所以说 Reading 部分承载了本单元的峙息,又集中了茨有用词汇跟语言结构,瞥猩掀淖(根据教学窗新课程的应欠立了本课的课堂目标及教学重难点。)2、教学目标 (1)认知目标 a、重点词汇跟单词:wild, wildlife, protection, decrease, loss, reserve, hunt, zone, peace, respond,distant, mercy, importance, powerful, affect, attention, appreciate, secure, dieout, in peace, in danger of, in relief, burst into laughter, protect…from…, payattention to b、重点句式:Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. (L.1)I’m protecting myself from mosquitoes. (L.28)No rainforest, no animals, no drugs. (L. 31)But what an experience! (L.35) (2)技能目标?通过阅读,训练学员伙篇信息、分桅理、利用信息的能力;?掌握猜测、略读、扫读的阅读心得;?掌握如何保护野生动物的常识;?培养教师口头表达能力。
(3)情感目标 让学生学会怎样保护野生动物,进一步意识到野生动物的生存环境逐渐对及保护野生动物的行动刻不容缓。3、教学重、难点?让学生认识野生动物保护的常识;?提高教师的阅读素养。二、说学情新课程强翟人为本,以教师为直的课堂思想。那么谆名合柑师,了解学生是我们很基本的职宰咧薪锥蔚难灾芪У氖挛锝衔凶约旱墓鄣愫涂捶ǎ遣宦阌诮炭剖樯系闹叮牖嗟信息。在英文学习上,他们不仅仅想把数学谆门死记硬背的课程来学,更期望可学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容人教版高中英语教案下载,从英文学习中稽多的知识跟能力。但是它们的词汇量是有限的,并且缺少阅读心得。且从教师学习语言的规律来看,高一高二是教师的阅读素养提高的重要阶段。而从原先普通班的课堂来看,学生在阅读一篇 300 字以上 的文章时,阅读速度较慢,有许多不好的习惯,如帜读,朗读式阅读等等。其次,他们的理解正确率往往高于70%。 三、说教法根据学员学习的实际情卡教学活动的难度,即药教,是新课程理念下对英文课堂更基本的要乔么依 据学生实际情酷合本单元的职本课的内容,为突逞点,以超过预定的教学目标,我引入了“导、读、练、 说”的整体课文阅读教学法,即在教授的鼓励下,学生的自到跟训练。
从而促使学生兴趣,支习,学有所?、任翁学法 我帮学生设计了读前任为什么今天愈发越多的野生动物蹦边缘?而拽生,面对这些情恳们应 该采用何种机制?从而使学生茫护野生动物的重要性。读呵色扮演。根据阅读中所衬角色 Daisy, Carpet,Antelope/Elephant/Money,分组扮演,进行访谈。课好学生借助多种渠道稽多关于悲物及 如何保护野生动物的信息。通过以上任蔚施,让教师进一步的理解课文脂使教师“以具体的课堂任呜体, 以完成任慰标,把知识与技能融为一体”。 2、图片导入法在课堂过程中,教师的基本任伟导”,即漂和鼓励的祝本课引入图片导入。利用一些关于悲物的 图片,引澄的脂并用提问、脾分伍纳相结合的教学方法。 四、说学法 现代的教育模式认为“华识的过程比华识更重要”。椰在本课中,我采取下面方式指导学员学习。首先是 自职法。引导学员课前备课单词,并探讨有关问题,从而超过学生自蛛学习的目的。其次是预测法。通过 文章题目,预测文章郑最合祝讨论及角色扮演活动以小组活动的方式进行,帮助学员提升人们的合琢昂献佣し⒀难靶巳ぁ 这种自蛛学习、交莲导体验、实践跟自挚的学习方法,能够让学员自职找信息,慌息、 使用信息,在自窒拽习方式中华识,形成正确的学习方法,实现阅读素养与表达能力的提升。
五、说教学过程 现代外语课堂需要应装以师生为脂教师为脂培养学员创新素养”的观念,即使教师在课堂活动中发挥其值匚唬诮淌Φ囊枷氯シ⑾帧⒎治饩狻8荽死砟睿谡Ч讨校贾占岢忠匝导式岷峡 文帜原澡计了由浅至深,循续的活动,使师生积极治与,进行创造性学习,实现知识与技能的融 合,解臼问题。 本课的课堂过程种为四歌 Warming-up;Pre-reading;While-reading;Post-reading。共计教学时间为 40 分钟。步骤教学过程1. Show some pictures to students. (panda, Milu deer, South China tiger,rhino, antelope, elephant, gold monkey and so on.)Step I Warming up (6mins)2. Ask students some questions: 1) Do you know what kind of animals they are?(Protected species.) 2) Why people call them protected species?(They are endangered; They are dying out.) 3) Why are they in danger of disappearing?设计意图 利用图片进行 导入,直观茫苎杆僮 住学生的注意 力,引弃 的兴趣,尽快 融入课堂。
让学生用已有 的知识来分紊锉媚原掖佣行У匾 导学生进入本 课知—如 何保护野生动4) Discussion: Nowadays, more and more animals are dying out. As a student, what should we do to protect wild animals?物。不交 激发学习兴 趣,还渗透德 育教育,为下 面的阅读灼痰妗6致 也有利于激发 学生的分散性 思维。鸳生的课 外知识,而不 节课本知 识。T: You can join an organization which is interested in wildlife protection and theycan be found all over the world. The WWF is just such an organization.?What is WWF?---world’s largest privately financed conservation organization;---protect endangered species and their habitats;---works in more than 100 countries with nearly 5 million members.Step II Pre-reading Prediction:(2mins)Look at the title to predict what the passage is about.预测中助 于学生把握文 章的总体思 想,培养教师 的推理能力。
