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2021-08-01 17:21 网络整理 教案网


我也希望自己做得好的就是继续坚持。如果我不理想,我应该纠正我的态度并改进它,这样才能真正贯彻好教学的口号。郑东新区聚源路小学教务处,2014-11-8.第四:香兰中心小学教案检查总结商立秋。数学:龚静、李红梅、鞠同娟、刘丽梅、刘艳、王丽秋。中文:李靖玲、卢桂香。体音美:体音美组老师的教案各有千秋。 二、Advantages:(1)有全书和单元要点分析,有全书教材分析,单元要点分析等(2)完整链接,课时充足;(3)prepare认真.手写教案,写的认真规范(张雅静、王丽秋、潘伟、孙继军、龚静、李红梅);有中学备课(李静玲、李静乔、孙秀梅)(4)可以做第一周准备。三、存在的问题1、板书设计不规范(前面圈了,不单独列出)太简单或缺乏个别课时;2、个别教学重点难点是不完整,中学备课不够深入。3、个别课时缺乏完整的Booklet教材分析和单元教学目标;4、部分教学环节没有准备编写教具,部分共享教学计划教师没有修改它们g 学生的学习情况。 5、课标 思路不够深,不太好 新课程理念应用于教学实践,教学设计缺乏创新。 6、个别教师的教案内容不有趣,不能引发学生的思考。应该引起全体教师的重视,有的教师的教学计划过于简单,不体现场景的营造,不利于实际教学操作。

四、 建议:1、deepen 第二课准备; 2、完善板书设计; 3、补充全书教材分析和单元教学目标。 4、教案设计时,链接必须完整完整。整本课本的分析就是对整本课本的分析和理解,对整个学期的教学非常重要。此外,在编写教案时,应考虑完整教案的所有必要环节,并在教案中呈现,以便更有效地指导教学。 5、 加强学习,认真学习课程标准,努力将新课程理念应用到教学实践中。 6、年轻教师应该多向有经验的老师和优秀的老师学习,通过听课观察他们的教学过程和思路,然后看看他们的教案是如何设计的。教案是备课的文本载体或风格。编写教案的过程是一个钻研教材、构思教学的过程。它体现了教师对教学的理解和感悟,体现了教师的创造性。教学计划在一定程度上可以体现教师的教学理念,体现教师对教学理想的追求,闪耀教师的教学智慧和创新精神。要不断地写,写创意,写风格。教师的教学个性和风格应该从教案开始。以上是我校检查教案的具体情况。教学计划可以反映教师的教学态度和专业能力。希望老师们认真编写教学计划,使我们的教学计划具有更强的可操作性、规范性和实用性,从而提高业务的综合素质。第五章:王古同小学教学计划检查总结王古同小学教学计划检查总结一、优秀教学计划语言:杨子林、孙松。


数学:王成兵、王惠玲。中文:张丽。书法教案:李惠民。 二、提交情况。大部分老师都可以按规定时间教教案(我有5月12日上午提交的教案记录),三、Advantage1、大部分老师的教案都是规范的,写的仔细教案课堂小结怎么写,严格按照教案备课 备课是必须的。数学教学计划包括全书分析、单元测试分析和黑板设计。张丽老师和孙松老师的教案很认真。他们严格按照学校的备课要求,注重方方面面的细节。可以用无可挑剔来形容。 2、大部分教师的电子教案可以根据实际教学进行相应调整。大多数教师都能认真地写教学反思。一些教师的教学反思从实践上升到理论高度,就像一篇小论文。例如,王成兵校长、王惠玲老师在这方面就做得很好。尤其是杨紫琳老师。我读了他的教学计划,我很感动。作为一名老教师,能够全身心投入教学,真的很不容易。他的教案值得全校老师学习。 三、存在的问题1.手写教案太潦草,多是跑脚本; 2、大部分语言教学计划没有单元计划,个别教师在课堂上缺乏对整本教材的分析,没有教学进度; 3、personal 老师的黑板设计 不规则、太简单或缺乏个别课时的黑板设计; 4、个别教师对重点难点的教导不完整。每节课只有一个总体的教学目标、重点和难点,而每节课没有。 5、个别老师的教案、教具没有写在教学环节,部分共享教案(电子教案)也没有老师根据学生的学习情况修改。

