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2021-09-14 00:06 网络整理 教案网




1、Teaching 充分发挥学生的主动性,教会学生如何学习,让他们学到的比什么都重要。








培养阅读习惯应该从孩子做起,但是二年级的孩子还没有学好汉字,怎么看?针对这种情况,我们将根据学生的汉语学习进度,分阶段安排不同的阅读活动。拼音是知识的基础。我们首先从拼音教学入手,加强拼音练习,在指导孩子阅读简单童谣的同时学习拼音,开展拼音比赛。只有练好拼音,才有可能读到一本好书。 2、听故事,培养阅读兴趣



1 / 2 这些故事都在书里,你也可以阅读,你会看到更多有趣的故事。 3、读读字互利互惠

阅读和识字实际上是一个整体。阅读可以帮助你学习更多新字,识字可以提高阅读速度。当我们开展各种阅读活动时,我们将阅读和识字融为一体。我们把阅读时认识的生词圈起来,介绍给大家。我们还可以制作阅读卡,将生词摘录或剪切粘贴到阅读卡上,看看。 ,各种精美的阅读卡片:苹果、桃子、星星……各种这些都是孩子阅读和识字的收获和结晶。 4、古诗文读书活动。



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为了把新理念运用到教学中,落实到每一个班级,除了每次教学和科研活动,我们还利用业余时间进行理论、学习新理念和“小学语文教师”,以及密切关注学生语言学习的过程、方法和评价体系。本学期,我们将学校教研活动与小组活动相结合,将别人的教学方法与我们班的学生结合起来进行研究。无论是小组备课还是小组研讨会,我们总是先讨论小组中的课程。 ,然后尝试教学,互相倾听,课后复习,写好反思,与大家共同进步,让学生的学习能力得到全面提升,课堂效率也得到了提升。


大家有免费课的时候,积极讨论一年级学生出现的问题,特别是学习习惯的问题,提出困惑,积极讨论。要求要严格,培训到位,经常抓,经常抓。通常,在引导学生阅读时,一定要留心、醒目、引人入胜,能够一个字一个字地阅读。同时,学生将通过课堂游戏活动养成良好的聆听习惯。它还注重鼓励学生在生活中识字,帮助学生积累知识。特别是对于书写习惯的培养,我们一直在写作课上,通过手把手指导和教师示范,培养学生正确的握笔和坐姿,力求让学生在每张纸、每一本书上写出正确的字迹. , 字体大小相同。

三、 落实工作,提高效率。







这学期我上一年级(3)语文教工作)。作为一名年轻的教师,我在从事的事业中不敢懈怠,为了学生的发展,我会竭尽全力。全力完成本学期的教学任务。 Here is a summary of my teaching work as follows:


一、Prepare a good lesson, have a good lesson.

The language teaching task of the first grade volume is arduous. Students are required to recognize and read 23 initials, 24 vowels, and 16 overall recognition syllables. Can spell syllables accurately. Can speak the name of the tone symbol, read the four tones accurately, and learn to read softly. Understand the four-line grid, and be able to write initials, vowels and syllables correctly. Able to learn characters, correct pronunciation, and learn to speak Mandarin with the help of Chinese Pinyin. And know 400 commonly used Chinese characters, 100 of which are required to be written. If such a large amount of study does not pay attention to scientific and reasonable methods, and allows students to read monotonously and write repeatedly, if things go on like this, students will become disgusted with spelling and literacy, and the consequences will be disastrous. As the first grade children mainly remember indiscriminately, unexpected situations of this and other often happen in the classroom. Faced with the 48 students in this class, I spent a lot of time preparing students, handwriting teaching plans, and making a large number of visual and intuitive courseware to assist in teaching to stimulate students' interest in learning Chinese. Seeing the eyes of students seeking knowledge in class, I feel what happiness is, all the hard work has become fun. After class, I continued to reflect on the teaching practice, and worked hard to adjust teaching strategies to strive for subtle progress every day. The first grade is the first step for students to enter the school, just like building a high-rise building, a solid foundation must be laid for the growth of students.

Page 1 二、 Grasp routines in language teaching.

After teaching these years, I know a constant truth: let students like their subjects and like themselves. easy to say, hard to do. Preparing well before class gave me confidence and made my heart full of confidence. Based on this, in the face of a group of freshmen, my first job is to "grasp my heart." The heart is aligned, the attention is concentrated, and the classroom routines naturally keep up. I have a natural emotional exchange with students. In class, I strive to create a harmonious and lively atmosphere, and strive to make my language more cordial and full of passion. I pay special attention to the procedural evaluation in class: "Please pay attention to the correct reading posture", "Your voice is so beautiful", "Your answer is wonderful"... The short evaluation makes the students happy and positive thinking. In the continuous interaction between students, teachers and students, students are becoming more interested in learning and their learning routines continue to improve. Through practice for a semester, I have seen that classroom routines are not dogmatic, and mechanical action rehearsals are not carried out like military training. If students are interested in the entire classroom, teachers’ teaching strategies and the ability to control the classroom are very important. This is also the direction of my continuous efforts.