Step III Whilereading (22mins)中心茨概Task 1 Skimming for the general idea括以填空的方What is this passage about?式回粹,Daisy took a flying carpet to travel and talked with some animals in her dream, 降低难度,符which made her know the importance of the wildlife protection.合所教学生基础较好的实际状况。安排一些常识Task 2 Scanning for detailed information性的问题,考1) Fill in the chart.查对阅读内容(What three places did Daisy go? What three animals did she meet? How Daisy 的进一步理felt?)解。培养教师Places Tibet ZimbabweAnimals Antelope ElephantFeelings Sad Happy对信息的理解 和记忆,,提高 判断能力。
RainforestMonkeyAmazed2) True or false 1) Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet. (F) 2) Daisy’s sweater was made of sheep wool. (F) 3) The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe. (F) 4) In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see elephants. (T) 5) The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants now. (F)问题的设计可Task 3 Careful reading够使学生知道Answer the following questions:改细节,Para.1: Why has the antelope in Tibet become an endangered冒生植物species?们目前所处的Para2: Why are elephant numbers increasing in Zimbabwe? How does 情浚护野the government of Zimbabwe help protect wild animals?生动植物的重Para3: Why is it important to protect the rainforest?要性。
训练了Para. 12Places TibetZimbabweAnimalsSituationsThey are killed for wool and their Antelopefur is used to make sweater.Farmers used to hunt them but nowthe government helps and the Elephantfarmers who make money fromFeelings SadHappy学生的带着问 题阅读文章及 查读方法。并 培养学员利用 信息口头表达 能力。tourism protect them.No rainforest, no animals and no3 Rainforest MonkeyAmazeddrugs.活动基于课文内容,又不局Making up dialogues1. Divide students into 3 groups.Group 1: Students in threes make up a dialogue between Daisy,Step IV Post-reading (9mins)Carpet and Antelope. Group 2: Students in threes make up a dialogue between Daisy,Carpet and Elephant.Group 3: Students in threes make up a dialogue between Daisy,Carpet and Monkey.2. Let students practice their dialogues in threes.限于课文内 容,目的在于 发散学生的思 维,把学习从 课内拓宽至课 外。
并为学生 提供了锻炼口 头表达能力的 机会。实现了 知识到技能的转换。Step V Homework (1min)把英文学习从Collect as much information about endangered wildlife in rain forest / in the sea / on 课堂引乡the high lands / in the river and how to protect wildlife as possible.会。六、说板书设计板书内容比如了 While-reading 中每一任问题矗通过图表式的板书,让教师对文章内容一目了然,最终推动学生对信息的梳理,归纳和小结,使其的知识受到增强和巩固。How Daisy learned to help wildlifeDaisy took a flying carpet to travel and talked with some animals in her dream, which made her know Main ideathe importance of the wildlife protection.Para.PlacesAnimalsSituationsFeelingsThey are killed for wool and their fur is used to makesweater.1TibetAntelopeSadFarmers used to hunt them but now the government2ZimbabweElephant helps and the farmers who make money from tourismHappyprotect them.3RainforestMonkey No rainforest, no animals and no drugs.Amazed4Daisy returned home.? 上一篇:高三英文总复习二轮复习的? 下一篇:高中数学培训学习经验分享到: