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教学设计(模板及实例 初二英语

2020-02-20 03:01 网络整理 教案网


教学设计课题:《Unit4 What’s the best movie theater? Section B 1a to 1e》 科目:英语 提供者:彭睿敏 一、教学内容分析 教学对象:初二(1)班 课时:1 课时单位:万安县顺峰中学The lesson plan I’m going to talk about is from Go For It! BookⅡUnit4 What’s the best movie theater? My lesson is the third period of this unit. It includes Section B(from 1a to 1e). First I’d like to tell you about my understanding of the teaching material. The topic of this unit is mainly to discuss preferences and comparisons, the students can talk about the favorite things, so they are interested in this topic. They have already learnt comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs. So it’s not difficult to lead in this new period. After this period, students are required to be able to make comparisons and describe the people and things.二、教学目标11.Knowledge aims:a. Students should be able to use new words: creative, talent, performer b. Students should be able to use the target language: Who was the best performer?2. Ability aims: a. Students will be able to make comparisons anddescribe the performers. b. Students will be able to develop their listening skills by learning 1c & 1d and improve their speaking skills through different kinds of practice.3. Moral aims: a.To arouse the students’ passion of learningEnglish and take an active part in English activities. b. To develop good relationships between teachers and students三、学习者特征分析 学生在第三单元已经学了形容词比较级的用法,学会了对两个事物进行非常、描述。


本单元学习的话题学生非常感兴趣,是第三单元知识的延伸,在探讨、交流中可以培养教师 运用语言说话的素养。 当然我们大学的学员大部分基础较好,两级分化严重,课堂设计的任务一旦有难度那 么互动的学生相对常常较少,因此设计的任务应有层次性。注重基础教学,由易至难,慢慢 提升。2四、教学思路选择与设计 1、情境教学法 2、讨论教学法 3、多媒体辅助教学法五、教学重点及难点teaching and learning focusis to help students describe the things, make a decision and show their own opinions. Difficult points is to helpstudents master some expressions about comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.六、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图3Ⅰ. Warming- up 1. Daily greeting. show a beautiful song“I could be the one”. T: Do you like the song? This is the best foreign song I know. It called“I could be the one” I love it very much. I like staying at home and listening to music. I think I’m friendly and quiet. What are you like? 2. Use adjectives to describe the appearance and personality. 3. Tell something about the class. T: You see, I’m your new teacher today. So I want to know something about you. Who always has new ideas in our class? T: So I think he\she is the most creative student in our class.(pay attention to the intonation). ?is the most popular student in our class? Quietest ? As usual, my lesson begins with greetings. Warm them up. ThenI’ll ask them to tell us information about the class and other 1.Answer questions: things they want me to know. What are you like? Here, I design some questions I am ? to help the students be What is he\she like? familiar with the superlative He\She is? forms they have 2.Say some sentences: learned in section A. I aim ?is the most popular student toarouse students’ in our class. interests and attract their 。


attention. Let students use the adjectives and adverbs as much as they could, And it can make Ss feel less difficult when making new practice in the next steps.4Ⅱ.Practicing Choose the opposites in next to their opposites in the 1a and check the answers by using words like this: the chart. most boring and the most creative. T: I’m glad to know so much about 1. 1a.Write these words and phrases you. You are the kindest persons I know. Now please open your books and turn to page 28. Look at 1a, please write these words and most boring loudest worst most serious most creativeconsolidating the new phrase, superlative forms and the opposites.phrases next to their opposites in the chart. 2. Read the words.5After consolidating the new phrase and superlative forms, it is time to put them Students say sentences like in using. This step isalsoto Ⅲ. Brainstorming this: let students ?is the quietest person I confirm the key know. Talk about the person you know. words and ?is the funniest person I superlative know. T: Good job. This is my cousin Li Jing. She is the funniest person I ?is the most creative person forms.The teacher can get I know. know. Now let’s talk about the students to persons you know ?is the?I know practice the target language naturally through sentences. It can also arouse the students’ interest of showing their own opinions.6I’ll show them some pictures of China’s Got Talent. First, show the new words “talent and performer”. Then I’ll ask them to talkⅣ. Presentation Look at the pictures Show the pictures of school talent and say what they did. show and ask what they did. (present the new words “ talent, She played the guitarupside down.about the They played loud music and performers by performer”) sang together. using T: Look, these are the pictures superlative He performed throwing and from the school talent show. They forms. Try to catching balls. lead the are performing. They are students to say performers. She played the piano. them correctly. What did she\they\he do? He sang a song with his d In this way, I naturally present the important words, sentence and let them know something about talent show.。


