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1.小学一年级语文上册识字的原则及注意事项(二) (2)

2022-08-21 21:00 网络整理 教案网





有些学生对写作的兴趣只是暂时的,缺乏毅力;有些学生的兴趣只停留在期待和向往的状态,无法让自己积极努力去满足自己的兴趣,成为无效的兴趣。 “字如人”,规范、利落、优美的文字是人的第二个形象。


其次,随着信息化进程的加快,写作的教育功能被削弱了。 (二)课题研究意义:汉字是中华民族独有的,也是世界独一无二的。重视写作的教学,无疑会让学生热爱祖国的语言,培养他们的爱国情怀。


可见,做好写作教学,对实施素质教育大有裨益。学科名称的定义及释义 该学科是研究学生写作兴趣的培养,提高写作能力的学科。这项研究将贯穿小学整个年级,从低年级的基本笔画到中年级的笔字和高年级的毛笔字。学生在开始阶段他们对写作有强烈的兴趣,但随着写作学习负担的增加,孩子对写作的兴趣逐渐减弱。因此,针对这一问题,在教学中进一步强调“多认少写”的教学原则,使孩子天性活跃,我喜欢写,我喜欢写,我把写当作一种开心的事。





4、虽然孩子可以把书上的单词写到“标准”、“正确”、“干净”,但在写出书中基本生词的基础上,可以提高到写作难度课外的话,以达到课外积累的目的。 (二)项目研究内容:1、不同学年激发学生写作兴趣的方法和途径,以及学生写作心理的研究。

2、研究如何让学生养成正确的写作姿势和良好的写作习惯。 3、研究如何实现小学生写作评价内容的全面性和动态性,将写作姿势、写作习惯和写作技巧三个方面有机地融入到写作教育评价的内容和过程中。


5、开展丰富多彩的写作文化活动。 6、写作教学的创新方法。

根据新课标的要求,要特别注意写作方法和规则的指导,加强写作技巧的训练,培养学生的写作能力。 7、创新的写作教学方法。

要做好各种写作教学方法的整合,做好课堂内外的交流,充分利用学校、家庭和社会的资源,拓宽练字的渠道,拓宽了练字的空间。老师们一起工作。 二、项目研究的事情和方法通过项目研究,可以培养学生的写作兴趣。



2、文献法:收集国内外相关资料,借鉴他人经验指导课堂实践。 3、行动研究法:从写作教学的实践中发现问题,在实践中寻求解决方案。



1、 愿意并能够专注并耐心倾听他人的意见。






1、Create a free and relaxed language communication environment, support, encourage, and attract young children to talk with teachers, peers or others, experience the fun of language, and learn to use appropriate and polite language communication.

2、Cultivate the habit of listening carefully and develop language comprehension skills.

3、Encourage young children to express their thoughts and feelings boldly and clearly, try to explain and describe simple things or processes, and develop language and thinking skills.

4、Introduce children to excellent children's literature, so that they can feel the richness and beauty of language, and help children deepen their experience and understanding of the works through a variety of activities.

5、Foster young children’s interest in simple signs and text symbols that are common in life.

6、Provide a Mandarin language environment to help young children become familiar with, understand and learn to speak Mandarin.

三、Teaching measures

1、Language skills are developed in the process of using them. The key to developing young children’s language is to create an environment where they want to speak, dare to speak, have the opportunity to speak, and get a positive response.

2、The development of children's language is closely related to the development of other aspects such as emotion, experience, thinking, social interaction ability, etc. Therefore, an important way to develop children's language is through education in interpenetrating fields, in the colorful Activities to extend young children's experience, provide special significance for promoting language development.

3、Children's language learning has individual characteristics. The individual communication between teachers and children and the free conversation between children are of special significance to children's language development.

4、Special attention should be paid to children with language impairments, and parents and relevant parties should be closely coordinated to actively help them improve their language skills.

四、According to the specific situation to develop teaching progress and content

8.Small class fun literacy "School Start" lesson plan

Teaching goals: 1、Learn the 5 new words "horse", "ox", "sheep", "little" and "shao", read the pronunciation of the characters, recognize the shape of the characters, understand the meaning of the characters, and be able to write them correctly.

Learn basic strokes, vertical folds and hooks. 2、I initially know that "big, small" and "more and less" are known through comparison.

Class schedule: 2 class hours The first class hour Teaching objectives: To learn the three new words "horse", "ox" and "sheep", read the pronunciation of the characters, recognize the shape of the characters, understand the meaning of the characters, and be able to write them correctly. Learn basic strokes, vertical folds and hooks.