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课 时 授 课 计 划200 --200 系(部) 授课时间: 章节及题目: 第 周 第 课时 学年度 第No。成功英语 1-1-1 学期专业 200 年 月班 日Unit One Lesson Onestudents should comprehend the text in great detail and learn some words and expressions by practicing them。教学目的: 重点与难点:参考书与教具(图表\模型\演术等) 教学过程(教学方法\内容\时间分配等)I Check √ the steps II New Words III Match the columns IV Listening V。 Describe yourselfTeaching processes:I。 Check √ the steps you would like to take to develop your career。 Then explain your decisions to a partner。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Take professional development courses Continue an M。

A。 (Master’s) degree at my university Study for an M。A。 degree abroad Get a job related to my field Study for another B。A。 (Bachelor’s) degree Study in another country Work in another countryII。 New Words drop off v duties n to leave 离去,散去 obligations, responsibilities 义 务 ,责 任 availability nstate of being free to start work 可用性 head v lead v pushy adj to go to 前进备课笔记怎么写,出发 to direct, to control 引导备课笔记怎么写,带领 aggressive, too demanding of the attentionand cooperation of others有进取心的,热心过头的III。 Match the columns to complete the conversation。

keshi: Well, now that we’ve graduated from college, ________ Paula: But we’ll __________________ Takeshi: Hey! Have you heard anything _____________________ Paula: I have。 It looks like I could be ______________________ __________ Takeshi: I knew they’d accept you; you had the best our class。 I’ve decided to stay here。 Last week I droppedgrades in off my_______________________________________________________________________ resume ____________________________________________ Paula: Yes, it looks like a good job。


But be prepared to answer questions ___________________________ Takeshi: Sure。 The pre-interview _______________ Paula: I’m sure you’re ______________________ IV。 Look at the following characteristics。 Which do you think an employer would consider positive (P) in a job interview? Which do you think an employer would consider negative (N)? ___ being a leader ___ making decisions with your emotions ___ being pushy ___ being a perfectionist ___ being active ___ being aggressive V。 Listen to Takeshi talk about his hiring test。

How did he respond? Check √ the correct box。 VI。 Describe yourself to your partner。 Use the phrases in the box。课后作业: 1。 复习内容: 2。 预习内容: 3。 书面作业: 4。 思考题: 5。 参考资料: 教后总结: 编制日期: 年 月words and passage of Text A exercises of this unit日教师签字:教研室主任签字:课 时 授 课 计 划201 --201 系(部) 授课时间: 章节及题目: 第 周 第No。学年度 第 专业 课时成功英语 1-1-2 学期 班 200 年 月 日Unit One Lesson TwoJust applying for the M。A is hardstudents should comprehend the text in great detail and learn some words and expressions by practicing them。教学目的: 重点与难点:参考书与教具(图表\模型\演术等) 教学过程(教学方法\内容\时间分配等)I Brainstorm the things II Read the Web page III Read the following course descriptions。

IV Read the following general Graduate AdmissionRequirements。I Brainstorm the things you would need in order to study for a Master’s degree abroad。 1。 Elicit one example of each heading from the class 2。 Have the students work alone to fill in the chart 3。 Then have the students form pairs and compare and discuss their answers 4。 The pairs can then form groups of four, then groups of eight, and so on II Read the Web page and make a list of the five things Paula will need to do in order to study for a Master's degree in the U。


S。 1。 Tell them to open their books and check their answers or guesses as quickly as possible 2。 Then have the students read the whole text silently 3。 Deal with any vocabulary questions III Read the following course descriptions。 1。 Draw the chart on the board__________________________________________________ 2。 Make sure students know what a FOR and AGAINST chartis。 3。Have them copy the chart in their books。 IV Read the following general Graduate AdmissionRequirements。课后作业: 1。 复习内容: 2。 预习内容: 3。

书面作业: 4。 思考题: 5。 参考资料:words and passage of Lesson One exercises of this unit教后总结:编制日期:年月日教师签字:教研室主任签字:课 时 授 课 计 划201 --201 系(部) 授课时间: 章节及题目: 第 周 第No。学年度 第 专业 课时成功英语 1-1-3 学期 班 200 年 月 日Unit One Lesson ThreeIf tuition weren’t so expensive…students should comprehend the text in great detail and learn some words and expressions by practicing them。教学目的: 重点与难点:参考书与教具(图表\模型\演术等) 教学过程(教学方法\内容\时间分配等)I Partner cooperation II Compare and justify III Read the following contract IV Change the following sentencesI Partner cooperation Student A asks Student B questions from the chart。

Student B answers。 Then exchange roles。 If wanted… you Where would you What would you want get the information? information about?2。 to get a in classified ads in hours, type of work, pay part-time job newspapers college on noticeboards by talking to other students 3。 to take the on a Web site at a fees, dates, example tests TOEFL testing center in an English department 4。 to research on the Internet at a Courses graduate study Careers Department entrance fees II Compare and justify Paula needs a job。


Read the college notice board and decide available requirementswhich is the best job for Paula。 Compare and justify your answer with your group III Read the following contract Paula has gotten a part-time job。 Read her contract and answer the questions。 1。 Do you think working in the library will help Paula ’ s English? Give your reasons。 2。 How much does Paula get paid per hour? 3。 Is Paula entitled to take paid leave? 4。 Before signing the contract, what questions do you think Paula should ask? IV Change the following sentences 2。