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2020-01-03 09:01 网络整理 教案网


小学英文《Unit 6 My e-friend Sound Time》教案

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students can master the pronunciation of the letter “w”.

Ability aim:


Students can understand the word and can speak the sentence using the preposition properly.

Emotional aim:

Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and they will be fond of taking part in kinds of class activities.

Teaching Key & Difficult Points

The key point of this lesson is to get students to know how to pronounce the words correctly and understand the meaning of the sentences.

The difficult point is to improve student’s speaking and listening ability.


Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up

Review a chant with students: “Red is the color for the tomato; yellow is the color for the banana; blue is the color for the sky and sea; green is the color for the leaves on the tree.”

Step 2: Presentation

Students will listen to the tape and answer the question “what is your favourite season?”

Teacher will play the tape again and students will imitate it. Then teacher will write the words with “w” on the blackboard such as watch, water, week, winter and pronounce these words together with students. After pronouncing, the students will find the rules of pronunciation of ‘w’ and the teacher will encourage them to find more other words with ‘w’.


Step 3: Practice

1. Students read “w” in different ways. For example: read it one by one; loud voices and quiet voice and so on.

2. Play a game. Remove a word from the former words, and ask students: “Please guess what is missing?”

Step 4: Production

Students will read the example sentences in the textbook, and then try to use the rest of words to make complete sentences freely.

Teachers would invite some of them to share their sentences with others.


Step 5: Summary & Homework

Students will act as an assistant teacher to conclude what they have learned this class. And then the teacher will make a summary together.

After the class, students can listen to the tape again and share the words with their parents.

Blackboard design

以上为小学英语《Unit 6 My e-friend Sound Time》教案,希望对大家考生有所帮助。