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2017-01-09 16:02 网络整理 教案网




由俄亥俄州立大学综合癌症中心--Arthur G. James癌症医院和Richard J. Solove研究所(OSUCCC-James)及Mayo诊所的研究人员开展的动物实验研究,聚焦于microRNA - 221(miR - 221),一种在肝癌中持续性地呈现异常高的水平的分子。

为了控制这个问题分子,研究人员设计出了第二个分子作为第一个分子的一种镜像。这种镜像分子被称为反义寡核苷酸,它选择性地结合到并阻断了在人体肝癌移植到小鼠体内的miR - 221的作用。治疗显著地延长了实验动物的生命并有效促进重要的抑癌基因的活性。

"这项研究非常重要,因为肝细胞癌或肝癌,一般都预后不佳,所以我们迫切需要新的治疗策略,"首席研究员Thomas Schmittgen说,俄亥俄州立大学药学院副教授及主席,同时也是OSUCCC-James实验治疗项目的成员OSUCCC。

该研究结果发表在"癌症研究"杂志(Cancer Research)上。


当肿瘤长到适当的大小,他们给其中一组动物注射能阻止miR - 221的分子,另一组接受对照分子。



2、反义寡核苷酸显著降低了肿瘤和正常肝脏样本中miR - 221的水平。

3、反义寡核苷酸治疗引起3个重要的肿瘤抑制基因活性增加了3倍,而这三个基因在肝癌细胞中是被miR - 221阻断的。 (肿瘤抑制基因为P27,P57和PTEN。)



参与这项研究的其他研究人员,还有 Jong-Kook Park, Jinmai Jiang, Lei He, Ji Hye Kim, Mitch A. Phelps, Tracey L. Papenfuss and Carlo M. Croce of Ohio State; Takayuki Kogure and Tushar Patel of Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida; and Gerard J. Nuovo。(生物谷bioon.com)




miR-221 Silencing Blocks Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Promotes Survival

J.-K. Park, T. Kogure, G. J. Nuovo, J. Jiang, L. He, J. H. Kim, M. A. Phelps, T. L. Papenfuss, C. M. Croce, T. Patel, T. D. Schmittgen.

Abstract:Patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) face a dismal prognosis because of a lack of any effective therapies. To address this situation, we conducted a preclinical investigation of the therapeutic efficacy of oligonucleotides directed against the oncogenic microRNA miR-221, which has been implicated in HCC. Of 9 chemistries evaluated, we determined that a 2′-O-methyl phosphorothioate-modified anti-miR-221 oligonucleotide was most effective at reducing proliferation in vitro. A cholesterol-modified isoform of anti-miR-221 (chol-anti-miR-221) exhibited improved pharmacokinetics and liver tissue distribution compared with unmodified oligonucleotide. Chol-anti-miR-221 significantly reduced miR-221 levels in liver within a week of intravenous administration and in situhybridization studies confirmed accumulation of the oligonucleotide in tumor cells in vivo. Within the same period, chol-anti-miR-221 reduced tumor cell proliferation and increased markers of apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest, elevating the tumor doubling time and increasing mouse survival. Taken together, our findings offer a preclinical proof of efficacy for chol-anti-miR-221 in a valid orthotopic mouse model of HCC, suggesting that this targeted agent could benefit treatment for patients with advanced HCC. Cancer Res; 71(24); 7608?16. ©2011 AACR.