6、个别教师上交教案延迟。原本可以在5月12日上午完成检查,但检查被推迟到下午。 四、建议:1、Handwriting教学计划写正楷,字迹工整; 2、完美的板书设计; 3、补充全书教材分析、单元教学目标和教学进度。 4、教案设计时,链接必须完整完整。整本课本的分析就是对整本课本的分析和理解,对整个学期的教学非常重要。此外,在编写教案时,应考虑完整教案的所有必要环节,并在教案中呈现,以便更有效地指导教学。教师的教学个性和风格应该从教案开始。以上是我校检查教案的具体情况。教学计划可以反映教师的教学态度和专业能力。希望老师们认真编写教学计划,使我们的教学计划具有更强的可操作性、规范性和实用性,从而提高业务的综合素质。王古通小学作业检查总结现将全校语文作业检查总结如下:1、老师认真批改,学生可改正,可跟踪改正。 2、老师可以接受所有的修改,尤其是作文方面,可以严格按照学校的修改要求,进行精细的修改。学生作文中出现的好词句可以抽出来进行批注,结尾有一般性批注,部分教师也可以写建议。 3、老师可以用各种方式表扬,比如写得好!你真棒!优秀等;有的老师还用优秀、好等。4、学生作业格式统一,重量合适,难度适中。 5、同年级学生作业设置相同,作业类型相同,次数相同。

6、Most students write seriously, their homework is tidy, and can make corrections according to the teacher's corrections and requirements. 三、 Existing problems and suggestions 1、The sentence writing training for low grades initially guides students to pay attention to the format of the composition, with two spaces at the beginning of each paragraph, and punctuation marks cannot be placed at the beginning of each line, etc. For some of the assignments of poor students in the middle and high grades, teachers still need to work hard to solve their problems in conception, selection of materials, and use of language. 2、 Mistakes are more common, especially when students’ typos, spelling errors, or language problems are not found, which shows that the work is not meticulous enough. Some poor students’ homework assignments were scribbled, severely altered, and some wrong questions were not corrected in time. When making corrections, tell the students to use the correction method from beginning to end. In the next semester, I hope that I will be serious when I start marking my homework. The 3、 revision symbols must be consistent. The teacher's check number, wrong number, and review time () are consistent. 4、 is good at using motivational and instructional language. Especially our Chinese teachers, can't hesitate words like gold. The school recommends that there should be some motivational language in future homework, and you can see improvement in the next homework check. Most of 5、三、四、五、6th grade essays do not have eyebrows. Appropriateness, scientificity, and standardization are our principles for assigning homework. Earnest, standardized, and efficient are the goals we pursue in the correction of homework. I believe that as long as we work hard, we will be able to do a good job of math homework and conduct a careful inspection. The summary is as follows: The overall situation of correction: good 1、All mathematics teachers can follow the homework correction system of the teaching office-serious and timely The land has been fully renovated, and the number of times is sufficient.

2、Mathematics teachers arrange homework according to the requirements of each year, with moderate amount of homework and moderate difficulty. 3、 Most student workbooks are written in a standard manner and can be kept tidy. (The ruler should be used to draw lines with a ruler) The format is relatively uniform. 四、The fifth grade homework is better in vertical writing. 5、 Most teachers can use encouraging comments to mark and evaluate homework, especially in the first and fifth grades. 6、 The teacher can urge students to correct the wrong questions in time. Most students can develop their own habit of correcting the wrong questions, and the teacher can check and correct the wrong questions. Suggestion: 1、usually ask students to pay attention to the cleanliness of homework writing and the uniform format. Good aspects of English homework check summary: 1. Generally speaking, students' workbooks are clean, neatly written, and serious. 2. The homework format of all grades is uniform 一、 with moderate difficulty and moderate weight; the teacher corrects seriously and achieves full reform. 3. Teachers can make corrections in time and require students to correct the wrong words in time; there are different forms of rewards for well-done homework; some teachers can also use different comments to encourage students to complete the homework seriously and on time. 4. Teachers can design homework carefully, and different students have different requirements for homework. Areas to be improved: 1. More ideological education should be given to students who are scribbled, and their learning attitude should be corrected. 2. For students with poor foundations, let them do some basic questions. Safe work: safe work in grades three to six is ​​generally scribbled.