教学重点、教学难点、教学目标是在科学分析学生教材和培养目标的基础上形成的。概括必须准确、科学。新课介绍)、主要教学内容、板书设计、重点问题(互动环节)、课后思考(或作业)、完整的教学环节,教学过程可以完成2.8@>重点和应突出困难。重点、难点和教学目标不能只保留在表格中,而必须体现在教学实施过程中。教学内容的组织要紧紧围绕本课的重点、难点和目标,抓重点,分析难点。明白这一切都是为了服务和实现这门课程的具体教学目标,而这个具体目标是一门课程总目标的一个子目标,所以每个教案和整个课程目标体系必须有机统一。达到。 2.9@>教材要灵活处理。教案不能写成教材的简称,也不能写成教材的大纲,也不能完全脱离教材而自行设置。因为教科书死了,教学才活;教科书只提供教学参考资料,不能代替一切教学,更谈不上教师在备课和教学中的创造性工作。因此,教学计划中对教材的处理应与教学目标密切相关,形成一个有机的整体。一要完整,二要逻辑严谨,三要创新形成特色。 4、案例教材要绝对“新鲜”。经济全球化和信息化的发展,让世界变小了,市场变大了,技术更新很快。
即使是新出版的教材,由于起草、编辑、出版、发行等环节,有些内容很快就会落后于经济社会发展和技术应用的实践。比如一年级下册认识人民币的单元里,我们认识元、角、分,但在现实生活中,我们不再使用一分、二分、五分,甚至一毛钱。并且很少使用两分钱。 如何解决这个问题呢?只有教师的创造性工作,即在备课过程中树立最新的实用教育理念,用最新鲜的材料丰富教学内容,用最新最能说明问题的案例阐述理论,才能提高教育水平。和教学得到改进。 5、板书设计要力求创新。教师的教学活动是富有个性的创造性劳动,他们的个性特点在每个班级的板书设计中体现得最为突出。因此,教师在备课时,应在充分研读课本的基础上,为每节课设计具有以下特点的板书方案:一是严格逻辑,板书顺序是对课本的高度概括再现。逻辑推理;简明扼要地概括了本课程的主要内容;三是满足审美要求,板书设计必须符合审美规律,给人以清晰、美观、良好的美感;四是结构的完整性,即一个知识点的完整性。表达;五是简单。对于小学生来说,板书不宜过长,而要把握核心,简洁明了。 6、不断丰富完善。编写教案不是一次性的工作。初稿完成后,还需要不断丰富和完善。一是初稿经常被忽视;二是教材的研究与教学实施往往产生灵感,及时补充新亮点;三是教案需要补充新材料、新信息;四是备课不是一次性的性劳动,一节课的备课不是一次性生效,过期失效,需要从部分与课件的衔接角度进行补充。所有的;五是在集中备课或教研组活动中,从课程之间的衔接或交叉中获取提示和补充。
丰富和改进不是推翻和重新开始。您可以使用备注栏,也可以将一张纸贴在角落里进行比较和研究。 7、教案以手写为主,清晰整洁。编写教案是一项创造性劳动,是对教师研究能力、写作能力、概括分析能力的有效培养,也是教师写作水平、概括能力、材料组织等综合素质的体现。因此,教案是教师创造性劳动的结晶。是检验教师素质的重要依据。手写教案对教师的要求更高,能真正检验教师备课质量,更具可比性。因此,客观上要求教师善于书写。一个好的手写教案还可以为学生提供他们学习的活生生的样本。编写教案的具体内容包括以下十项: 1. 学科(注明本课程的题目) 2. 教学目的(或教学要求,或教学目标,表明本课程要完成的教学任务) III 课程类型(注明是新课还是复习课) 4.课时(注明课时数) 5.教学重点(说明本课必须解决的关键问题) 6.教学难点(解释本课程学习中可能出现的困难和障碍的知识七、教学过程(或班级结构,解释教学内容、方法和步骤)八、作业处理(解释如何安排书面或口头作业)九、板书设计(描述上课时要写在黑板上的内容) 10、教具(或教具的准备,说明辅助教学方法所使用的工具) 在写教案的过程中,教学过程是关键,包括以下步骤:( 一)新课介绍1.设计新颖活泼,简洁大方。
2。如何进行,审查这些内容? 3. 询问这些学生需要等待多长时间。 (二)新课教学1.针对不同的教学内容选择不同的教学方法。2.如何提问,如何逐步启发和诱导?3.教师如何教学生如何学习?安排了详细的步骤,需要用到时间。(三)巩固练习 1. 练习设计得很好,有层次,有渐变,有密度。 2. 怎么做,黑板谁来做?以课时比为例如,我将分享我是如何编写这个教案的。我把这个教案写成五个阶段。第一阶段是分析教材,请阅读教材。这节课的主要内容是比较两者的数量要求学生使用以前学过的一一对应的方法进行比较。教材分为三个层次。第一层次:“小猴子吃水果”的教学情况图。教师首先要让学生在教学现场化图,因为“小猴子吃水果”的画面中水果是零散的,学生不能马上判断出猴子比桃子、香蕉和梨多还是少,所以首先要数水果的数量。 ,然后按照一一对应的方法垂直排列。这种排列的形式本质上是条形图的原型。我们叫它象形图,让学生一眼就能看出谁多谁少或相同。 ,感受有序安排的好处。然后用文字来表达比例的结果,来传达文字和图片之间的关系。第二级:“=”“>”“<”三个符号。
根据象形图,画出两列小猴子和其中一个水果进行定量比较,并引入关系符号“=”“>”“<”,让学生认识这三个符号及其对应关系。同时,了解三个符号的读法和作用,可以让学生初步感知符号在数学中的作用和单词不可替代的作用。 ,教师在教学中要引导学生区分。第三级是“做与做”两个问题和习题3的问题,直接用符号来表达两个数之间的关系。习题3的题是10道题,综合考查学生数数、比较、使用数学符号的能力。此外,对培养学生仔细、有序地观察的能力也很有帮助。 n 在涂写和比较中对同一事物的理解越来越多,提高运用数学符号表达的能力。第七题,通过3组大小比的公式,让学生直观地感受到两个数的位置不同,使用的数学符号发生了变化,但两个数的大小关系保持不变。第二阶段是确定课堂目标,找出难点,选择教法和学法,考虑准备好教具和学具。 一、教学目的。所谓教学目的,是指教师在教学中想要达到的最终效果。只有明确教学目的,教师才能做到“教”有针对性,“学”有针对性。教学计划中的教学目的应明确、具体、简洁。一般应选择1~3个教学项目。这个案例的课时目标,我也选了三个。
