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2022-01-02 00:07 网络整理 教案网















其次,注重发展思路。叶圣陶曾说:“想着心,感受着感觉,然后写作。”作为一项创造性的脑力劳动,完成一项作业必须经历从思考到表达的过程。想得好就是写得好。前提。据此,吴老师在课堂上努力引导学生“写”: 1.首先让学生回忆过去“有趣”的事情,引发练习的兴奋,让学生做梦一起;然后通过片段的引导,学生之间相互交流,相互触发,通过“温馨提示”激发学生具体想写的情节。 2.利用多媒体播放歌曲让学生欣赏,引导写景写人的顺序,让学生的思念、放手的念头一步步展开。




教了“尊严”一课。这篇文字讲述了美国石油大王哈默年轻时以言行捍卫个人尊严,赢得他人尊重,从而改变自己命运的故事。本课文的教学以学生自读和小组合作交流为主,再加上老师的巧妙引导,学生们对课文有了很好的理解,体会到了年轻人的自尊心,感受到了“自尊自强”。 .


After finishing the text, I asked my classmates to list the true stories about dignity in our school and our city. After listening to the classmates, they were very moved. Finally, I asked the students to exchange the famous sayings about dignity they found, which enriched the resources of this class and enriched the students' experience of dignity. Such a class is not only teaching materials, but teaching materials. Based on a text, it will lead students to the wider language world, let students read more articles, read more, and open up in communication. Vision, enhance accumulation.

Reflection on Chinese Teaching 13

According to the goal of skimming teaching, for the lesson of "Hen", I grasped the main thread of emotional change and found the key sentence: "I always hate hens." "I dare not hate hens anymore. Now.” In response to these two completely different attitudes, I asked questions, which were summarized into two major questions: 1、 Why do you always hate hens? 2、 Then why didn't you dare to hate the hen anymore? According to the question, find and read the relevant sentences, and simply read them, instead of studying and explaining word by word.

I position the teaching focus of this lesson as: 1、 to guide students to self-study, to experience the changes in Lao She’s feelings towards the hen, and to feel the greatness of maternal love; (first lesson) 2、 and By comparing the characteristics of Lao She's two articles, I can understand the author's language style and strengthen Chinese practice.

In teaching, I strive to create a rich teaching environment, highlight the main status of students, let students enjoy individualized and free development space, and make the classroom full of life and vitality, while not neglecting the training of basic Chinese knowledge and basic abilities , And strive for the harmony and unity of the two.

In teaching, I also grasped the key sentences to understand the author’s feelings towards the hen: I hate it so much that I don’t dare to hate it, and then I cut into the text to grasp the key sentence to learn, and understand that the author hates the hen because of the hen’s moaning, bullying and fear of hardship. Show off desperately. Then, focus on understanding why the author no longer hates hens, and let students find sentences in the text to understand. Finally, solve why you use "Don't dare" so that students can experience it. Because of the hard work, bravery, love and responsibility of the hen, the author admires the hen.

Of course, I found many shortcomings in the teaching. This is a skimming text, but because I think this is good or that is good, I am reluctant to throw away some of it. On the contrary, the class capacity is too large, and the class is too late. . In addition, the pace of my class is relatively slow, and the feedback from students is more repetitive. In ordinary classroom teaching, we should pay attention to training students to be good at expressing different opinions, so there is no need to talk about the same opinions.