另外,教具出现的时机、晚或早,可能会产生不同的效果。尤其是讲故事的时候,教具出现的顺序很重要。一开始,所有用来吸引孩子注意力的教具都呈现出来了,但下半年的花样少了。多加考虑。一次制作的教具要多次使用、广泛使用,才能使教具发挥最大的价值。 4、 反思教师在师幼互动中的应对策略。教学过程是师生对话和互动的过程。互动的好坏直接影响教学效果。因此,教师应在活动组织后及时反馈,对师生双向表现和活动质量进行辩证分析,帮助教师更全面地把握“生”的情况。课堂上的师生互动可能就是这样的情况。孩子们喜欢活动的内容并且非常投入。老师在关键时刻给予适当的指导。活动有序开展,积极进取。老师顾全大局,不疏忽大意。就个人而言,这可能是互动的最佳状态。也可能是师尊高控状态下的独眼堂。都烟堂也有两种不同的情况。有时孩子会跟随老师的想法,安静地听。这也是一种良性的师生互动,只是有时候孩子不感兴趣。 、无精打采、非互动状态即与老师的思维不在同一条线上。但在真正的课堂上,它们并不是那么一致。有的教学环节师生互动水平高,有的教学环节师生互动水平低。我们需要思考的是,我们是否注意到了孩子在课堂上的反思,对孩子表现的反应是否恰当。其实笔者认为这方面的反思对教师的要求比较高。
比如讲故事的时候,在讲课之前,一个孩子突然得意洋洋地说:“老师,我听说过这个故事。”说话的人可能会继续说下去,这取决于老师的处理。 ,马上大吼大叫,马上停下来,无疑会伤害到孩子,但他不能让孩子自己主导。要调动他的学习积极性,使活动顺利进行。你可以请他当法官。如果孩子会说话,他的表达能力很强,可以当录音机来复述故事。不管孩子在课堂上的反应如何,老师都无权抱怨孩子不合作。他们必须学会从自己身上找原因,寻求解决办法。 四、对孩子学习状况的反思 对孩子学习状况的反思主要看孩子在学习过程中是否遇到困难,如何解决这些困难,孩子学到了什么,预期目标达成率有多高。比如在很多美术活动中,有的孩子眼睛好手低,想画很多内容,但表达有困难。他采取了什么办法来解决这个难题?他是在向别人求助,还是他几乎不画一些不体面的东西?留空。教师往往关注绘画的最终结果,或者忙于辅导个别孩子的学习,对大多数孩子在学习和操作过程中使用的方法关注不够。这一点确实值得我们反思。对孩子学习情况的反思,还取决于孩子在学习过程中爆出的知识亮点,是否被及时抓住,这项活动的开展对孩子未来的学习有什么影响,是否有利于激发孩子是否产生自己的学习任务,有利于将集体教学活动与幼儿园其他类型的教育活动(如角落活动)相结合,发挥更大的教育功能。
但是在做课后反思的时候,有些问题必须引起我们的注意:1、必须有针对性。在平时的教学反思中,我们可以选择一些比较突出的问题和重点反思。每次都是综合反映是不现实的。 2、反思的内容应该不限。反思时不要太片面,而是要从全局考虑。 3、贵在马上。刚上完一节课,总会有一些课后的感觉,但时间长了,记忆力就会变弱。因此,课后要及时反思,以便及时发现问题,及时改进教学。 4、你在坚持。写完课堂反思,三天不能钓鱼,两天不能上网。 5、 不求数量,只求质量。课后反思不需要太多词教案课后小结怎么写,有感觉就长,没有感觉就短,但要切入正题,避免正式反思。 6、反思后深入思考。有了反思,那么我们不应该只是完成反思,而是让它变得有价值。认真思考这些反思,思考如何将好的继续发扬光大,不足的地方如何改进。只有这样,我才能不断提高自己的专业水平。因此,我们必须在每次反思时继续反思。每个阶段都会有不同的发现和启示。我们必须充分利用反射的价值。教学活动,特别是小组教学,没有永久的成功,也没有完全的失败。每次都会有新的情况。作为每天站在讲台上的老师,一定要有不怕失败的勇气。最可贵的是善于反省自己的行为。 ,学会改正一个错误,你就会离成功越来越近。
[参考文献] 1.庄春梅。教师如何写教学反思。学前教育研究。 2006(7-8)2.袁振国.教育新观念.北京:教育科学出版社,2002[论文3:幼儿园教学活动的思考]《我的家乡多民族》教育活动反思课:大班辅导: Chen Daqing一、Activity name and content Society——My hometown has many ethnic groups二、Activity time and location December 5, 2013 Maguan County Kindergarten三、活动 comfort1、 Knowing that Yunnan is the province with the largest concentration of ethnic minorities in China, I have a preliminary understanding of the customs of several typical ethnic minorities, feel the characteristics of the multi-ethnic hometown, and stimulate the emotions of children to love their hometown. 2、 Feel the joy of participating in collective activities. 四、活动 Reflection : 1、我的感 The first time this activity brings: the first time to participate in the teaching plan design and open class exchange activities of the famous teacher studio in Wenshan pre学校; the first time to design an open class with the content of the social field; first In my kindergarten, I used children in my own class to communicate in open classes. Participating in such an activity is not only a challenge for me, but also a rare learning opportunity. Although I am afraid of difficulties, I still participate with a learning attitude. No matter what the result is, the process of participation is "painful" and happy. 2、Characteristics embodied in this section of activities (1) Emphasis on the cultivation of children’s sociality in education "3-6 Year Old Children’s Learning and Development Guide The goal in the social sphere in "pointed out: 5-6 year old children should know their own ethnicity, know that China is a multi-ethnic country, and be able to tell the name of the province, city or county where their home is located to know the representative characteristics of their hometown.
This activity embodies the spirit of the "Guide", allowing children to better understand the social environment in which they live during the activity, laying a certain cognitive foundation for children to enter the society, and making children more caring and willing to understand the people and things around them. The design of each link of teaching always serves the activity goal, closely follows the direction of the social field, and does not favor other fields. (2) Focus on the cultivation of children’s independence and expression skills. Children in large classes have the ability to express themselves based on pictures or other information. Children are given sufficient time for independent expression during activities. I pay attention to children in the process of individual communication and collective communication. Children express their thoughts and results in complete language, and cultivate children's ability to express themselves boldly. (3)Select cognitive methods to respect the age characteristics of children. In social activities, I avoided too much preaching and indoctrination, and chose suitable for children. Age-specific teaching methods: the organic combination of knowledge points and multimedia, and the combination of dynamic and static learning methods, always attract children's attention. 3、 existing problems (1)In this activity, there are too many activities. According to the children’s acceptance ability of the big class, the minority in the content should be appropriately reduced. (2) At the end of the activity, there should be children’s improvement of their hometown emotional knowledge. (3)我的问题, talk, communicate, explain and other languages It can be more refined and more suitable for children’s listening habits.