1.让学生认识符号“=”“”“<”及其含义。 2.会用“=”“”“<”来描述5以内的数字。培养学生与他人合作和交流的能力。 二、教学重点和难点。教学的重点和难点是整个教学的核心,是完成教学任务的关键。重点突出、难点清晰,有利于学生掌握教学的整体思路,便于学生配合教师完成教学任务。我认为这个案例的重点是能够正确比较 5 以内的数字个数。我设置的难点是识别符号“=”“>”“<”及其含义。 三、教学方法。教学方法虽然多种多样小学数学教案下载,但每节课的教学方法必须根据教学内容和学生的接受能力来确定。老师的教学艺术很重要,看他的教学方法的运用是否熟练和恰当。本案例的教学方法和学习方法,我选择使用情景演示法,通过情景图的演示,让学生理解三个符号及其含义。所选择的学习方法是自我探索法,这是学生通过学习工具的操作独立探索和比较数字的一种通用方法。 四、准备教具。在数学教学中科学有效地使用教具和学具,不仅能调动学生的学习积极性,激发学生的直觉思维,还能使抽象的数学知识直观生动,有利于学生更好地理解和掌握本案例所需的教具有: 教学情况图。学具有:学具操作卡。第三阶段是设计教学过程 教学过程也称为教学步骤或教学程序,即用于指导和规范教师课堂活动的步骤。
只有安排好教学过程,教师才能在课堂上有序、成功地完成各个教学环节。教学过程一般分为四个部分。 一、创造情境并引入新的课程。对于教学内容的介绍。教学内容的引入就是课堂的引入。课堂介绍是一门艺术,是教与学的纽带,是学生进入和掌握教材的桥梁。 Therefore, according to the determined teaching purpose and content, teachers should carefully design the classroom guide language and skillfully introduce new lessons according to the students' psychology, so as to stimulate students' interest and enable students to devote themselves to classroom learning. In this case, my introduction is to show the situation map first, and then ask: The three monkey brothers went to the wild for dinner. Look, what fruits did they prepare for themselves? Students observe the situation map and report individually. This part takes about 3 minutes. 二、New class. Mainly talk about the teaching content of this class. Teaching content is the core of classroom teaching, because other aspects of lesson preparation serve it. When writing the lesson plan, the teaching content must be clearly written step by step and layer by layer, and if necessary, the required time should be indicated after each part of the content. In this way, the content of the 12 lectures can be carried out steadily according to the expected time, and there will not be a situation where the front is loose and the back is tight or the front is tight and the back is loose. In this case, I divided the new teaching into six steps. It takes about 18 minutes. 1.The teacher guides the students to observe: How many of each fruit are there? How to place it so that you can see at a glance which fruit has more and which has less fruit?试试看。 Students work with learning tools.
