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教案格式 体育 关于范文集锦六篇光阴的迅速,一眨眼就过去了!(2)

2021-08-19 14:01 网络整理 教案网





重点与难点跳跃教材单蹲跳远1、学习助跑技术,重心高,节奏快,助跑快,蹬踏准确2、强跳,臀、膝、脚踝快踢强力伸展3、在空中时,双腿弯曲,膝盖抬高,像深蹲一样下蹲,抬头,挺胸,双臂伸展以保持平衡4、落地时,弯曲膝盖缓冲,积极双臂向后压,伸展小腿,同时双脚着地。前倾5、完整动作,从跑到跳,由近到远,步点准确,根据学员具体情况提升整体表现1、固定第一步距离,最后一步要略变小,速度逐渐加快,自测助跑距离2、起跳时三个关节完全伸直,用足底主动搓板,快速过渡到前掌3、起跳时,双腿尽量靠近胸部,有一定的起跳高度,身体平衡4、小腿主动伸向空中,双臂向后压,重心前倾,双脚着地同时5、快速助跑结合起跳是关键,培养学生勇敢果断的素质跑步教材单蹲起跑1、熟悉起跑密码,学会起跑动作2、完成起跑根据密码操作,起始重心的变化,手臂运动和脚的变化1、重点学习起始动作,按顺序检查动作2、身体各部位的正确姿势和反应 灵敏,快速-运动曲线跑 学习曲线跑技术,感受曲线跑中身体重心的变化,手臂运动和脚的变化在曲线跑中,身体向内倾斜,幅度右臂比左臂大,左脚外侧和右脚内侧着陆
















教案格式 体育_体育表格式教案_小班体育教案教案


体育和医疗保健是所有年级的义务教育必修课。是学习运动保健基本知识、基本技术和技能,练习体育锻炼的课程。开展素质教育,首先要把体育放在首位,从小抓起,打好基础。 It changed the original teaching mode, established that the main practice is to develop the basic activities of the human body, and pay attention to the entertainment and interest of teaching. It is divided into three parts, namely: 一、体育 Basic Common Knowledge二、Basic Activities三、游戏. For the action essentials, teaching methods and methods of the teaching content, and how to combine the specific conditions of the students, select and determine the teaching content, and select the teaching content according to the students' physical and mental development, age, gender and other characteristics. 一、The second grade class has four physical education classes per week. There are about 80 class hours in this semester.

四、teaching difficulties

1、Develop the correct posture for sitting, standing, walking, and walking.

2、Queue and formation practice.

3、小学生 broadcast gymnastics.

4、Various running, jumping, and throwing exercises.


五、teaching measures

According to the learning characteristics of 一、second grade students, the teaching process is carried out in a small group with a small group as a unit to assist and cooperate in learning. The teaching content is based on the teaching content of game lessons that meet the students' interests.

1、 It is necessary to understand and analyze the learning information of students in time.

2、 Create a sports environment that matches the age characteristics of students and is conducive to student learning.

3、 adopts child-oriented, interesting and diversified teaching methods and methods according to the age characteristics of students to give full play to the functional role of games and competitions, allowing students to practice in independent games, and fully embody the students' dominant status.

4、 constantly changes the practice method according to the actual situation of the students. For example, the distance of practice is increased and shortened, the placement of equipment, the form of grouping, etc. are changed to continuously stimulate students' interest in practice.

The above is my main work plan for this semester. I will continue to work hard to do my job well and make greater progress!

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1.About physical education teaching plan sample essay

2.Five collections of model essays on the physical education teaching plan

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7.Five collections of sports teaching plans

8.A collection of 10 sports model essays about the semester teaching plan
