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2021-08-28 17:05 网络整理 教案网









Part二、体育 教师必须正确使用演示。示范是体育教学的主要教学方式之一。通过示范,学生可以建立正确的动作表征。因此,要求教师演示清晰、准确、规范、优雅。

三、 的解释应该简短而准确。老师在广播练习中的讲解主要结合我的示范动作,让学生加深对动作的理解。

四、 密码必须清晰、强大且准确。五是及时纠正错误行为。因此,学校的无线电运行质量在短时间内得到了很大的提升。






本学期我积极参与商务学习,努力提高自己的商务素养和教学水平,积极参与各种相关知识的学习。理论学习,不断充实自己,特别是积极参加党的群众路线教育实践活动。 ,写了2万多字的学习笔记,大地提高了我的知识和思想意识。


根据一、二年级孩子的身体发育和学习特点,在学期初制定了有针对性的教学计划。本学期主要巩固了学生队列,加强了各种队列密码和动作的规范化培训。 , 并巩固了古诗词和韵练习的学习。

本学期为迎接各级领导的检查,特别是省标准化学校的复查,我参与组织学生开展“阳光大突破”展示活动,获得了肯定和肯定。领导的表扬。 5月,我和体育组其他老师一起努力筹备并举办了我校第一次师生运动会。






一个学期的体育工作即将结束。我自己的收获是加深了对体育工作重要性和意义的认识。成功的不多,但值得总结的是我对工作的热情和不变的时代热情,这也是体育工作者的共同特点。虽然我校的运动场地和设备有限,但我已经和我校的几位体育老师协商,尽可能提高场地的使用效率,在教学内容上“因地制宜”。 “设置一些简单的跑步、跳跃、沙池、跨栏等组合游戏。快乐的体育教学方式改变了学生对体育教育和体育锻炼的态度。这种教学方法提高了学生锻炼能力的积极性。”增强了他们的体质。教师实施快乐体育教学,目的是改变学生对体育教育或体育锻炼的态度。


快乐体育需要体育教师充分发挥主导作用,运用一切有利于提高学生体育水平的手段,使学校体育更好地实施,实现目标。教师对学生的过分要求也不利于快乐体育的实施。当教师要求学生完成动作或训练时,要降低难度或要求,让身体素质较差的学生也能在运动中体验成功。比如我可以让学生在单脚跳跃练习中换脚一次。这样,学生就尝到了成功的滋味,很有成就感。对于学生,不仅要注重素质的培养,提高自信心,还要多给予鼓励和表扬,坚定他们克服困难的决心,培养勤奋顽强的体育精神。 .









7、 Actively and humbly ask experienced leaders and teachers to combine theory and practice, delve into the syllabus, work hard to cultivate top sports, coach poor students, and improve the overall quality of students.

In short, from the physical education teaching this year, I deeply realized that it is not difficult to be a physical education teacher, but it is better to take every class well, complete every physical training, and cultivate more Sports eugenics is very difficult. First of all, I pay special attention to the use of the law of changes in human physiological functions in the teaching process. Using this law can reduce the occurrence of injuries and enable students to exercise scientifically and grow up healthily.

Cultivate students to exercise scientifically in the teaching process. Secondly, I pay special attention to the cultivation of people's cognitive laws in the teaching process. In this way, students can learn techniques as soon as possible, form skills, and enable physical education teachers to truly practice intensive teaching and practice, and lay the foundation for scientific teaching methods and organizational methods in physical education teaching research. Finally, I pay special attention to students' ideological education in teaching, and use the characteristics of physical education teaching materials to combine specific content to carry out ideological education to students. Cultivate students' consciousness, organization, discipline, collective sense of honor, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tiredness, brave and tenacious sense of responsibility and self-confidence, and treat every class of mine. Spirit and so on. The organic combination of these three points will make the physical education work more effective. Therefore, in the days to come, in addition to improving my professional level, I will treat every class of mine with a strong sense of professionalism, responsibility and self-confidence.

