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On Strategy and Quality:A Study of Higher Education Institutions in Portugal

Maria de Lourdes Machado;Minoo Farhangmehr;James S.Taylor;


Observer-embedded structure for Internet-operated dynamical control systems and Its application to industrious servo machines

Consideration on Knowledge Management for Scientific Research

Yoshiteru Nakamori;

Intelligent Scientific Information Acquisition and Dynamic Monitoring

Towards Real-Time Customized Management of Supply and Demand Chains

James M. Tien;Ananth Krishnamurthy;Ali Yasar;


Using Customer Equity to Drive Corporate Strategy

Roland T.Rust;Katherine N.Lemon;Alarie A.Zeithaml;

The Mapping of Sun Tzu in the Era of Knowledge Economy

Total Service Profit Chain Management——Development of Heskett's Theory of Service Profit Chain

Goal-Driven Business Process Modeling and Reengineering


Competitiveness-Traditional Models and CAS-approach

Marjo HAATAJA Research Assistant;Jussi OKKONEN Senior Researcher;

The Construction Mode for Competitiveness of Modern Service Enterprise

Generating Key Marketing Tactics for Middle and Small Service Businesses

Validation of the Service Profit Chain Model

A Management Game Model of Service System Type


Masayuki Matsui;Atsushi Saito;

Types of Service Failures and the Effectiveness of Service Recovery Strategies:Chinese Customers' Perspective

Contractual Manufacturing Service (CMS) Provider-An Emerging Player Changing Manufacturing Industry

Mike Gregory;

Antecedents to brand equity and Its influence on customer relationship performance: an empirical investigation in China

The Strategic Thinking About The International Operation Of Chinese Service Firms

A Strategic Analysis for Cultural Tourism in China's Western Region