The teacher shows the results of the students' operations, emphasizing that they should be placed in a one-to-one correspondence. 2.Teaching "3=3". Teacher: Little monkey likes to eat peaches the most. By comparison, can each monkey eat a peach? The teacher presents the courseware (learning tools) and asks the students to observe and report: what they found. Teacher: Through the one-to-one correspondence, we find that there are equally many monkeys and peaches. In mathematics, the same can be represented by the symbol "=". Writing on the blackboard: 3=3, the teacher is equal to 3.3. teaching “3>2”. Teacher: Monkeys also like to eat bananas, what did you find? Teachers show courseware (learning tools) for students to observe. Student report: There are more monkeys than bananas. The teacher's conclusion: 3 majors, which can be represented by the symbol ">". Writing on the blackboard: 3>2, teachers teach "3 is greater than 2". 4.Teaching "3<4". Teacher: The little monkey also prepared pears, let's compare it. Tell me about your findings. Students observe and report. The teacher pointed out: 3 small, you can use the symbol "<" to represent. Writing on the blackboard: 3<4, teachers teach "3 is less than 4". 5.Guide writing and distinguish between ">", "<" and "=". Teacher: “>” and “<” are very similar. What are the similarities and differences between them? How can you tell the difference between the two? Student sinks Less than sign, opening on the right. Read the nursery rhyme together: Whoever has a big mouth has a small sharp horn. 6.Games. The teacher says the name of the symbol, and the student cites the corresponding symbol. 三、Consolidate sorting and expand applications. This part is mainly training content. Practice is the link that transforms the knowledge structure of the textbook into the cognitive structure of students. It is a way for students to combine the theoretical knowledge they have learned with practice. It is also a good way to timely feedback the effect of classroom teaching. Whatever the nature of the content 13, practice time should be arranged in the classroom, and should not be filled.
The training content of this case is divided into two parts. 1.Complete Textbook 17 Teachers guide students to think and use the method of one-to-one correspondence to find out the relationship between big and small. 2.Complete exercise 3 on pages 18-19 of the textbook. Students complete it independently, and teachers make comments collectively. This session takes approximately 15 minutes. 四、Summary of the whole class. A good lesson plan should have a beginning and an end. Summary is not only the conclusion of classroom teaching, but also an indispensable means to strengthen the focus of teaching. A good summary can be the finishing touch. Homework is the after-class exercises arranged by the teacher according to the teaching content, so that students can review, understand and digest the teaching content, and lay a solid basic case for learning the content of the next lesson. The summary of the case is: Teacher: Tell me about this lesson. what have been learned. Students report individually. This session takes approximately 4 minutes. The fourth stage of blackboard writing design. For primary school students in the first grade, writing on the blackboard should not be too long, but should focus on the core and be concise and clear. Unknown words should be marked with pinyin. The blackboard writing design of this case is less than 4”14 The fifth stage of teaching reflection. The main content of the reflection of teaching reflection is whether the teaching goal has been achieved? Has the education and teaching concept been transformed into specific teaching behavior? In what way? What are the outstanding highlights? Where are the existing problems and crux? In response to the existing problems, put forward improvement strategies. The teaching reflection of this case is as follows: When teaching the content of this lesson, I start with the familiar picture of students, and use " The situation picture of the story "Little monkey eats fruit" arouses students' interest in learning, and organically links the fairy tale of monkey eating fruit with the mathematical knowledge of ratio, so that students can master the number of comparisons in the process of helping monkeys to divide fruit. General methods, and at the same time feel that mathematics is everywhere in life, and experience the concise and clear application functions of mathematical symbols.
It is one of the important mathematical thinking methods to use specific symbols to describe the amount between two quantities in the objective world. This lesson is mainly to let students distinguish between three symbols. It is still difficult for students to recognize the three symbols in a class, especially to distinguish between ">" and "<". So I asked the students to find a way to memorize and talk about the shapes of ">" and "<", and guided them to use an easy-to-understand language to memorize the three symbols, such as "Whoever has a big mouth has a big mouth and who has a small pointy tip. horn". Then, in the form of the game "the teacher says the name of the symbol, the students bring up the corresponding symbol", to deepen the students' impression of the symbol, and learn to use the symbol to represent the number of two numbers. 15