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Chapter 1 DNA extraction


1.Experimental Principles

after the stacking gel had set, the combs were removed and the wells formed were washed out with tank buffer (purchased as a 10x stock of tris/glycine/sds buffer from national diagnostics). the gel was then placed into the electrophoresis apparatus, which was then filled with tank buffer.。only 0.01% of naturally occurring hydrogen atoms are made up of a nucleus containing 1 proton and 1 neutron and 1 valence electron (the deuterium atom), so losing the electron results in a nucleus containing 1 proton and 1 neutron (the deuteron ion).。9. wang fang, chuan-xi zhang★, v shyam kumar and wu xiang-fu 2005 chitinase gene deletion from bmnpv influences cell lysis and host liquefaction. archives of virology酚氯仿法提取dna的步骤,150(5):981-990。

SDS, a detergent is added to the buffer to break open the cell membranes; it also helps remove proteins and lipids in the cell. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), a chelator to remove metal ions in solution to preven DNase from cutting up the DNA. RNase is also present in the buffer at this step, to break up the RNA present in the cells.


2)Remove protein

Proteinase K, it remains active at elevated temperatures, so the solution can be heated to about 55 °C to aid protein inactivation and removal by the detergent.

3)Extract DNA from buffer

Once the cells are broken open and the RNA, proteins, and lipids have been dissolved in the buffer, the DNA must be separated from these materials.

the filtrate was acidified with glacial acetic acid to ph 5 and extracted with ethyl acetate (2 x 250ml), washed combined extracts with saturated sodium chloride, dried over sodium sulfate (anh。 reaction products were extracted from the mixture first by extraction of the organic layer with dilute hydrochloric acid and, after making the pooled aqueous layer slightly alkaline, back extracted with chloroform。may 14, 2014-lavender essential oil, as the term suggests, is extracted from lavender flowers raw materials production a kind of essential oils, it have very good curative effect for a variety of skin problems, especially in narrow leaf lavender, lavender essential oil extracted by the effect...。


4)DNA precipitation

The ethanol can precipitate DNA from water phase

2.Materials and Solutions

All reagents are precooled or kept at 4°C before use.

1)Proteinase K


2)Phenol saturated with TE (pH 8.0)


4)Isoamyl alcohol

5)RNase stock (30 mg/ml, Catalog No.R4642-10MG, Sigma )

6)10% SDS


7)0.5 mol/L EDTA, PH=8.0

8) 1 mol/L Tris-HCl, PH=8.0

9) 1 mol/L NaCl

m、1 500mm×1 100mm、1 500 mm×1 000 mm、1 400 mm×1 200 mm、1 300mm×1 000 mm、l 200 mm×1 000 mm、1 200 mm×800mm、l 200 mm×1 100 mm、1 100 mm×l 000 mm、1 100mm×1 100 mm、1 100 mm×900 mm、l 000 mm×1 000mm、l 000 mm×800 mm、l 200 mm×l 200 mm、l 300mm×l 600mm、l 300mm×l 100mm等几十种规格。 all measurements were done in an electrolyte solution containing 154 mm sodium chloride, 10 mm n-(2-hydroxyethyl)-piperazine-n'-(2-ethanesulfonic acid) (hepes), 100 mm potassium-ferrocyanide and 100 mm potassiumferricyanide, buffered to a ph-value of 7。 ph 7.0、1 mm edta、载体dna/rna (1 mg/ml)、探针(20 - 200 ng/ml)、5x denhardt&rsquo。

8.0), 0.5% SDS, 50 μg/ml RNase)