19、完成,另一方面可以提高形象思维和规律思维的力量,扩大思维和回答地理问题的深度和广度。 六、加强空间思维训练,形成科学的整体观,不断提高认识水平描述、概括、理解各种地理事物的空间结构联系和进步变化过程”、“认地名”和重要地理事物的空间位置”和其他电力要求。试题中,时差的推断、地图的解读、世界和中国某个地区的特征分析推断等等,都在考验学生的空间实力。因此,在高考地理复习中,要特别注意空间思维的训练,以促进我们整体思维的形成。对空间思维力量的考察主要包括以下内容:各种地图的解读、地球的自转公转、大气的运动与变化
21、复习有法无章,只要我们巧妙地坚守大纲,立足基础,构建文化体系,形成整体观念,加强力量训练,不断提高分析和解决问题的能力 以地理事实为基础,形成地理概念,了解地理规律和地理规律,建立完整的文化结构体系。比掌握大量具体零散的知识更有价值。把握区域特征及其消失的识别和问题及解决办法,注重空间思维的培养,促进空间思维能力的形成,必将取得令人满意的效果。高中地理老师教学总结5 时光荏苒,日月如梭。转眼间,一个学期的培训教学工作已经结束。回首本学期,地理培训任务圆满完成,取得了积极成果。现将具体工作总结如下:一、仔细研究
22、商业。我负责高一4个班的地理教学。在教学过程中,我认真学习新课程标准,研究教材。为了准确传授知识,我经常虚心请教有经验的老师,并与他们讨论教学中消失的问题。问题二、创造良好的学习环境。创造情境有助于学生独立学习。只有将知识学科置于问题情境中,才能促进知识学科的积极进步。在教学中,充分利用学校的多媒体设备,设计制作多媒体课件,精心创设教学情境,有效调动学生积极参与教学活动,使学习的内在动力逐步由陌生提升为爱好。 通过精心设计,将学习目标和任务巧妙地放置在学生的近期进步区,促进了学生对新知识意义的自主建构,让学生掌握知识进步的发生变化规律。地理事物同时充分体验查询。 三、致力于优化地理教学。 1、注意
23、强调活跃的课堂气氛。沉闷的课堂气氛只会让学生昏昏欲睡。为此,在课堂教学中,我非常重视营造良好的课堂教学氛围,努力营造学生喜闻乐见的学习场景,让学生更直观、更直观地理解知识。生动地。 2、注重作业的开放性。开放式问题可以激活学生解决问题的思维,提高学生思维的发散性、分化性和深度。注重学生对知识的主动追求、重组和应用,从综合的角度培养学生的创新思维。注意作业批改的准时性,经常当面批改,个别辅导。 3、注重与同学的交流。 “理解”是建立师生之间的纽带和桥梁。了解同学,就是以饱满的热情和充足的精力投入感染同学,给同学一个微笑、真诚、真诚。当学生取得好成绩并获胜时,当他们遇到困难、疾病和挫折时,应该给予祝贺和鼓励
24、,提供安慰和支持。并鼓励学生主动表达自己对未来教学工作的想法和建议:通过对试题的分析,在今后的教学中,除了要把握文化体系、熟悉知识的隐藏方面,还要还要认真学习新课程理念,理解和讨论教材,找到教材中知识和思想的结合点,自然地理学思想和地理方法的嵌入点,让学生在地理教学中潜移默化地渗透、理解和把握地理通过教学方法和方法。思想和地理方法,从而达到学习和应用地理的最终目的。 1、教授更多地理方法和想法。 Geographical thinking is the basic viewpoint and fundamental idea of solving problems in geographical activities, the essential understanding of geographical concepts, propositions, laws, methods and techniques, and the intelligence and soul in geography. Therefore, comprehending geographic thoughts and methods is the primary task of geography teaching.
25、 Study the teaching materials, grasp the geographical ideas and methods contained in the knowledge, and teach students the geographical methods of solving problems and thinking about the geographical ideas of problems by imparting knowledge. While learning the subject of geography, the students can better understand the ideas and methods of geography, and can skillfully apply inferences from one case to the other, so as to truly realize the living learning and use, change the teaching concept, promote the change of learning methods, and provide students with a deeper understanding of the knowledge. Understand and learn the effective way of studying geography. Only when the students themselves grasp the good learning methods, his learning will be multiplied with half the effort. 2、More process exploration and less cultural display. Geography originates from life. It is a systematic and rigorous subject system formed by gradually abstracting, summarizing, demonstrating and reasoning from practical applications. In geography, we should pay attention to cultivating students' agile thinking and open thinking, and we must use the knowledge that students are familiar with. Real life is the basis for the growth of geographical knowledge, and the formation of knowledge should be taught more procedurally
26、Research, understanding the formation, progress and final definition of knowledge through students' active inquiry, has a good role in promoting the formation and progress of students' geographical thinking. Especially when talking about difficult problems, I often ask my classmates to express their opinions on the podium, and use their own expressions to let everyone understand, to infer who is right and whose method is the most concise. I found that many students were happy and expressed and debated with everyone. In actual teaching, the formulaic and conceptual superficial, concise, boring reading and mechanical drill teaching do not pay attention to the rational and deep connotation of geography, which makes geography teaching superficial and is not conducive to students facing the detection under the guidance of new ideas. , which is not conducive to future teaching and the progress of students' geography. 3、More student-centered, less teacher-centered. High school students have a particularly high enthusiasm for learning, especially for learning materials that are close to their lives and have positive perceptual experience, which can show great learning initiative and initiative. However, long-term teacher-centered teaching will dampen students' enthusiasm for learning, resulting in passive learning and teaching difficulties. In the study of geography, combine knowledge to create some lively and challenging problem situations, put students in the problem, simply activate the students' existing experience and geography questions, and cultivate students' thinking quality of independent thinking and exploration. Learning is motivating. Taking students as the center and eliminating the teacher center should always be the primary strategy for the implementation of geography classroom teaching. I think it is important to let students love geography from the bottom of their hearts and be willing to learn geography. High self, better and better. Promote the advantages, correct the shortcomings, forge ahead, and dedicate your strength to a wonderful tomorrow. High school geography teacher teaching summary