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2021-09-13 10:11 网络整理 教案网

为此,在上午的自学和英语课上,我坚持让学生大声朗读,发现问题及时纠正;我经常进行听写训练,学习词汇和句型,提高学生记忆单词和句型的能力。 四、因材施教,重视学生指导。我每天利用中午和下午的自学时间辅导学生,及时检查疏漏。由于英语的特殊情况,学生在不断学习中会有所差异。差生的扩大会严重影响班级的学习氛围。为此,我制定了具体的计划和目标。对学习成绩不佳的学生进行强化辅导,并对其进行强化训练。正确引导,耐心教导,慢慢提高他们的表现。总体来说,今年的工作取得了一些进步,但还存在很多不足,比如:1、班级整体学习氛围不浓; 2、学生整体基础很差,基本英语能力差;3、部分学生态度不端,学习自主性差,无法独立完成作业; 4、写作能力差,很多学生写不出完整的句子; 5、学生成绩两极分化,还关心一些后进生还不够,高材生的培养还需要加大。今后的努力方向:1、加强对学生单词、句型和课文背诵的考核,引导学生学习英语和做题的一些方法。 2、 加强完形填空、阅读理解和综合填表的训练。 3、 加大英语写作训练的力度,在积累知识的过程中,提高学生综合运用知识的能力。英语教学工作分析、总结与反思 5 本学期,我担任八年级英语教学工作。根据本学期教学工作计划和学生实际情况,目前的教学工作即将结束。现将本学期教学工作总结如下:一、学生学生基本情况:学生英语拼写不规范,学习不积极,对英语兴趣不大,学态度比较被动。

个别学生学习态度比较认真,对英语比较感兴趣,但基础薄弱,听写能力有待加强。 二、采取的措施:1、 在教学中,备课是必不可少的,也是非常重要的环节。要让学生做好准备,就必须要准备好教学方法。课程准备不足或准备不足会严重影响课堂的气氛和积极性。我明白备课的重要性。因此,我每天都花大量时间在备课上,对认真学习教材和教学方法并不满意。不要称之为一天。虽然很辛苦,但事实证明这是值得的。 2、 认真学习体现素质教育目标的新课程理念和学校工作计划,认真研究教材,与同年级教师共同制定本学期教学工作计划,并加强落实、反馈,以及计划实施的总结。 3、在教学过程中教案分析怎么写,注重规律性教学,以学生为主体,面向全体学生组织教学,注重培养学生的听、说、读、写能力,充分利用早读时间,要求学生大声朗读课文,4、Grab 学习词汇和句型,经常进行听写训练,提高学生记忆单词和句型的能力。 5、 结合实物、图片等,用英文做简单的描述,培养学生的语言表达能力。 6、抓一个小测试,通过单元测试,重复练习。 三、教学经验,存在的问题和未来的实践:1、教学方面:深入了解和分析学生情况,针对性教学,由于对每个单元的单词和短语进行多次强化训练,所以词汇得分率比以前高。此外,由于“学法”的实施,学生的学习习惯得到了进一步的改善,我班的英语成绩有了较大的突破,平均分、及格率、优秀率均有所上升。稳定。


虽然我们也进行了英语阅读培训,但学生的阅读能力并没有多大提高。单选和完成的句子得分率还可以,但如果以后有时间练习其他项目,综合知识的得分率会更低。今后应加强完形填空、阅读理解和综合填空的训练。 2、学习方面:一是培养学生学习英语的兴趣,二是培养学生的责任感。从小事感恩做起,用班规来落实。坚持持续,自觉,随时随地与对方联系。英语,利用英语知识,英语成绩会不断提高。经过一个学期的努力,大部分学生都觉得自己的英语有所提高,更何况之前背诵了,阅读也不是很流畅,但现在有些学生可以用英语记住一些对话了。如果只是为了应付考试,可以临时补习一下,哪怕能应付一阵子,但你的知识面并不强。新旧知识将相互忽视。总之,经过一个学期的努力,期末考试就是一场考试。我付出了,一定有收获。我明白这不是最重要的,重要的是这个学期后如何提升自己,如何共同提高班级的英语水平。所以,无论我多么努力,我都会继续努力,多问,多想,多向其他老师学习,争取进步。也希望以后的日子,在领导和老师的指导下,能取得更好的成绩。英语教学工作分析、总结与反思 6 本学期,我担任二年级英语口语教学工作。在我的工作中,我努力工作,努力为孩子们学习英语打下坚实的基础。为了在今后的教学工作中取得更大的进步,现将今年的教学工作做一个总结。

