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义务教育课程标准实验教科书九年级音乐下册教案下载(湖南文艺出版社)( 人教版、苏教版、语文版等各种版本的九下语文教学计划(2)

2021-09-06 20:07 网络整理 教案网







现代作文阅读是中考复习中非常重要的内容。我们将现代散文分类,即叙事散文(包括散文和小说)、说明性散文和议论文。每个类别都是针对学生的。训练。通过对近年来中考题型的研究发现,中考现代课文的阅读体裁多样、题材丰富、意义深远,强调整体性。洞察力。 《课程标准》指出:“阅读评价要综合考察学生在阅读过程中的感受、体验、理解和价值取向。”所以,复习时一定要让学生涵盖所有类型,但不能涵盖所有类型。要突出重点、抓住难点、给予办法。具体方法如下:精心挑选阅读材料,主要选择寓意深刻、对学生有情感教育、能够引导学生人生观和价值观的文章;精心设计题型,强调层次性,能考查学生的综合能力 本文集理解与掌握能力于一身,着力培养学生探究性阅读和创造性阅读能力,提倡多角度创造性阅读,运用阅读期待,阅读反思与批评等环节,拓展思维空间,提高阅读质量;注重方法论指导。在回答阅读题时,我们要求学生不要在意问题的答案,而是要总结规律性的知识和思考问题的方式。 (整体感知→梳理上下文→过滤信息→替换问题→确定范围→考虑前后→组织语言→获得答案。)


文言文是中国古代文化的重要载体,是现代汉语的源泉。学好文言文,是传承民族优秀文化的需要,也是学好文言文的需要。 《课程标准》指出,文言文的学习目标是:“阅读通俗文言文,借助注解和参考书了解基本内容。背诵80首优秀诗词。”文言文阅读是中考语文试题的重要组成部分。应加强积累。班级文言文段落选自中考命题。在试题设计中,“词”与“文”并重,即不仅考查文言文的基础知识,还考查学生对课文意思的理解和把握。近年来,文言文阅读开始注重对文本理解能力、分析能力、总结能力和评价能力的考查。因此,我们在阅读训练中也应该朝这个方向发展。


作曲训练是穿插的(每周 2 节课)。主要让学生学习记叙文、说明文和议论文,让学生理清每一种作文的写作方式。专注于半命题作文和话题作文训练。形成作文训练序列。同时,允许学生在有限的时间内写论文,养成写论文的好习惯。






4、Key Breakthrough(5月下旬-6月上旬):重点突破学生复习难点的知识点,加强课外阅读指导;

5、Summary 测试(6月中旬):综合总结审核情况,查看审核效果,模拟测试。

6、Unite 并协作改进。本着相互学习、相互学习的原则,加强同一学科教师之间的经验交流和信息共享,发扬团队精神,共同进步。





教学总要求:以2007年中考为目标,从提高学生语文综合素质入手,注重学生应试技巧的指导,认真学习新课程标准,更新教学理念,大胆尝试开展教学改革,实施“自主合作” “探究与探究”的学习方式确立了学生在学习中的主体地位,为学生自主、合作、探究、创新学习创造了必要条件,促进了学生学习的进一步深入。提高学生的语言素养,努力在中考中实现理想。得分。


一、 Taking the opportunity of deepening the reform of Chinese teaching, carefully interpret the curriculum standards, understand the editing intentions of the textbooks, clarify the cultural connotation of the textbooks, rectify the relationship between formative learning and summative learning, and intensify the reform of classroom teaching , Actively participate in the new curriculum reform, use advanced teaching concepts and multimedia methods to teach, while reducing the burden on students, arouse students' interest in learning, arouse problem awareness, implement teaching democratization, and strive to improve the quality of classroom teaching.

二、 Teachers must be serious about teaching, implement collective lesson preparation, brainstorming, and take the overall situation. Teachers must make full use of the space left by the textbooks when preparing lessons, properly grasp the amount and degree of the textbooks, face the whole, and provide a complete set of textbooks. Carry out a macro grasp, sort out knowledge and ability training points, and carry out targeted training to reduce the excessive burden of students' schoolwork. Do a good job analysis of the test papers, find out the weak links in teaching, pay attention to fill up the vacancies, and strive for a large harvest of teaching.

三、 Seriously do a good job of listening, speaking, reading and writing training, design writing and oral communication by yourself, conduct oral communication training, combine the appreciation of the masterpieces in the textbook, read appreciation, and guide students to conduct comprehensive training, especially focusing on the development of language communication skills and writing ability. According to the new question types of the senior high school entrance examination, design related exercises and conduct oral expression training.

四、 focuses on cultivating students’ good study habits, selects wonderful current and beautiful essays from newspapers and magazines, masters the reading skills of analyzing articles, attaches importance to the cultivation of humanistic and scientific spirit, and establishes a new concept of Chinese teaching . Enhance the stamina of learning and lay the foundation for the future development of students.

五个。 Pay attention to the connection and mutual penetration between disciplines, strengthen the cultivation of comprehensive ability, actively develop classroom learning resources and extracurricular learning resources, communicate inside and outside the classroom, communicate parallel disciplines, creatively carry out various activities, strive to improve Chinese literacy, and achieve Chinese abilities Sustainable development, to achieve lifelong usefulness, lay a solid foundation for the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. The teaching and research group should maintain extensive and close contact with the outside world, introduce high-level and high-quality test papers in a timely manner, and teachers should carefully select test papers and conduct targeted training. It is necessary to pay attention to the balance between excellent students and poor students, and strive for an overall bumper harvest of teaching quality.