(二)从写作内容来看,一般可以从以下五个方面选择题目写“教学反思”:1.写作成功。例如教学过程达到预先设计的教学目的并导致教学产生共鸣效应的实践;课堂教学中应暂时适当的措施;清晰有序的黑板书写;某些教学方法的渗透和应用过程;有意使用教育学和心理学中的一些基本原理的感受;教学方法 网上的改革创新等,详细记录下来,以备将来在教学中参考和使用。在此基础上还可以不断改进完善,引进新的。2.写缺点。即使是一个成功课堂教学中难免有疏漏和错误,我们会系统地回顾和梳理,并对其进行深刻反思、探索和分析,以便为以后的教学提供参考。 3.写教智。课堂教学随着教学内容的发展,师生思维的发展和情感交流的和谐,往往会因偶发事件而产生瞬间的灵感。这些“智慧的火花”往往不由自主地突然出现。经过反射和捕捉后,会因时间的流逝而消失,令人遗憾。 4.写学生创新。在课堂教学过程中,学生是学习的主人,学生总有“创新的火花”一闪而过。教师要充分肯定学生在课堂上提出的一些独到见解,既促进了学生的好方法和思想,又鼓励了学生。
同时,这些宝贵的见解也是对课堂教学的补充和改进,可以拓宽教师的教学思路,提高教师的教学水平。 5. 写了“Reteaching Design”。一节课后,默想:这节课探索了哪些教学规律;教学方法有哪些创新;知识点有哪些新发现;组织教学的新技巧有哪些?解决问题的诸多误区是否有突破;启蒙是否得当,培训是否到位。及时写下这些得失,并进行必要的分类和选择,考虑在教这部分内容时应该怎么做,写出“再教设计”,这样才能扬长避短,精益求精,把你的教学水平提升到一个新的境界和高度。如何进行板书四、板书设计应注意的问题 ①板书设计要有明确的目的。板书内容要体现课文重点,符合教学目标,教学意图明确,而不是随心所欲。 ②板书应有条理。板书是对教材内容的高度概括和浓缩。应反映教材内在的逻辑关系,有清晰的轮廓,给学生完整、系统的印象。 ③板书设计要简洁。避免在黑板上多次书写,简明扼要,并尽量从课文中引用单词。 ④注意板书时间。板书应与讲解过程有机结合。很有启发性,写在推导过程中,总结一定要分析推理后写。最好在黑板上说话时出现。在课堂上,教师不能只是忘记黑板上的学生,黑板也不能占用太多时间。
⑤ 充分发挥板书作用。可以用来记忆字体,理清文章线索,总结段落意思。可用于概括高年级的主要内容和中心思想。把握课文要点,引导复述。整理记忆线索,引导背诵。在指导作文时,可以展示写作提纲,帮助学生复习问题,选择材料,组织材料。 ⑥ 板书应工整、正确。板书应整洁美观,大小合适,清晰可辨,符合规定,起到示范作用。在黑板上写字时可以用彩色粉笔突出重点或难点,但不宜多用。有些符号有时可以用于黑板书写测试教案怎么写,可以用来代替文字,看起来非常醒目。例如,强调符号表示关键点和关键,箭头表示趋势和前后事物的关系,破折号表示事件的发展顺序,括号表示解释和解释,大括号表示总结等。 ⑦充分发挥副黑板的作用。学生提出的问题可以写在二级黑板上;学生在学习中犯的错误可以写在二级黑板上。如何开展作文教学二、class实施,“五步教学模式”(一)应遵循1、热情引兴趣的原则,学与写的原则是情感的表达,作文一定要注意对学生情感的刺激 学生只有用强烈的表达欲望和强烈的情感才能写出真情实感。2、习作 与生活实践相联系的原则 俗话说:“聪明的女人不能无米做饭。学生一定要写好作文。,“前提是有内容。
先生叶盛涛说得好:“学问深,写出来一定会和善;学识浅,就忍不住写浅;什么都不知道,就写得好。不用写。”可见,作文离不开生活实践。因此,教学生写作必须要求学生仔细观察,积极思考,勤于表达,力求用语言准确表达自己的思想,思想能正确反映事物,使文字能表达意思,能合。精力充沛。 3、 教师主导,学生自主合作的原则。作文教学切不可用“严”的框架来约束学生的思想,给学生施加很多“紧箍咒”。应让学生独立学习、观察、阅读、写作、表达、相互合作、讨论交流、集思广益。教师只需为学生创设情境,开拓写作思路,总结写作方法。这种以学生为中心、以学生自主合作学习为基础的新型教学过程,形成了有利于学生主体精神、创新能力和健康发展的宽松的教学环境和教学体系。教学步骤:初介绍、练习口语练习、复习复习、定稿。具体内容:情景体验,思路清晰,整理材料,教师指导,整理练习,明确要求练习表达,写初稿,自修,工整,师生角色:老师,学生,老师,学生,学生,老师,学生,学生(二)Specific operation1、初导——情景体验,明确要求“初步引导”可以分两步进行。一是引导学生明确命题范围,明确写作思路,明确写作目的,然后结合中国生活的内容安排,创造一定的情境,激发学生的写作兴趣。
本次教学课时长一般在 15 分钟左右。写景文章可以带领学生现场观摩,或利用多媒体再现这个风景区,让学生观摩,引发回忆,让学生在恋爱中入乡随俗,激发学生的写作热情,同时穿插文章的细节,描述风景方法。 At the same time, it provides beautiful vocabulary, which students can use selectively, so that the description is more specific and the assignments are more vivid. Writing articles on people and memoirs, through the teacher’s infectious words, arouses the memories of the students' previous life experiences and arouses their desire to "I want to write". It is sometimes necessary to give demonstration and guidance on how to write specific things. Feel the actions, expressions, and mental activities of the characters in the model essay, and the reasonable use of rhetoric, so that students can understand the beauty of the beautiful essay. Only then can the students understand how I write good assignments. Event scene articles can be arranged for on-site activities. Teachers put forward relevant requirements in advance, so that students can take specific requirements to participate in activities, observe activities, and feel activities. For example, you must choose a good angle and separate the primary and secondary. You can neither cover everything, nor just write a little bit less than the rest; secondly, pay attention to the combination of point and surface, not only simply observe the panorama of the entire scene, but also selectively describe the major The activities of the characters; it is necessary to use a variety of methods to create the atmosphere of the scene. In the description of the scene, the expression, language, and psychology of the person must also be taken into account, only in this way can a vivid picture of life be formed. For sentimental articles, it is necessary to understand and read the articles thoroughly. After discussing, find out the sentiment points, trigger discussions based on the sentiment points, and write your own thoughts.
