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6、Junior middle school art teacher teaching work plan sample essay

Basic situation analysis

一、Student status analysis:

As freshmen who have just entered the new learning environment, although they have gone through a semester of study and school life, they were not quite used to the new learning environment at that time. Because they are first-year students, they are highly motivated to learn art and have a good initiative to actively participate in activities. However, the students are young and have little knowledge, so the students have a narrow field of vision, and their understanding of art is far from enough. The consciousness is shallow and there is no systematic knowledge structure.

二、Analysis of teaching content:

A 16-hour course is planned for this semester. Based on facing all students and starting from quality education, cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability; emphasize interesting art learning, design content close to students' life experience, and strengthen students' interest in art learning; on the basis of inheriting art traditions It fully reflects the recent progress and development of society and multiculturalism, and highlights the sense of the times and local characteristics. In terms of structure, the unit is divided into units in the form of art language, and the difference between different courses is diluted. On the basis of imparting the prescribed basic knowledge and basic skills, the teaching requirements of aesthetics and affection are always run through, taking into account the development of students' individuality and The acquisition of knowledge and skills requires two aspects.

三、Key points and difficulties in the textbook:

The key content involves the content of painting creation and design, including painting skills such as landscape sketching, color knowledge and application of painting, and design knowledge such as signs, posters, invitations, and visual communication.

For the focus of the teaching material, the difficulty lies in cultivating students' various skills and abilities, such as students' painting skills, students' observation skills, students' independent learning ability, and ultimately achieve independent appreciation and independent creation.


(1), Cognitive goals: to recognize and understand Western painting art, broaden students' horizons, understand the basic proportions of the human body; further study color knowledge and composition knowledge.

(2)、Intellectual ability goal: to cultivate students' painting skills and basic modeling ability; to cultivate students' design thinking ability.

(3), Ideological and Moral Goals: By learning color, composition, production and other knowledge, students can broaden their minds, observe things in life with an aesthetic vision, and develop a love for nature.

Main work and measures

1、Conscientiously study the advanced concepts of curriculum reform, examine the new curriculum from a new perspective, and enter the new curriculum.

2、I carefully analyze the writing characteristics and system of junior high school art textbooks to understand the quality of students' original knowledge and skills

3、Carefully prepare lessons, attend classes, listen to lessons, evaluate lessons, correct and comment on homework in a timely manner.

4、Do a good job of after-school tutoring, extensively dabble in various knowledge, and form a relatively complete knowledge structure.

5、Strictly require students, respect students, and promote teaching democracy, so that students can learn and improve continuously.

Teaching Plan Teachers' Selected Sample Essays for Junior High School Lessons This article has a total of 27019 words.


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