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2019-04-27 04:11 网络整理 教案网

12.Heavy rains can cause rivers to rise and overflow their bands.暴雨引发江湖暴涨,水库、河堤崩决。

13.Institutional Reasons of China A-share s Soaring and Slumping Prices and the Countermeasures;中国A股市场暴涨暴跌的制度性原因及对策

14.The price of oil jumped sharply in 1973.一九七三年石油价格暴涨。

expected inflation_expected inflation_gpa inflation

15.The prices for condominiums have been exploding(/soaring; skyrocketing )商品房的价格一直在暴涨

16.You must have stud the market and is aware of the present soaring market.您一定了解市场,知道目前行情在暴涨。

17.Price is soaring and money is losing its value, wouldn't you say so?物价暴涨,钱愈来愈不值钱,你说是不是?

18.Stocks may boom today, but drop tomorrow.股票可能今天暴涨,但明天又下跌。

v. rise extremely quickly猛涨,暴涨

3)big price movements暴涨暴跌

expected inflation_gpa inflation_expected inflation

4)chaotic inflation model暴涨模型

1.Adopting the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model,we present a new exact solution to Einstein s equation that describes the evolution of the cosmological chaotic inflation model,and calculate the spectral indices ns of the scalar density fluctuation and the gravitational wave spectral index ng.采用Friedmann-Robertson-Walker模型,提出了一个新的描述宇宙浑沌暴涨模型演化的Einstein场方程解,并计算了标量密度涨落的光谱指数ns和引力波光谱指数ng,得到ns的值很好地符合宇宙背景观测卫星观测到的值。

5)number of inflationary efolds暴涨指数

1.Particularly,the expected number of inflationary efolds is studied carefully.回顾了现代宇宙学的历史和现状,从Friedmann方程出发,将标量场的量子涨落作为Gaussian白噪声,建立了反映宇宙暴涨过程的Langevin方程,得到尺度因子的均值、自相关系数和方差;特别是详细计算了暴涨指数,发现用这种方法得到的暴涨指数与经典结果差异甚微。

6)inflationary universe暴涨宇宙

(上海卷)16、17)北半球某地(约75°w,45°n),河流清澈,森林茂密,风景宜人„„ 24. 一条大河由西南向东北流经该地,进入解冻季节时,该河流容易出现的现象是 ①凌汛②水土流失 ③河岸决堤 ④水位暴涨。胡金山说,6日凌晨的特大暴雨导致进水渠水位暴涨,泵站23台机组开足马力,确保了水位“一直处在18.5米左右”。其局部零散地热供暖也由于没有统计规划、布井不合理、重效益轻保护、没有进行回灌造成资源的极大浪费,使得当地地热水位呈现急剧下降趋势,到2009年7月,地热水位已经下降了近70米。