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暗呼吸速率 在 生物学 分类中 的翻译结果(2)

2019-04-29 17:20 网络整理 教案网


The results showed that, with decreasing irradiance, all of four species displayed decreasing maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pmax), saturation irradiance, light compensation point, dark respiration rate (Rd), Chl a/b ratios, leaf thickness, stomatal density and lamina mass per area, and increasing spongy/palisade ratio and chlorophyll content.


The ture photosynthetic rate of Phoebe bournei enhanced over 21.7% after treating with 700ppm CO2 for short time, but decreased about 89% after treating with 700ppm CO2 for three months. In comparision with the control, the dark respiration and potorespiration per unit leaf area decreased by 95.6% and 43.7% respectively.


必须指出的是,尽管野外、温室、受控环境下的 实验研究表明 co2 浓度升高可促使光合速率的增大和植物的生长,但并不能肯 定在其它对光合作用具有抑制作用的胁迫因素(例如缺水缺氮)存在的条件下这 种相似的增加能够在全球范围内发生。在一定范围内提高co2的浓度能提高光合作用的速率,co2浓度达到一定值之后光合作用速率不再增加,这是因为光反应的产物有限。在冷害温度下,植物在光合速率明显下降,例如番茄叶片,经16小时1℃冷处理,在大气的二氧化碳水平下,其光合速率下降达67%。

The light saturation points, compensation points and dark respiration rates of T. media cv.Hicksii seedlings go down while the contents of chlorophyll and the ratios of chlorophyll a and b increase along with the weakening of light intensity of the growing environment, but their CO2 compensation points and photorespiration rates go up.

The net photosynthetic rate, dark respiration rate, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxlase (RuBPcase) activity, and chlorophyll content were analyzed.