出现分层现象的化学反应 火灾自动报警系统设计
河南科技大学 毕业设计说明书 (机电一体化工程)地 市:河南省郑州市准考证号:010510102291姓 名:赵苗苗河南省高等教育自学考试火灾自动报警系统设计 摘 要随着我国经济的迅速发展,人民的生活水平不断提高,城市用地日益紧张,促使高层建筑正朝着高层化和密集化方向发展。一套完整的火灾自动报警系统是高层建筑发生火灾时人们生命财产的有力保障。本文介绍一种应用于智能楼宇中的防火报警系统。利用 AT89S52 单片机为主控制器,DS18B20 检测温度,数码管显示温度,实现火灾报警;步进电机作为反应器件,对被保护物品实施保。本文对火灾报警控制器和探测器做了深入的研究,并全面阐述了火灾报警控制器和探测器硬件和软件设计。火灾报警系统的控制器采用 AT89S52 单片机的火灾自动报警系统,它实现了对火灾信息的检测和传送。并剖析我国火灾自动报警系统的应用现状,推测火灾自动报警系统的发展趋势和发展方向,并对其原理及模块设计,系统的功能及其特点进行了详细的解说。 关键词 : AT89S52, ,温度传感器,步进电机, ,火灾自动报警系统Automatic Fire Alarm System ABSTRACT As China's rapid economic development, improve people's living standard, urban landincreasingly tense, to promote high-rise building is moving in the direction of hightechnology and intensive development. A complete automatic fire alarm system is ahigh-rise building fire life and property when it was a strong guarantee. This paper describes a smart buildings usedin thefire alarmsystem. Using AT89S52microcontroller-based controller, DS18B20 testing temperature, digital display of temperature, to achieve fire alarm; stepper motor as the reaction device, the implementation of security on the protected items. In this paper, fire alarm controller and the detector made a thorough study and comprehensive exposition of the fire alarm controller and the detector hardware and software design. Fire alarm system controller AT89S52 microcontroller using automatic fire alarmsystem, it realized the fire detection and delivery of information. And analysis of the application of automatic fire alarm system status, suggesting that the development ofautomatic fire alarm system trends and directions, and the principle and module design, system functions and features a detailed explanation.KEY WORDS: AT 89S52 devices, temperature sensors, stepping motor, automatic fire alarm system目 录 第一章 浅谈火灾自动报警技术的应用现状 ................... 7 第一章 浅谈火灾自动报警技术的应用现状 ................... 7 1.1 适用范围过小 ............................................................................... 7 1.2 智能化程度低 ............................................................................... 7 1.3 网络化程度低 ............................................................................... 7 第二章 浅谈火灾自动报警系统应用技术的发展趋势 ............ 8 2.1 网络化 ............................................................................................ 8 2.2 智能化 ............................................................................................ 8 2.3 火灾探测技术的多样化。