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2020-05-08 00:02 网络整理 教案网

在每节课里,尽可能 多的借助听说读玩演等方式复现新旧语言。 三、夯实字母教学,注重语音渗透 刚升入三年级的教师什么叫学案要从拼音的学习进入英文字母的学 习,他们很容易将字母跟拼音弄混淆。字母是英语学习的基础。 然而在本课本中字母教学是被分解成众多部分的,等我们把字母教 学完了之后这本书也就快学习完了,所以我们能活用教材,将字母 教学时间相对集中。 然后在每个教学单元中应用巩固加强。在字母教学。 词汇教学中不断渗透语音教学,做到润物细无声。 四、注重课堂实效,善用教学方式在课堂中,教师首先自己要确立课堂中你所采用的各类教学方式至 底是应超过一个什么样的教学目的中国石化工程研究院,四十分钟 的课堂,在帮助学习进行知识累积的同时,特别应加强激发和保护 学生学习数学的热情,培养学习利用所学英语进行交际的观念跟勇 气。针对三年级学生的特质,在课堂中。 我们可以充分利用这本教材的一个重要理论:全身反应法(tpr)。 全身反应法适合涉及动脑、动口、动手等,也就是思维跟身体一起 动起来的课型,如:动作故事、故事、歌曲、chant 等。象这一类的 课型。 教学中,就要以全身反应法为基础。 在学习过程及其巩固新的词组和语言结构时,使学员还能全身参与 学习活动。


unit 1 hello,hello 一、单元教学目标学校议论文: 1、字母类:通过课堂让学员掌握字母 aa、bb、cc、dd。使它们可 够按要求听、说、读、写这种字母。 能辨识其印刷体和手写体形式。 2、单词类:通过课堂让学员还能听、说、读句子 my、new、 skateboard、book、pencil、pen 和 schoolbag。 3、句型类:通过模仿动作、唱、会话等活动让学生可唱、说、读句 型:hello/hi. good morning./morning. what’s your name? i’m?/my name is? stand up. sit down. say “hello”. what’s this? my new? 二、单元教学重点: 使教师学会用英文问好、介绍自己的名字跟询 问对方姓名。对行动指令可听,会做。 三、单元教学难点: 学生可借助听音获得恰当的信息;能向对方自 如的介绍自己的姓名并互相祝福。能与伙伴们表演故事。 四、课时划分: 本单元一共有 8 个个别,建议使用教学课时为 6 课时。 part1,part2 (第学案教学法一课时) part3 ,part8 (第二课时) part4 (第三课时) part5 (第四课时) part6 (第五课时) part7 (第六课时) 五、教学建议: (一)教学应推进至语言上我们的英文课堂要一直围绕着语言来推进。

以本单元的第一课 listen and mime 为例。本课的课堂任务是 “say hello./slap hands./stand up./sit down.”这四个表示动作的短语。 在课堂这一课时。 我们就会很自然地用到 tpr 教学法。在我今天接触 join in 这本教材 时。 我在本课的教学中将课堂的时间大面积地分配到了使学生边听边做 动作上。就象教参中提示的一样,我先是让学生听、看和模仿,然 后使学生自己听、判断跟做动作,这两个步骤几乎花去了大部分的 时间,最后学校数学试题,我才使教师尝试着说,由于时间的缘由。 最后说的教师只有少数尖子生,而针对学生来说,这一节课其实输 入了长期的英语信息。 但仍没帮足学生练说的机会。这是鉴于我们 将教学重点仅放到了听懂和动作反馈上,重听和理解,却弱化了必 要的说的训练。其实是在降标教学,限制了教师的据说能力的培养。 (二)教学应重视场景营造 三年级的孩子们特别爱听故事,对于较为单调的对话教学,我们不 妨真加生活的元素,将对话溶于生活中的小故事中。part6 以 xiao qing 为主人翁。【篇三:英语名著简爱赏析教案】第十一课时教案 teaching aims: 1) to know sth about the book. 2) to enjoy some beautiful sentences in the book. teaching important and difficult points: to let students understand the brief introduction of the book and the rebellious spirit of jane eyre. teaching methods: discuss in groups and enjoy teaching processes: step 1 lead in by some pictures. and ask what they know about the book and the writer. step 2 brief introduction of the writer. charlotte bront? (charlotte bronte, 1816, 1855), british novelist, was born in the poor family pastor, who had been in a boarding school, and later appointed as teachers and family teacher. in 1847, charlotte bronte publishing famouss younger brother and two sisters died. in the shadow of death and confused, she managed to complete the book shelley, hersister emilie on to their grief, and describes the early british spontaneous workers movement. her work d otherwise wright (1853) and teacher (1857), the two works are based on the experiences of life i. charlotte bront? good at in a lyric prose style of describing nature scenery, the work of strong emotional step 3 introduction of the book. jane eyre — a beautiful soul because i am penniless, remains obscure, the appearance is mediocre, the stature is thin and small, does not have the soul, did not have feelings - - you to think mistakenly, my mind was equally rich with you, my heart same eichment! jane eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. after we see the movie, after having a long journey of the spirit, jane eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: step 4 read the passage about jane eyre 1. read the passage 2. discuss in groups about what impresses you most about jane eyre. 3. ask some students about their thoughts. step 5 enjoy some beautiful sentences. 1.do you think, because i am poor, obscure, plain, and little, i am soulless and heartless? you think wrong! — i have as much soul as you — and full as much heart! and if god had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, i should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. i am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at gods feet, equal — as we are!’ “你以为因为我穷,低微,矮小,不美,我就没有灵魂没有心吗? 你想错了! 我的灵魂和你一样,我的心也跟你完全一样如果上帝赋 予我财富和美貌,我会使你难于离开我,就像我今天难于离开你一 样。

这是我的灵魂在和你的内心说话英语教案下载,就好似我们二人终于重生了 坟墓,站在上帝的脚下,我们是平等的。 因为我们是平等的!” 2. don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而流泪,微笑吧,为你的以前拥有。3. it is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they can not find it. millions are condemned to a stiller doom than mine, and millions are silent revolt against their lot. 认为他们必须满足于平静的生活是徒劳无益的。人总得活动,在没 有活动机会的之后,他们会造就出活动机会。千百万人被注定了要 忍受一种比我最死气沉沉的厄运。但千百万人在默默的反抗它们的 厄运。