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2020-01-19 19:01 网络整理 教案网

结果交链学生兴趣更浓,教学目标也完成得很高。 反思,为我的英语课堂注入了魅力,适应新课程变革的应遣欢系姆此迹梦未Щ嵊眯碌睦砟钪傅甲约旱慕萄导诮萄е 不断形成腐的教学方式;一断的反省,让我敢于质疑自己, 突破自我,学习研究蹦长处,在观念上找差距,在教法上找差 异;也正姨学思考,让我懂得了思考厩某肝的特殊任 硒是贯穿于整抚生涯,小到一节课出来可以思考,椿 届学员结业可以思考。 反思激活了学生的课堂智慧,使我可不断探四内容的全新表达 方式,体会创造的愉悦。【篇三:尝语语法教学设计及思考】my new neighbor 词汇教学实例及思考 [设计模式] 新课程标准提倡英语课堂的目的是培养教师利用语言进行交际的可 力,为用而学。在设计本节课时的教学学习任维我把重点放到 了创设情境、提高教师的英语表达上,让教师愿听,愿说、多说, 善说。 [教材分文?槭揭 my new neighbor 为题目,呈现一篇“我”及新来的“邻居” 如何了解且作为好拍文章。这是一篇篇幅较长的阅读文章。除了掌握相应语法、理解该文船学生必须学习一种新的词汇—一 般过去时。 [教学目标] 1、 掌握下面词汇的基本意义以及在语义中的应用:lonely, fold ,basket, fill, attach, neighbor 2 掌握名词由原型变为过去式的规辕。

3、培养教师的口头表达能力、阅读理解素养。 下面我珠绍一下词汇教学部分的教学过程 step 1 词汇呈现 t:i live in a big house .but i have no brother or sister, i usually stay at home by myself. i feel lonely(show a sad face) 1 can you guess what the word lonely mean? (show the word on the screen) s: students use their imagination and express themselves freely. t: but now i am not lonely again, because i have a new friend, she is my neighbor. she lives in the next-door house, she is happy and we go to the same school every day. can you guess neighbor mean? can you tell us who your neighbor is? t:show the students a basketball. ask a student to read it ,write the word basketball on the blackboard. we all know yao ming plays basketball very well. then teacher covers the part ball .can you guess the word basket mean? s:yes.[ 1、学生早就对 basketball 耳熟能详,办理还有几竌 迷,利用学生的心理跟想箱,掸生的学习兴趣,很快 就掌握了这甘。

t: (show a big piece of hard paper)ok!i will show you a basket.i will make a basket with the paper. look! i am folding the paper like this; then fold it like this,(fold the paper slowly ,write the word fold on the blackboard, and pronounce the word clearly) 2 good! i folded a paper basket! can you fold a basket as i did after class? s: yes.t: now ,i will fill the basket with a flower.(write fill on the blackboard) what can you fill a basket with?(ask the student to say a whole sentence i can fill the basket with a pen, a sharpener??) can you guess the word filll mean? s: besides the basket, we can fill the box, the bag, the bottle ??with candy, water, milk ?? t:now the basket is filled, it is mine. so i will attach a card with my name in the basket,( write a small card and attach it in the basket) i have attached a card here.(show the students how to attach) can you guess the word mean? step 2 read all the new word again then ask student to check the new word in groups. step 3: now open your books ,let’s read the article___my new neighbor,pay attention the use of the new words。

(词汇学习环节结束) 词汇教学部分的反省: 通过学习尝语语法教学方法与方法,我深深的觉得英语单词教 学方式的灵活性,其实我们都明白锄阅读素养、自学能力、语 言的借助能力与词汇量的葱着侥联系,词汇量越此用 英语的素养就越强。学习英语不把握 3 足够次数的词汇,就不可能具备英语交际能力,就谈不上把握英语。 而我在以前的课堂中,单词的教学一直采取单一的教学方法,以教 师讲解单词学生记背单词为知曲全部背写下所学到的短语。 这种单一、被动的教与学使教师感到枯燥无味,加重了学生的负担, 造成董环。平时讲解生词的拼写、尧词性和搭配等,对于 单词的文化背景仍提的极少,锯些不重要,多讲浪费了上课的 时间。在以禾学中,我应按照课标要窃于重点词汇,让学 生掌握发沂义的同时,还必须掌握其用法汕转义、比雍统S玫拇钆洌话衙恳桓史旁谝桓璧那榫持谐氏殖S 交际的观念、形式去组织词汇教学。多讲解一些文化习俗的常识, 创设情境,来开阔学员的视域,教学中合理融入自己的情感,选用 一些学生感兴趣的素材、联系学生的实际生活使学生在轻松环境中 学习、练习词汇,尽量使学生都动片参与进来,让学生在活动 中把握单词的用法。 4