经济统计学 经济统计学专业是培养能够熟练运用统计方法分析经济和社会问题的专业人才。经济统计专业本科生具有较强的计算机和统计软件应用能力,扎实的数学和外语基础,扎实的经济学基础知识,对社会经济问题有一定的独立观察、分析和研究能力,并能能够系统地掌握统计的原理和方法,成为应用统计方法专门从事各种经济数据处理和分析的实用型、通用型人才。专业就业情况 我院毕业生就业方向主要涵盖高校、市场研究机构、咨询和信息产业部门、金融保险机构(保险公司、保监会)、银行、证券投资和社会保障机构、政府专业的管理部门,在国家统计局系统以及各类大型国企和外企,本科毕业生半数以上进入国内外相关高校继续深造。近三年,中国人民大学统计学院统计,2012年四川招生6人,近三年增长趋势,分区域人数大致为:100多~全省340人。基本上至少是全省前350名的,可以报到我院。中国人民大学金融学院金融学院的前身是中国人民大学金融学院——金融信贷系,创建于1950年,是中国人民大学首批设立的八个系之一,也是中华人民共和国第一家金融机构。金融领域高级人才基地为新中国财政金融学科的建立和发展做出了开创性贡献。
1997年金融与投资系合并成立中国人民大学金融与金融学院。著名金融学家安提夫教授和金融学家陈玉禄教授分别担任第一和第二任院长。现任院长为金融科学家郭庆旺教授,党委书记为王宏伟副教授。 1978年中国人民大学复学后,财经学院取得了空前的发展。编写了被誉为中国财政金融理论建设里程碑的著作《社会主义金融与金融问题》和核心课程教材,获全国优秀教学成果奖。 “货币与银行”和“金融”在金融高等教育领域确立了领先地位。进入21世纪以来,金融学院继续保持良好的发展势头。 1988年、2001年、2006年教育部组织的国家重点学科评审中,金融学与公共金融学被列为国家重点学科,学院依托此发展成为金融学领域的主要教学研究中心和中国的金融。财金学院汇聚了我国一大批财金领域的知名学者。其中有黄达、陈功、王传伦、周生业等国内外知名学术大师,以及陈玉禄、吴小秋、郭庆旺、张杰等。赵锡军、任怀秀、王长云、朱清、岳树民、岳锡明、张顺明等中青年学术带头人,以及以张承思、郑志刚、陆炳阳、魏立为代表的一批青年学术骨干,贾俊学、唐克、何青等大学教案下载,形成老中青均衡结合、发展潜力大、创新精神强的学术梯队。
学院现有教授27人,副教授33人。其中14名教师毕业于剑桥大学、伦敦大学、曼彻斯特大学、波士顿大学等海外名校;教育部长江学者特聘教授3人,国家青年科学基金获得者特聘教授2人,人事部国家级人才4人,部新世纪优秀人才支持计划11人教育之中。金融学院现有全日制在校生2,208人,其中本科生1,372人(含国际生61人),研究生527人(含国际生12人),博士生272人(含国际生11人),第二学士学位生37人此外,还有金融EMBA、在职硕士等在读生1241人。学院始终以培养能够“在东西方两个文化平台上自由行走”的人才为目标,实施多项教学改革,积极探索人才培养模式,不断完善金融金融高层次人才培养中国特色机制,培养了一大批金融领域的领军人物。财金学院 财税双学位实验班(20人) 金融(24人) 税务(20人) 金融 金融-数学双学位实验班(30人) 金融(4个班,每班平均40人) 人) 金融工程(18人) 保险(29人) 信用管理(24人) 2012年四川招生分数(以实际考试成绩统计,不计加分) 两个实验班 金融-数学双学位实验班 本实验班它于 2006 年首次成立。
每年从财经学院新生中选拔20名学生,从信息学院新生中选拔5名学生进入实验班。 After completing the training requirements, they will receive two degrees in science and economics. Implement the innovation plan for the training model of finance talents. The main professional courses of the experimental class are taught by a team of well-known scholars at home and abroad, using bilingual teaching. This experimental class aims to train students with an international perspective and high-level talents who understand modern financial theory and practice. Core courses: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Money and Banking, International Finance, Mathematical Statistics, Data Structure, Econometrics, Ordinary Differential Equations, Real Variable Functions, Mathematical Programming, Financial Derivatives, Financial Economics, Game Theory and Information economics, financial engineering, financial institutions and risk management, financial econometrics, fixed income securities, stochastic processes, time series analysis, operating systems and databases, etc. Employment direction: Graduates have systematic modern financial knowledge and mathematical analysis capabilities, suitable for high-end professional work in financial management departments and financial practice departments such as commercial banks, securities companies, and investment, or to lay a solid foundation for further studies. Outstanding students will continue to study undergraduate, master, doctorate, and postgraduate. Two experimental classes Finance and Taxation Double Degree Experimental Class This experimental class was first established in 2009. Every year, 20 students are selected from the freshmen majoring in finance and taxation of the college to implement the innovative plan for training talents in finance and taxation. The main professional courses of the experimental class are taught by a team of well-known scholars at home and abroad, and some courses adopt bilingual teaching.
This experimental class will train students to have an international perspective and become senior management talents proficient in public economics, corporate finance and taxation. Outstanding students will continue to study undergraduate, master, doctorate, and postgraduate. Core courses: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Public Economics, International Taxation, Mathematical Statistics, Econometrics, Ordinary Differential Equations, Real Variable Functions, Mathematical Programming, Tax Economics, Fiscal Policy Analysis, Corporate Finance, Operating System and Database, etc. Employment direction: Graduates have a systematic knowledge of finance, taxation, and mathematical analysis. They are suitable for high-end professional work in government management departments and financial practice departments, or to lay a solid foundation for further studies. Course Arrangement (School) Disciplinary Basic Courses (College) Professional Courses (Take Taxation Class as an example) Introduction to the College The predecessor was the Department of Economic Information Management, which was established when the school resumed in 1978. It is now composed of the Department of Mathematics, Department of Computer Science and Department of Economic Information Management. Enrollment form "Science Experimental Class-Information and Mathematics". The college features general education, basic comprehensive module teaching, and professional dynamic management. The economic-mathematics, finance-mathematics double-degree experimental class suggests that we are not the brightest star in the sky of the National People's Congress, but we can be the most industrious. There is a rigorous and meticulous scientific dedication spirit in a large furnace of humanities and social science ability training. To turn suffering into happiness, you have to love wherever you go, because life will never stop. Contact: School of Finance: Ren Xiaohan (Finance): 15652993615 Xin Yusong (Financial Engineering): 18811586841 Wu Jingxi (Tax): chloe5577@sina.com School of Business: Zhu Di (Business Administration): 18811352873 School of Statistics: Wang Wenjing: 18910689479 Jing Fengshi: (@人人网) School of Information: Meng Yechao (Science Experimental Class): 18811592873