2、练说—Clarify your thoughts and practice expressing "Practicing speaking" is done by students after they have gained a real experience and feelings, provided that they have something to say and can speak. Students must truly experience (recall) life, obtain materials, and then practice oral narration, which allows students to frame their ideas and outline the key content specifically. In the process of students practicing speaking, teachers should also listen carefully and give necessary hints and guidance. In this way, the requirement of clear thinking and prominent focus has been strengthened. It takes about one class from the beginning to the practice. 3、习作—combine the materials and write the first draft "Exercise" is to allow students to sort out the language and materials in class, and write down the content of experiences, memories, and feelings in an orderly manner under the condition that students can speak. Teachers need to make necessary reminders before the assignments to make students more clear about the requirements and precautions of the assignments, so that the quality of the written essays can be spoken of. This link will probably take one class hour to proceed. 4、评改—Teacher's guidance, self-modification The appraisal of exercises is also the feedback improvement stage of the entire exercise process. Follow the objective laws of Chinese learning, conform to the cognitive characteristics of students, combine theory with practice, and teach students the ability to independently correct and evaluate independently. Indicate to students what should be modified and the requirements and methods of modification, so that students can receive specific guidance and practical training. The first is the evaluation of teachers and students, with the collective evaluation and revision of typical essays leading the way, and specific guidance on how to evaluate and revise the composition. Choose two assignments, and focus on common issues in response to the requirements of the assignments. For example, the author’s novel selection of materials, ingenious ideas, vivid and interesting descriptions, and fluent and concise language should be appreciated, and improvement measures should be proposed.
Be a leading role for students' self-evaluation, mutual evaluation at the same table, and group review, emphasizing "one work, one win", that is, grasping the training requirements of each assignment, and one assignment training one key project. The second is self-evaluation and reform. Students will evaluate and revise their own compositions based on the teacher’s suggestions for revisions, and refer to the teacher’s demonstration. Teachers patrol and guide some students. The third is mutual evaluation at the same table. Suggest amendments to each other at the same table, so that everyone learns to comment on and revise the composition. The number of words in the comments is gradually increasing from as few as possible. Let the students talk about the gains, sum up the gains and losses of the exercises, and achieve the purpose of drawing inferences from one another. 5、定記—organize your studies and write neatly. "Finalization" is to require students to organize and write down their assignments after class after careful inspection and revision, and require standard writing and clean volume.