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2021-08-11 07:58 网络整理 教案网











作为一名数学老师,我不仅关注自己的工作,也关注我的班主任。我用我的实际行动和诚信去感染和影响他们,让他们不仅学习知识,而且学习如何做人。 对于学校的各项活动和任务,我尽我所能,尽我所能。有计划的班级将用于安全教育和行为习惯养成教育;利用课外墙文化,指导学生画图画字;利用假期组织学生编排舞蹈。在这期间,我既是“策划者”又是“组织者”,同时也是“参与者”和“服务员”。不管是什么角色,我都不会做。你付出就有回报,我的班级取得了可喜的成绩。“风霜雨雪皆有甘露,酸甜苦甜,营养丰富”,我是这么认为的,也是这么做的。


教师总结报告 5




我始终以修养高尚品德为立足自己的立身之本,积极参加各种政治学习活动,努力提高自己的思想政治素质。一年来,系统学习党的十八大精神,党的十八届二中、三中全会,认真阅读《党员干部之友》 》等刊物,按照有关要求开展节庆期间违规督查整改专项工作督查。检查禁止购买公款、印发贺年卡等物品,禁止诚实勤勉的政府约谈,清理“会员卡”,管理“偷懒”工作。在实际工作中,您可以严格要求自己在法律法规允许的范围内开展工作,无论做什么,都可以调整自己与组织和事业的关系,服从安排和实现个人价值。上级领导安排。开创学校工作新局面,促进学校发展紧密结合。



(一)督导基础设施建设、维护改造、形象提升、招标采购等项目如期完成。今年,我们承办了第十七届中国初中教育委员会年会。教育社会、规范办学条件、小班化 在教育试点和全市教育现代化学校评价的背景下,学校后勤保障工作复杂,一年来累计投入超过1700万元。框架建设,截至目前,项目已投资近500万元体育教案怎么写,拨付300万元。二是完成致远楼抗震加固工程、运动场改造工程、致远楼抗震加固修复工程竣工结算审计、工程资金申报拨付工作,共计近640万元已投资近三个项目。三是累计完成投资约144.200万,完成了一系列小维护项目:单双杠场地、运动场围栏改造; the wind and rain playground roof waterproofing, Water seepage treatment on the external windows of the basketball hall on the third floor; replacement of the outdoor heating return line of the Qizhi Building; the original temporary canteen is transformed into a sports equipment room and warehouse (including heating renovation and anti-theft windows); the podium of the Qizhi Building is removed and restored; the swimming pool and the Boya Repair of exterior walls of buildings and canteens; renovation of classrooms in Boya Building (intervals, window sealing, door opening, wall removal, and custom-made anti-theft doors); sporadic maintenance of the school’s daily plumbing, electricity, heating, furniture and other equipment and facilities. The fourth is to invest about 80 in total. Ten thousand yuan, completed the campus broadcasting system upgrade and transformation, teacher computer procurement, standardized examination room construction, small class teaching equipment purchase, electronic reading room construction and other bidding procurement, installation, accounting and distribution. Fifth, completed in time with related departments Daily maintenance and repair of school buildings, facilities and information equipment.

(二)会同Logistics Security Department regulates school property management, gives full play to the benefits of assets, and guarantees education and teaching needs. The first is to promote the scrapping of used assets to lay a good foundation for newly purchased assets. Completed more than 130,000 yuan of computers, The transfer of fixed assets such as multimedia podiums; completed donation procedures and handovers of more than 200,000 yuan of multimedia podiums, pallets, kindergarten tables and stools, plastic square stools and other items; a total of 3.15 million yuan in computers, campus networks, laboratory equipment, and voice The procedures for obsolete assets such as offices have been submitted to the Bureau of Finance for verification and approval. The second is the management of inventory and newly purchased assets. The management of inventory and newly-purchased assets has been strengthened. The warehouses of various departments have been cleaned up, inventory materials have been registered, and resource utilization has been improved; strengthened For the management of purchased materials, the procedures for warehousing and leaving the warehouse are complete, the accounts are clear, and the accounts are consistent.

(三)会同Security Department carries out comprehensive security work and strives to build a safe campus. In accordance with the "six-star safe campus" creation standard, the implementation of detailed safety work is promoted to achieve the goal of creating a "safe campus" . On November 9th, the United City Fire Department held a fire escape drill with the theme "Learning to Escape from Fire"; at the city’s school safety work meeting in 20xx, on behalf of the school, I made the title "Entering School with Family Committee" Office as a carrier, a typical speech of "Double Insurance for School Safety and Work"; in the establishment of the "Safety Unit" of the Municipal Comprehensive Management Office, our school was commended as a "safety unit" in the city; in the city’s school safety case collection activity, our school Three cases were selected into the city’s excellent case collection, ranking first among similar schools in the city.