Summary of Primary School Physical Education Teaching Work Chapter 8

Time flies, and a semester has passed in a blink of an eye. In this semester, teaching is implemented with the requirements of "strengthening conventional teaching" to effectively improve the physical health of students and help the first grade children to make a steady transition from kindergarten to elementary school. It is a brief summary of the physical education teaching work of this semester:

In line with the guiding ideology of "health first" and earnestly grasp the work of physical education, I can seriously study and implement the new "Physical Education Curriculum Standards", in line with the guiding ideology of "health first", establish a "people-oriented" The goal of physical education, combined with moral education, intellectual education and aesthetic education, promotes the overall development of students’ body and mind, and prepares for the training of new and modern builders and successors. The first grade physical education work is summarized. In teaching, he can standardize himself with modern classroom concepts, and can earnestly strengthen the learning of new physical education and teaching theory, carry out purposeful and planned teaching practice, have a strong sense of teaching and research, and have a significant improvement in teaching level. I can conscientiously reflect on and summarize teaching work regularly, find and solve problems in time, and gradually understand and master the new laws of physical education under the new curriculum standards. According to the physical education teaching work plan and teaching progress made, each lesson is well written in accordance with the actual situation of teaching, and teaching reflections are carefully written. In normal times, I can always work hard to promote the "two exercises and one activity" to carry out new physical education courses in an orderly manner. The school’s "two exercises and one activity" is an image "project" that reflects the overall outlook of students, and is a window for the school to promote quality education as a whole. "Two exercises" is also an important part of school management. Grasping the "two exercises" can better promote the development of the school's national fitness activities. During the first semester, I worked with the school to continue to strictly regulate the discipline and quality of broadcast exercises in and out of the field, so that the exercises were quiet, uniform and fast, and the movements were standardized and beautiful. I continued to implement the "lead exercises weekly change" system and continue to improve. Broadcast the quality of exercises, and set an example and role model for the class leader. Regularly talk to the sports committee members in the class, strengthen the physical inspection work, set people and time, and supervise the normal development of the two exercises and one activity.

一、Pay attention to classroom teaching, improve the quality of classroom teaching, and strive to achieve the "three serious":

1、Prepare lessons seriously

According to the age characteristics and interest orientation of the first grade children, choose the teaching content suitable for the students to cultivate their strong interest in physical education; grasp the behavior characteristics of the students, and pay attention to the cultivation of the students' concentration in the classroom design. Form good sports behavior habits; in terms of organizational teaching methods, focus on guiding students to actively participate, boldly practice, and stimulate their desire and interest in learning through rich organizational forms. Therefore, every class is carefully prepared, carefully designed, and spurred by a high sense of responsibility to continuously innovate.

2、seriously in class

Each lesson allows students to come prepared and get rewarded. In the classroom, pay attention to the development of students' behavior habits and form good moral qualities; adopt various teaching methods, such as: proper explanations, wonderful demonstration actions, funny and humorous language, various forms of relay competitions, etc., to fully mobilize Students’ learning enthusiasm creates a good classroom atmosphere; through innovative organizational methods, students can experience in a relaxed environment, thereby forming a teaching model of student-student interaction and teacher-student interaction, achieving a win-win situation in teaching and learning.

3、Seriously summarize

Encouraging language is a catalyst to stimulate students’ motivation and potential. When students succeed, an affirmative expression and a trusting action can arouse their positive confidence. Therefore, whether in teaching or after class , Evaluate students more positively, so that they can inspire the courage to conquer difficulties; can guide them to experience the joy of success; and finally achieve the purpose of stimulating students' interest in learning. Through the first term of study, first-year students can have a preliminary understanding of the meaning of physical education, have a certain understanding of body and health, and improve their self-care awareness. Students feel the collective warmth and emotional joy in a harmonious, equal and friendly sports environment. Mastered the methods of learning some basic sports and games; learned martial arts and "Colorful Sunshine" and conducted assessments; developed physical fitness and basic activity ability, and experienced the fun of participating in sports activities, learned to abide by discipline and cooperate with classmates , Get along with your companions.

二、Strengthen business learning, improve teaching and scientific research capabilities

1、Learn the relevant knowledge of the new curriculum reform, continuously improve the understanding, update the teaching concept, and master the teaching methods that suit the students' actual situation.

2、Learning professional knowledge and skills makes teaching methods more abundant and teaching methods more scientific and reasonable, which is in line with the overall and healthy development of students.

3、 keeps updating its own knowledge level. Only in this way can we keep up with the development of the times and adapt education to the needs of the times.

Through one semester of teaching, the expected goal has been basically achieved, but there are still shortcomings in many aspects, especially the level of knowledge needs to be improved, education and teaching experience still needs to be accumulated, and teaching methods need to be continuously improved... All of these aspects We need to study hard in the future work and constantly improve ourselves.
