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2019-04-21 02:11 网络整理 教案网

With the theme of "New Era of E-Commerce, New Power of Trade", the 2019 E-Commerce Fair has 2 226 international standard booths。 It attracts 1102 enterprises from 11 countries including the United States, Germany, Canada and 19 provinces (cities) in China。 There are top Internet companies in the world, such as Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Tencent, Jingdong Mall, and so on。 Baidu, Netease, Lanting Jishi, Shunfeng Optimal, Store No。 1, ShowNet, GMO of Japan, Shopee of Singapore, and Brand E-Commerce Service Enterprises China Telecom, China Mobile, Air France Express, Shunfeng, Yuantong, Shifang, Shanghai Business School, Beijing Saint-Tel, Dinker, Shanghai Weimenu, Yi Zhifu, Shanghai Baofu, Boyang Home textiles, Mengniu Dairy, Xinguang Group, sprat hosiery, super energy, oxygen bubble, Rui Xuan, Quan cube, net doctor, Mengniu, Wahaha, Boyang home textile, LAN Sha socks, baoansi socks, Meijia Shuang, Heng An, Yu Bei *, An Qier, Meng Meng pig, Baozi, you Shu, Quan Shen Tong, Xian You group, Sanjin, Fu Yanjie。

主要社会兼职:《international journal of agricultural and biological engineering》副主编,《农业工程学报》副主编兼农业生物环境工程栏目主编,中国农业工程学会副理事长,中国农业机械学会副理事长,江苏省生态学会副理事长,中国生态学会农业生态专业委员会委员,科技部863专家等。the china management team is all mnc experienced and have a proven track record in the sales and marketing of the pharmaceutical industry in china.。

A total of 151,765 people from 32 countries and regions visited Yiwu and negotiated with 55,425 cooperation intentions。 Nearly 100 media, including CCTV, Phoenix Satellite TV, People's Network, Xinhua News Agency and Sina。 com, focused on Yiwu。 E-commerce Fair has been awarded the "Top Ten Brand Specialized Exhibition in China" for many consecutive sessions。 It is the best platform for domestic e-commerce enterprise image display, new product promotion, trade negotiation and information dissemination。capita