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pneumoperitoneal pressure 的翻

2019-07-16 15:07 网络整理 教案网

气腹 英文_页岩气 英文_气泡水 英文

在这次报告中,聂建云教授将用户查询的理解分为三个层次:词袋模型(bag-of-words)层次,短语、n-元组(n-gram)和词间关系层次,以及用户查询意图层次。答:在使用已经定义好的用户定义函数时,可以在查询或其他语句及表达式中调用用户定义函数,也可用execute 语句执行标量值函数。[homes]:当客户端发起访问共享服务请求时,samba服务器就查询smb.conf文件是否定义了该共享服务,如果没有指定的共享服务

,但smb.conf文件定义了[homes]时气腹 英文,samba服务器会将请求的共享服务名看做是某个用户的用户名,并在本地的password文件中查询该用户,若用户名存在并且密码正确,则samba服务器会将[homes]这个




页岩气 英文_气泡水 英文_气腹 英文

pneumoperitoneal pressure

The cuff's effective sealing pressure is equal to the pneumoperitoneal pressure; hence, hand comfort is maintained during the intervention.

The effect of pneumoperitoneal pressure on tumour dissemination and tumour recurrence at port site remains unclear.

The adrenal fossa is inspected carefully for bleeding under reduced pneumoperitoneal pressure.

页岩气 英文_气腹 英文_气泡水 英文

An accurate pneumoperitoneal pressure is also difficult to reproduce in the experimental models.

Objective To study and to analyse the cause of laparoscopic adrenalectomy failure and its complications. Methods 8 of 19 laparoscopic adrenalectomies were converted to open surgery .The cause of failure and its complications were analysed. Results The causes to convert to open surgery were:bleeding of right middle suprarenal vein in 1,adrenal tumor was sheltered of cauda pancreatis in 1,left adrenal cyst was sheltered by spleen in 1,CO 2 pneumoperitoneal pressure can not be maintained during...

Objective To study and to analyse the cause of laparoscopic adrenalectomy failure and its complications。 Methods 8 of 19 laparoscopic adrenalectomies were converted to open surgery 。The cause of failure and its complications were analysed。 Results The causes to convert to open surgery were:bleeding of right middle suprarenal vein in 1,adrenal tumor was sheltered of cauda pancreatis in 1,left adrenal cyst was sheltered by spleen in 1,CO 2 pneumoperitoneal pressure can not be maintained during the procedure in 2,tumers could not be found in 2,the telescopic port was inserted into musculus psoas major in the retroperitoneal approach and the bleeding influenced the operation field in 1。

气腹 英文_气泡水 英文_页岩气 英文

3 patients had high fever after operations and 1 had an abscess in the adrenal bed。Reactive pleuritis occurred in 1。 Conclusions Fine technique and experiences were needed for laparoscopic procedures and good team work between the operators was very important。Complications were often associated with the initial cause that led to the laparacospic adrenalectomy failure。Laparoscopic adrenalectomy via the retroperitoneal approach has been easier than that via the transperitoneal approach。

目的分析腹腔镜肾上腺手术中转开放手术原因及合并症处理。方法对 19例腹腔镜肾上腺肿瘤切除术中 8例转开放手术的原因及合并症进行分析。结果 8例手术中转开放手术患者包括右肾上腺中静脉出血 1例 ,胰尾遮挡肾上腺肿瘤暴露困难 1例 ,左肾上腺囊肿被副脾遮挡1例 ,手术过程中气腹不满意 2例 ,未找到病灶 2例 ,腹膜后镜手术穿刺时引起腰大肌出血 1例。术后高热 3例 ,其中腹膜后脓肿 1例 ,反应性胸膜炎 1例。结论腹腔镜和腹膜后镜手术需要一定经验和熟练的配合 ,初学者操作易出现合并症 ,导致手术失败。腹膜后镜手术治疗肾上腺疾病更简便

Objective To investigate the influence of different pneumoperitoneal pressure on human hepatic function in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methods Ninety seven patients were randomly divided into low pneumoperitoneal pressure group and high pneumoperitoneal pressure group, the change of hepatic function of both groups after operation was observed. Results The levels of glutamic - oxaloacetic transuminase, glutamic - pyruvic transaminase, total bilirubin, indirect biliiubin of the high pneumoperitoneal...

Objective To investigate the influence of different pneumoperitoneal pressure on human hepatic function in laparoscopic cholecystectomy。 Methods Ninety seven patients were randomly divided into low pneumoperitoneal pressure group and high pneumoperitoneal pressure group, the change of hepatic function of both groups after operation was observed。 Results The levels of glutamic - oxaloacetic transuminase, glutamic - pyruvic transaminase, total bilirubin, indirect biliiubin of the high pneumoperitoneal pressure group increased more significantly than those of the low pneumoperitoneal pressure group, and restored later, but the changes of indocyanine - green test and arterial ketone body ratio of both groups were not very obvious。

气腹 英文_页岩气 英文_气泡水 英文

Conclusions Different pneumoperitoneal pressure produced different influence on hepatic function in patients with normal hepatic function before operation。 The influence on serum transaminase and bilirubin was prominent, but the influence on hepatic reserve function and state of energy metabolism was not so evident。

④注入广定量的空气(人工气扳)以增加腹压,使膈肌上升气腹 英文,间接压迫两肺,减小肺活动帽废,促进肺空洞的愈。 龟.的.颈.部.和.四.肢.伸.缩..运„..动.,.实.际.不.是.压„..迫.肺.组.织..,.而.是.压„..迫.左.右.气..囊,.促.使..中„..央.空.腔.的.支.气..管.进.行.气.体.交.换.。精索静脉曲张的原因 (一)解剖因素: 1.左精索内静脉长,呈直角进入肾静脉,血流受到一定阻力.左肾静脉附近的左精索内静脉无瓣膜,因此血液容易倒流.2.左精索内静脉位于乙状结肠之后,易受肠内粪便的压迫,影响血液回流.(二)生理因素:青壮年性机能较旺盛,阴囊内容物血液供应旺盛.另外,长久站立,增加腹压也是发病困素.(三)其它因素:腹膜后肿瘤、肾肿瘤、肾积水等压迫精索内静脉可引起症状性或继发性精索静脉曲张.原发者平卧时很快消失,继发者常不消失或消失很慢. 根据静脉曲张的程度可将其分为轻、中、重三度.轻度时局部看不到曲张的静脉,触诊亦不明显,因此,常常被忽视.上海长江不孕不育医院的专家指出:精索静脉曲张95%发生于左侧.检查时,让病人站立.可见患侧阴囊明显下垂,皮肤表面有时有弯曲的静脉.阴囊内静脉盘曲成团状,如一袋蛔虫.扪诊时在睾丸以上精索内触及曲张又能压缩的软包块.偶可触及血栓形成的小结节.在睾丸的下后方亦可摸到同样性质的包块.在病人平卧后,包块很快消失.若平卧后不能消失,应考虑为继发性.需进行相应的检查.在病人平卧后,包块很快消失.若平卧后不能消失,应考虑为继发性.需进行相应的检查.关于精索静脉曲张早期症状,专家介绍说:症状性精索静脉曲张可有肾脏肿瘤、肾积水等原发病史。