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(一), create a space for students to explore actively, and cultivate students' ability to learn independently.

In teaching, we regard cultivating students' creative thinking and improving students' independent learning ability as the direction of physical education teaching design reform. When we show any kind of equipment in front of students in teaching, the teacher does not tell the students how to play, but lets the students find their own ways, create various gameplays by themselves, and give play to their creative thinking. At the same time, we set up certain problems in the activities so that students can come up with solutions by themselves and cultivate their problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

(二), use a variety of incentive methods to increase students' interest in activities. Attract students to actively participate.

The very important point of the new curriculum is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the students and allow all students to actively participate in the activities. For this reason, in teaching, we make full use of the following points to attract students to participate in activities.

(1) Design interesting games based on students’ life experience. Interest is the internal driving force for a person to complete a certain task or activity. When designing activities, it is more important to adhere to the principle of fun. Designed The activities are life-like and interesting, so that students will be interested, will actively participate, overcome difficulties and persevere.

(2) Appropriately create a certain tension. The appropriate tension will make students feel urgency, so that they can complete exercise activities more actively. For example, using competitions in activities can promote students’ enthusiasm; creating dangerous situations, It will make students work hard to complete the exercise activities in a sense of urgency and improve the persistence of the activities.

(3) Use language motivation correctly. Teachers’ praise to students can use countless words to express their attitudes and emotions. Avoid simply saying "good" or "very good", otherwise it will make students psychologically Not satisfied. The teacher can say: "You are doing very well, the teacher likes it very much", "Look at the performance of xxx, he did a great job!" "The teacher believes you can do it" and other words to encourage. This way Not only can it strengthen the relationship between teachers and students, it is also conducive to motivating students’ self-confidence and enthusiasm for activities.

(4)Non-verbal encouragement When students perform well in activities, teachers will give them a smile, nodding, thumbs up and other non-verbal action rewards will give students great encouragement; teachers often Approaching the students, patting his shoulders, touching his head, and expressing a kind of silent appreciation and praise to the students; in the activities, the teacher often pays attention to contacting the students with the line of sight, telling them that the teacher is paying attention to them and other methods, which is good for improving The enthusiasm of student activities has a certain motivating effect.

(三), focus on facing the whole, so that every student can improve on the original level.

In sports activities, we must consider the needs of students with different abilities, change the "one size fits all" approach in the past, and set different requirements for students with different development levels and abilities based on the individual differences of students. For those students with good movement development, the difficulty should be appropriately increased to allow them to "play vigorously"; for those students with poor movement development, the movement requirements should be lowered, so that they can also experience the "successful happiness".

(四), set a certain degree of difficulty and difficult situations, and cultivate the excellent qualities of students being brave, not afraid of difficulties, and strong-willed.

It is not difficult for teachers to find in practice that the difficulty requirements of traditional teaching materials are obviously not suitable for the actual development level of today's students. In practice, we have deeply realized that only when the activities are of appropriate difficulty and the safety measures are perfect, the students' potential can be brought into full play. Setting a certain degree of difficulty in the activity, deliberately creating some difficult scenarios, allowing students to experience certain setbacks, is extremely beneficial to the formation of a strong will for students not to be afraid of setbacks and courage to overcome difficulties.

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