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2020-02-11 09:01 网络整理 教案网

Teaching methods:Listen, say , read and write

Teaching resource:课件, teaching cards , pictures and atape recorder .

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Assign task

SB Page 71 , 1a .


1.Read the instructions.

2.Read each sentence to the class .

3.Read the instruction again and say , Put 1after the mostimportant reason that you learn English ,put 2 after the secondmost important reason and continue the same way .

4.Do a quick check to see which reasons Ss think are mostimportant .

SB Page 71 , 1b .

1.Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two studentsto read it to the class .

2.Ss work in groups .

3.Ask several groups to say their conversations .

SB Page 71 , 2a .

1.Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

2.Play the recording .Ask Ss to circle their answers .

3.Check the answers .

SB page 71 , 2b .

1.Read the instructions and point out the questionnaire .Ask astudent to read the headings at

the left .

2.Play the recording .Ask Ss to fill in the answers .

3.Check the answers. Ask Ss to write the answers on the board.

SB Page 71 , 2c .

1.Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two studentsto read it to the class .

2.Ask Ss to work in small groups .

3.Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 72 , 3a .

1.Ask different students to read each of the paragraphs to theclass .Answer any questions

students may have .

2.Then say, Now read the paragraphs again and answer thequestions .Correct the answers .

SB Page 72 , 3b .

1.Ask Ss to review the information in activity 3a .

2.Ss write articles about themselves .As they work , move aroundthe room offering language

support as needed .

SB Page 72 , Part 4 .

1.Read the instructions to the class .

2.Point out the example in the speech bubbles and have twostudents read it to the class .

3.Discuss the answers with the class .

Step 3 Homework

1.Ask students to write their conversations on their exercisebooks .

2.Copy some new words.


Period 4

Teaching goals:




Important and difficult points :


2.so 和neither 的区别。

3.have been to sw 与have gone to sw 的区别。

Structures :

Have you ever been to an aquarium ?

Yes , I’ve been to an aquarium .

No ,I haven’t .

No ,I’ve never been to an aquarium .

I’ve never been to a water park. Neither have I .

Functions : Talk about past experiences .

Teaching methods:Listen, say , read and write

Teaching resource:课件, teaching cards , pictures and atape recorder .


Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Self Check

SB Page 73 , Part 1 .

1.Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

2.Check the answers .

3.Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words .

4.Write a number of students’ answers for each word on theboard

SB Page 73 , Part 2 .

1.Read the instructions with the students .

2.Ask Ss to complete the task by interviewing other students.

3.Ask Ss to share their results with the class .

SB Page 73 , Part 3 .

1.Read the instructions and sample answer with the students.

2.Ask Ss to complete the task .

3.Ask Ss to share their short report with the class .Make sureSs include details .

Step 2 While-reading

Have you ever been to Singapore ?

SB Page 74 , Section 1 .

1.Ask Ss if they have ever thought about traveling to a favoriteforeign destination .Elicit

ideas as a class .

2.Ask the groups to choose one of the capital cities in the boxand write four things the group

knows about it .

3.Discuss answer as a class .

SB Page 74 , Section 2 .

Ask Ss to read slowly and thoughtfully .They should be aware ofthe words they are reading as they read .

SB Page 75 , Section 3 .

1.Ask Ss to scan the reading to find more words for thedifferent categories .

2.Ask the class for any unusual words that they have found .

3.3c. Tell Ss to first read the false information given in theexercise .Then ask them to scan

the reading to find the correct details towrite a true sentence .

4.Ss complete the task .

5.Check the answers .

Step 3 Exercise

Exercise designing for Period 4 :单项选择

( )1. HetoCanada ,so you can not see him recently .

A. went B. hasbeen C. has gone D. have beengone

( )2.—have you been there since you became ateacher

—Twice .

A. HowoftenB. How soon

C. HowlongD. Hoe many times

( )3. London has ever hostedthe modern OlympicsParis.

A. SodoesB. So has

C. NordoesD. Neither has

( )4. — I haven’t been tothe space museum .


A. So doIB. Me too

C. MeneitherD. So have I

( )5. There are many storesyoucan buy souvenirs from my hometown .

A. which B.whereC.whenD. there

Step 5 Homework

Write the summary of the reading on their exercise books .


Period 5-6

1.Have a dictation about this unit.

2.Ask students to finish English Weekly

3,Ask students to finish exercises in exercise book.