我们刚才是如何学习这首诗的。学生答题,教师点评总结,课件展示学习方法: 1.初读感悟。 (读准字音,字形看清楚。) 2.懂诗。 (理解经文的意思,不懂的就问。
) 3. 体验意境。 (想象图片,大声朗读,表演。)4. 反复背诵。 (体验感受。)五、 指导写作。 1. 关键指导。 (1)“短” The left side of the word is short, the left side should be written in the upper middle position when writing, otherwise the center of gravity is not stable. (2)读儿歌记The writing method of the initials: long horizontal and slightly upward Ang, two newest editions of the latest edition of the second grade primary school language teaching plan (full volume) The grass grows up, the left is low, the right is high, the heart is inward, and the hat is steadily worn on the head. 2.学生写会writing , Teacher inspections, individual guidance. 六、班总结. 1. After reading this poem, what do you feel from it? Clearly: The author has caught a few peach blossoms, playful ducks, sagebrush, and short pieces on the screen. The short reed sprouts show us a vivid picture of the spring scenery in the south of the Yangtze River. The poet's love and praise for spring are expressed between the lines. 2. "It is the time when the pufferfish is lusting" can be seen from the picture? Clearly: This is the association caused by the author by observing things on the shore and on the water. It is telling people: peach blossoms bloom, spring river plumbing, sagebrush all over the ground, and reeds are on the tip, which is the season for puffer fish to lay eggs and breed. 3. Guiding emotional reading, Recite ancient poems. (1) read aloud against the screen. (2)recite ancient poems, imagine the screen. The third lesson of the teaching process 一、情境import, stimulate interest. 1. Courseware presented. Spring is like a doll that has just landed, from scratch The feet are new, it grows.
Spring is like a little girl, blooming, smiling and walking. Spring is like a strong young man with iron arms and waist and feet. He leads us forward. ("Spring"——Zhu Ziqing) 2. Students read aloud, teacher's summary: This passage is selected from the article "Spring" written by the famous writer Zhu Ziqing's grandfather. The text "Spring" was learned by the teacher in junior high school, and I still remember it. Still new. These few words praised the gratifying scene of the revival of all things, the blooming flowers and the vigor in the spring. In today's class, the teacher and everyone will learn an ancient poem written by a poet in the Song Dynasty, and see what spring day looks like in the eyes and pens of the ancients! (Design intent: Introduced by a set of parallel sentences in Zhu Ziqing's Spring , And implicitly reveals the poems. At the same time, it implies that the students, the texts learned by the teacher in their student days are still fresh in memory, indicating that the paragraphs of the beautiful essays need to be accumulated and memorized for a long time.) 二、初读古诗, questioning and exploring. 1. Read pinyin, write words, 1. read the topic, can you understand the meaning of the topic? (Sanqu Daozhong: On the road to Sanqu and write the state in your own words. Sanqu is Quzhou, now Changshan County, Zhejiang Province. It is named after the three abbreviations in the territory. Qushan is named after it.) sān q ú 2. To understand the meaning of verses, we have learned a lot of methods before, recalling one () the middle and lower ways, what are the good methods méi zi hu áng sh í (1)初读感觉.
(Read the quasi-character sound, see the shape clearly) () Sunny day, (2)understand poetry. (Understand the meaning of the poem, ask questions) f àn qu è (3)体会意境. (画画, Reading aloud, performing) Xiaoxi () Ending () Mountain Walk. (4)recited. l ǜ y īn 3. Please use this method to learn ancient poems by yourself. () Without reducing the time and path, 4. Check Self-study , Understand the poems. The students report that they have learned the words or which huáng l í lines of poems. Tim () four or five tones. (1)梅子黄时日日晴 (1) ①梅子黄时: refers to May, Meizi) Mature season. ②Yellow plums are sunny every day: When the plums are yellow, every day is sunny and peaceful. (2) Good weather. ③The first sentence indicates the time of the trip. (3) (Huang Meitian), it is rare to have such a "sunny day" good weather, so the poet's mood is naturally refreshed, and the tour becomes stronger. (4) (2)小溪泛尽就是山行①