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读书笔记:PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit_2导学案.doc 4页

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Unit 2 Where is the science museum? 第一课时导学案温馨寄语: Many hands make light work.( 众人拾柴火焰高).学习目标:听懂、会说、正确读写短语:hospital, cinema, post office, bookstore , science museum。 本节学习重难点 自主学习(Self-learning)正确翻译他们的德语意思hospital cinema post office bookstore science museum 2.你可用英文写成以下的语句吗? 1 打扰了,请问图书馆在那里? 2 它与邮局相邻。课堂检测 Test 一, 选择适合的词组补全单词 只填序号 。 me. ⑵ You are . 3 It’s the post office.⑷ is the library?Unit 2 Where is the science museum?第二课时导学案温馨寄语: It never rains but it pours. (不鸣则已,一鸣惊人).学习目标:能听懂、会说、流利读、正确书写四会句子.课堂检测 Test 一.选择正确的答案:1,当你有事要打扰他人时,用:____________A.Hello! B.Excuse me ! C.Sorry!2.next to the cinema意思是____________A.与电影院相邻 B.下一个电影院 C.下一个到电影院3.你可用英文写成以下的语句吗?它离这里远吗? 不,它不远.二.按规定完成句子;1.Is there a cinema near here? 肯定回答 ________,_________ 2.The school is next to the hospital. 对划线部分提问 ________ the _________, please?3.Thank you . 答语 _________ _________ ________.4.It is next to the hospital. 变一般疑问句 _____________________________________________Unit 2第三课时导学案温馨寄语: Every man has his price. (天生我才必有用).自主学习(Self-learning)选词填空 to ,by,after,at,on 1.What are you going to do school ?2.Where is the shoe store It’s next the hospital .3.You can go the NO. 301 bus.4.Get off the cinema .5.The hospital is the left .课堂检测 Test 一.写出以下句子的英语含义:after school a pair of shoes next to get to get off on the left 二.句型转换:(1)The shoe store is next to the hospital. 对划线部分提问 the shoe store 2 I can go by theNO.2 bus . 对划线部分回答 can you go?Unit 2第四课时导学案 温馨寄语:A young idler,an old beggar. (少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲).学习目标(Learning aims)听懂、会说、正确读写单词和词汇:turn left turn right turn right north south west east 本节学习重难点 自主学习:读出下面的短语,翻译他们的英语含义turn left turn right turn right north south west east 课堂检测 Test 1、选词填空: go turn the for to ___left on ___right ___straight ___five minutes2、按要求改娈句式:(1)The cinema is near the bus stop . 对画线部分提问 _________ __________ the cinema? 2 ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ the museum? 补全问句 Take the NO.215 bus and get off at the museum.Unit 2第五课时导学案温馨寄语:Every little helps. (积少成多).学习目标:能听懂、会说、流利读、正确书写四会句子合作研究 Group work :你可用英文写成以下的语句吗?在电影院左转,然后直跑。

它就在上面.课堂检测 Test 连词成句。east It’s the of cinemaat,the ,turn, hospital ,left二.排序 Thank you. Turn left at the cinema . Excuse me . And then It’s east of the cinema . Then go straight. It’s on the left. Where is the post office?Unit 2第六课时导学案温馨寄语:Practice makes perfect. (熟能生巧).学习目标(Learning aims):能够听懂Let’s read部分,并无法判定短文后的语句是否恰当2014新pep六年级上册英语第二单元导学案表格式,完成相应的活动。 重难点 巩固延伸 : Invitation CardDear_________ Please come to my birthday party at 6 p.m. on __________ ,now let me tell you how to come . 1.Start from the bus stop ____ ________ ____ our school. 2.Take the No._____ bus. 3.Get off at____________________. 4.Walk ________for _________minutes. 5.Find the _________building on the _________. 6.Look for me near the door.Yours_______课堂检测 Test :连词成句2014新pep六年级上册英语第二单元导学案表格式,注意标点及大小写。

1 coming , for, you , thank , all 2 you , birthday , to , happy 3 off , at , office , post ,get , the 4 east , walk ,three , minutes ,for, 5 let , you , tell , me , now ,come , to , howA. welcome B. near C. Excuse D. Where