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thatcher 2018年成人学位英语考试英汉互译练习题十四(2)

2018-01-25 02:03 网络整理 教案网


5.However, when investment flows primarily in one direction, as it generally does from industrial to developing countries, the seemingly reciprocal source-based restrictions produce revenue sacrifices primarily by the state receiving most of the foreign investment and producing most of the income-namely, the developing country partner.


6.With respect to their reasons for immigrating, Grassy does not deny their frequently noted fact that some of the immigrants of the 1630's, most notably the organizers and clergy, advanced religious explanations for departure, but he finds that such explanations usually assumed primacy only in retrospect.


7.It was possible to demonstrate by other methods refined structural differences among neuron types, however, proof was lacking that the quality of the impulse or its conduction was influenced by these differences, which seemed instead to influence the developmental patterning of the neural circuits.



8.Of course, it would be as dangerous to overreact to history by concluding that the majority must now be wrong about expansion as it would be to reenact the response that greeted the suggestion that the continents had drifted.