联邦政府 的翻译结果(2)
At present, as funded by the Federal Government and the State Government of California, instruments and equipment are being installed in Parkfield region, in an attempt to predict several days or several hours prior to the occurrence of an earthquake。 The detailed plans for the experimental site are eoming to perfection and implementation。 This was a major event in seismology of 1985 in the United States。 This paper deals with the following five aspects; 1。 background for earthquake prediction work in the United States; 2。
fundamental ideas for setting up the experimental site; 3。 siting of the experimental site; 4。 practical doings in the experimental site; 5。 organization and international cooperation。 From the background of earthquake prediction work in the United States, this paper mainly describes in detail the work done in this site since 1985, particularly in their new ideas and new practices。
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