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2021-08-31 15:03 网络整理 教案网

3、 在听。为了提高学生的听力水平,经常要求学生听英文歌曲和英语对话录音带,还要求学生进行对话和背书。





一、Learning 课程标准,明确教学目标。














1、 低估了学生,或者认为很差。在平时的培训中,只关注大局,没有充分考虑学员的个体因素。一味地认为自己已经是六年级学生,有能力自己解决问题,而忽略了学生错误的及时纠正。它只强调学生的长处,而忽略了对学生短处的及时补充。








时间过得真快,这学期的教学工作就要结束了。这个学期,我在六年级教两个班的英语。 At work, I study earnestly, study teaching methods in depth, and humbly learn from old teachers and other colleagues. Combining the actual conditions of the school and the actual situation of the students, I have gained a lot of valuable experience and learned practical teaching methods. The following is a summary of my teaching work this semester.

一、student's basic situation

Each class is like everyone, with different personalities, temperaments, and temperaments. So I designed the teaching for the two classes I taught: Class 5 students are more active in thinking and actively answer questions, but middle-level students account for the majority, and relatively few top students. Therefore, in class, I weakened the difficulties and strengthened the key points, and took care of most of the students; while the students in Class 6 tend to be calm and lack enthusiasm. Although there are top students, because the proportion of less advanced students is relatively large, they are not enough to drive the entire class. Therefore, for top students, I encourage them to have a "advanced" consciousness. I have completed what they have not seen and failed to do. For poor students, I encourage them to understand the most basic and most commonly used words and sentences. After a period of practice, it is proved that the teaching effect has improved compared with the previous semester.

The specific measures taken by 二、

1、 In the teaching process, pay attention to regular teaching, with students as the main body, organize teaching for all students, and pay attention to cultivating students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.


2、 Grasp vocabulary and sentence pattern learning, and often conduct dictation training to improve students' ability to memorize words and sentence patterns; in addition, they will pay close attention to English text memorization from the beginning of school.

3、Listen and speak English more in and out of class. Try to use English to teach in class, so that students can be more exposed to English. Each class should spend a certain amount of time for students to perform different forms of dialogue using the daily language and sentence patterns they have learned. They can also use simple descriptions in English in combination with real objects and pictures to cultivate students' sense of language.

4、Grasp the test, attach importance to the lectures, and conduct test analysis.

5、 In order to increase students’ vocabulary, let students accumulate 5 words a day and check them once a week.

6、During the teaching process, I found that pairing between mentor and apprentice is also a good way to learn, so I took the activity of mentoring and apprentice pairing.

三、teaching aspect


I have a solid and conscientious work, and believe that no matter what kind of work I do, I will feel a sense of accomplishment. Under the guidance of this correct thought and philosophy, work is just like fish in water. First of all, I carefully analyzed the characteristics and system of the textbook compilation, and understood the learning content that middle school English must be mastered, and then I targeted the practice of oral English, vocabulary, and sentence patterns based on the actual life of the middle school students. Every time I prepare a lesson, I carefully study the teaching materials, consider students' stratification and knowledge differences, interspersed with some lively and interesting game activities and stories of differences between Chinese and Western cultures. Through these activities, students' enthusiasm and interest in English learning have been enhanced. Moreover, I often consciously create an English-speaking environment for the students, and I try to ask them to ask questions in English in class. In short, through a series of methods, students can experience the fun of learning and using English, and develop good habits and awareness of using English.