7HomeworkReport:In our class, I think Lily 1. Listen to 1c &1d at least 3 is the funniest person. She often tells jokes. John times and imitate(模仿) it. is_________________________ 2. Write down the report about ____________________________ classmates. ________________________ ____________________________ consolidating the things we studied today.七、教学评价设计评价内容 评价项目 课堂表现 回答疑问 作业态度 知识掌握 综合评判 学生自评 优 良 中 差 优 优 优 优 优 寄 语学生 评价 11 月 16 姓名 日期 生生互评 教师评价 优 良 中 差 优 良 中 差 优 优 优 优 优 优 优 优八、板书设计8Unit4 What’s the best move theater? Section B 1 1a-2e loudest quietest funniest most creative most boring talent show performer Who was the best performer?九.教学反思 可以从如下角度进行反思(不超过 200 字):9这是我在别的大学上的一节公开课,我是依照词-句-对话-文章的方式由易至难进行设 计的,首先借助让学生听歌进行热身,通过“What are you like?”引导学生说一下体现性 格跟外表的形容词,接着询问学校里学生的一些状况,加深彼此之间的知道,同时使学生说 类似的词组:?is the most popular student in our class.从而使学生非常熟悉最高级。


然后使学生做1a 过于单词及1b 过于句型的训练进行进一步的巩固和利用。 接着开始导入至听力。这一部分是我觉得我这节课更精彩的地方,我充分阐释了文本, 运用了一些听力策略。首先,我借助1b 中的截图导入新单词 talent 及 performer 并教授的 音标。 然后对每一幅图片都进行了详细的剖析问学生他们在做哪些,以此来增加听力的难度初中英语教案下载, 让学员对接下来的听力内容有一定的知道。接着由于有些人名学生不会念,就先让学生跟读 一遍, 接着做听力。 然后继续展现图片, 让学生自己谈论她们觉得照片中的人是很怎么样的, 为以下较难的1d 做好铺垫降低难度,并指出来不及写整个句子就写首字母,最后在进行听 力训练。这样一来就使学生对这两个步骤掌握得十分稳固。 听力做好后就让学生朗读对话,进行访谈训练,最后进行报告及访谈,对所学的常识进 行增强,对现在所学语言进行利用及输出。 这节课学生非常活跃,基本超过了我希望的水准。但最终的采访我认为还可以再改进。 在公开课时这个环节出现了出乎我预料的事,我为了尽早,特意给她们每人发了一张纸,本 意是令她们两人一组进行对话练习,但任务布置下来后它们都忙着去填那张表了,我立时就 有些懵了,等人们填好后,才起初练习。

好在最后的展示很不错,就是稍微多用了点时间。 因此,我想最终那些环节设计时,只要在幻灯上芳上这张表格就可以了,学生的试卷纸上表 格就可以省去。 如果再次上这节课,最后的采访我要改掉,原本设计的是知道班级之更及这种认为的原 因,但课后我觉得既然让人们争论超女、中国好声音等栏目可能很可促使学生的热情。通过 这节课,学生基本掌握了主要的内容及词汇初中英语教案下载,可以流利的进行访谈了。听课的同学也觉得我 最后的环节处理及修改有待改进。10