一、学习新课程标准,明确教学目标。为了使我的英语教学适应新时代英语教学的要求,树立新的育人理念,我研究了《新英语课程标准》,了解了这次英语课程改革的目的,掌握了英语改革重点、明确英语课程各个层次的总体目标和各内容的评分目标,学习一些科学的评价原则等,为后续教学提供充分的依据,打好基础,确保顺利进行教学进度。 二、扎实备课,理清教学思路。备课是课堂教学的重要组成部分。在备课的时候,我做了以下几点:1、class 备课,做到“备课来了”。认真阅读各类课本,备课本、教学方法、学生。结合学生的实际情况和教材内容,要考虑知识的纵向联系和新知识的横向联系;要突出难点、突破重点;要体现完整的教学过程,注意各个环节的过渡是自然的。并制作了多种有趣的教具,为课堂教学提供良好的服务。 2、Lessons 准备课程并处理“紧急事件”。课堂上的校园生活可爱而敏捷,智慧的火花随时闪现,意想不到的问题不断被提出。这时候,“循序渐进”显然是不够的,老师还需要急于学习智慧,在课堂上备课。在这个学期的英语教学中,我经常遇到这样的问题。 3、课后备课,总结教学经验。每次课后,我及时总结和反思课文,写下课后的感受,肯定这节课的成功,并探讨了这节课的不足之处。

为以后的教学工作打下基础。 三、认真上课,体现以人为本。 《英语课程标准》提出“让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作,实现任务目标,感受成功”。这就要求英语课的教学要以学生为中心。 , 培养他们学习英语的兴趣,提高他们在实践中运用语言的能力。为此,我在实际课堂教学中做了以下几点:1、巧设置 导入,培养兴趣。在每个环节的教学中,我首先通过玩游戏、唱英文歌曲来激发学生的学习兴趣。 2、图文结合,掌握新知识。 In accordance with the characteristics of the textbooks with “pictures and texts”, we make full use of physical teaching aids, simple strokes and body language to inspire students, let them participate in the process of acquiring new knowledge, and cultivate their interest in learning English. 3、Game activities, consolidate new knowledge. After completing the new tasks for each lesson, through teacher-student interaction and student-student interactive game activities, they cultivate their interest in learning and improve their language ability. In short, I have paid a lot for the teaching work for one semester, and I have received a lot of rewards: the trust of the leader makes me energetic; the help of my colleagues makes me motivated; the desire of the students makes me more confident. I will try my best to fill up my shortcomings in teaching and strive to achieve better results in future English teaching work. English teaching work analysis, summary and reflection 7 This school year, I served as the English teaching work in the second grade of elementary school. I strictly demanded myself from all aspects in my work, actively consulted the old teachers, combined with the actual conditions of the school and the actual situation of the students, and worked diligently. , Be conscientious and conscientious, so that the teaching work is carried out in a planned, organized, and step-by-step manner.


Based on the present, looking to the future, in order to make greater progress in the future work, here is a summary of the teaching work of this school year, hoping to carry forward the advantages, overcome the shortcomings, sum up and test the lessons, carry forward the past, and promote the lessons to be better. Floors. 一、 did serious preparation for the lesson. Not only prepares students, but also prepares teaching methods. According to the content of the teaching materials and the actual situation of the students, the teaching goals of the first grade and the grade are different: the first grade trains students to recognize and read words on the basis of cultivating interest, and allows students to try to imitate Writing vocabulary in the textbook; the second grade is to learn new knowledge on the basis of maintaining interest and increase the intensity of dictating vocabulary. The types of design courses, the proposed teaching methods, and the procedures and time arrangements of the teaching process were recorded in detail, and the lesson plans were carefully written. Be prepared for each lesson, make full preparations for each lesson, and make various interesting teaching aids that will attract students’ attention, and make a summary of the lesson in time after class. Write the teaching postscript, and carefully collect the key points of each lesson and summarize them into a collection. 二、Enhance class skills, improve teaching quality, make the explanation clear, organized, accurate, organized, accurate, emotional, and vivid, so that the clues are clear, layered, concise and simple. Pay special attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of students in the classroom, strengthening teacher-student communication, fully embodying the main role of students, and basically making it easy for students to learn, easy to learn, and happy to learn; pay attention to intensive and refined, and I speak well in class As little as possible, so that students have more opportunities to use their mouths and hands; at the same time, in each class, full consideration is given to the learning needs and learning abilities of students at each level, so that students at all levels can be improved.

Now students generally report that they like to take English classes, especially the first grade students. 三、 Xuxin ask other teachers.在教学中,必须提出疑问。 In the study of each unit, I actively discuss with other teachers and learn their methods. At the same time, listen to other teachers' lessons so that you can listen to the advantages of others and overcome your own shortcomings. 四、 Correct homework seriously: Assign homework to be intensively read and refined.有针对性和层次性。 Correct the students’ homework in a timely and serious manner, analyze and record the students’ homework, classify and summarize the problems they have encountered in the homework process, conduct thorough comments, and improve the teaching methods in time according to the relevant situation, so as to be targeted. For second-year students, the training group leader helped me check other students' reading and recitation of texts. In the days to come, I will work harder to do this job well and let the children grow up healthily.
