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2021-08-13 17:59 网络整理 教案网

2、在了解刘备的诚意,体验他热心有礼的精神之后,为了帮助学生更好地掌握课文内容,提升学生对祖国语言的品味和鉴赏力,我是时候插入课外阅读和欣赏片段了。我问学生:刘备让诸葛亮出山助他建立大业。诸葛亮被刘备的精神所感动,最终答应了刘备的请求。此后诸葛亮忠心耿耿,帮助刘备打了不少仗。你知道有哪些战斗吗? (学生讲述了自己知道的一些故事)如果想了解更多故事,可以自行阅读《三国奇缘》。通过阅读,学生不仅对课文内容有更深的理解,而且从中得到德育和情感教育,增加了语言的积累。

3、 课文结束后,同学们的积极性非常高,所以我抓住了这个机会,利用阅读课开展了“讲三国”活动。这不仅是对课文的升华,更带动了学生的学习热情,极大地激发了孩子们对中国古代文学的浓厚兴趣。班上有“三国风”。




课程标准指出:“识字教学应以儿童熟悉的语言因素为主要材料,同时充分利用儿童的生活经验,注重对儿童进行识字教学,力求识字与用相结合。运用多种视觉直观的教学方式,创造丰富多彩的教学情境。”在识字教学中,教师要发挥组织者和引导者的作用,设计合理的教学程序,帮助学生创设学习情境,使学生从已有的生活经验中学习,在原有知识水平的基础上进行自主识字。老师经常会用到几个环节:文坛新字、绘画新字——有声读新字——无声读新字——理解新字——认识新字——拓展新字使用——读新字巩固新字。这些环节的设计遵循了学生认知由浅到深、由难到易、从形象到抽象的规律,也符合学生的心理发展水平,即知觉-理解-记忆-应用。 . 各环节操作老师注重把握节奏,注重学习,启迪凝心聚力,调动情绪,放松心情,兴致勃勃。

教学反思 8

《劳动的开端》摘自吴云朵的《为党奉献一切》。文章篇幅较长,给学生的阅读理解带来不少障碍,尤其是对于阅读能力较差的学生。 “如何让学生掌握中心内容,快速进入文章”是我课前思考的问题。在学习了解教材,分析教学情况后,我对这个问题有以下几点感受。

一、 抓住问题的眼睛,集中注意力。

我们的语言教学应该从学生接触主题的那一刻开始,激发他们围绕主题提出问题,让学生的思维早日被打动。在第一堂课的教学中,我把复习题作为教学的第一步,抓住“开始”,让学生理解词的意思和题目的意思。让学生在本节课后提问。学生提问的问题基本集中。 1、作者第一次劳动是做什么劳动的? 2、劳动是如何工作的? 3、第一胎感觉如何? 4、labor 之后发生了什么?这些问题是本文学生为自己提出的学习目标。在此基础上,我再组织学生阅读课文。学生心中疑惑,与课文充分接触,阅读目的更强,思维马达被激活,效果明显。经过交流,学生对文章重点有了把握,更有利于对文章的理解。同学们跟着题,找到了课文的关键段落,也就是作者第一天采煤。这给后续的学习带来了很多方便。陆九渊道:“学无不疑,疑则进,小疑则小,大疑则大。”在整个教学过程中,我抓住了问题的目光,受到了学生的质疑,理清了课文的脉络。课文的重点帮助学生学好。这不仅仅是“告知”和“被告知”,而是一个积极主动和建设性的过程。


第二节课《劳动的开始》,抓住第一节课学生的疑惑,“第一次上班是什么感觉?”并带领学生进入课文。同学们在自读课文的基础上,交流了对作者第一次劳动的感受。学生对课文的自我认知有助于与课文产生共鸣。当被问及作者对第一次分娩的感受时,同学们都觉得“难”两个字。 “难点”是本文的“眼球”。正文的整体内容,包括所涉及的具体表达,也比较大。而这些都能让学生很好地感受到课文的中心。接下来的教学环节以学生找到文学眼为出发点,以“课文中哪些具体的词句让你觉得那么难?”为指导。 ,阅读,感知中心。

教学反思 9




教学反思 10

一年级的识字教学要遵循汉字教学的规律,采取多种方式调动学生识字的主动性,让学生真正喜欢识字,感受识字的乐趣。 How to make students proactively literate? In this class, I have made some attempts and received good results.

一、 creates teaching scenarios to build a platform for literacy.

In this lesson, I first showed pictures of the natural landscape in this lesson. I let the students say that I thought that the students had a certain understanding in life, but the students would say when they look at the pictures, but once they meet When it comes to literacy, they are not very interested. Students are boring to learn and remember. By checking their children's literacy by driving a train, they found that some children did not have a solid grasp and the teaching of literacy was not implemented well. If students can teach literacy after they have read the text well, I think it will reduce the difficulty of literacy for students.


二、loud text, feel from the text

"More vs. Less" is a literacy text with beautiful essays. I used sentence-by-sentence teaching. This effect makes the article fragmented, destroys the integrity of the article, and weakens the appeal of the article. Therefore, I think that in teaching, we should focus on the whole and guide students to interpret the texts independently and inquiringly, perceive the texts, and improve Chinese literacy in an all-round way.

三、rich literacy methods to stimulate students’ interest

When memorizing glyphs, I used methods such as "disassembling characters", "grouping words", "memorizing radicals", and "editing formulas" to consolidate the glyphs. All the students wanted to show their literacy skills, even the usually taciturn students raised their little hands. Throughout the class, the students were playing middle school and moving middle school, which was full of fun. In this way, students learn new words in the game, show themselves in the game, and feel the joy of autonomous literacy. In this link, I used "click a word, read it out and group words or say a few sentences" to consolidate the new words. The effect should be better.

There are also shortcomings in this lesson: In this lesson, I borrowed other people’s instructional design. Is it to imitate or learn from? If you copy a word into your own teaching, not only will it not be effective, but it will get twice the result with half the effort. Old teachers often say: preparing lessons is not only about preparing textbooks, but also preparing students. Not every teaching model is suitable for every student. As teachers, we should strive to create a relaxed and pleasant learning atmosphere for the children according to their different acceptance levels and existing knowledge and abilities. I will exercise more and study more in the future to make up for my shortcomings.

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