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2021-08-25 01:07 网络整理 教案网

2 Summary of comparisons

Regardless of the revision of the "Outline" or the development of the "Standard", they try to better guide the development of school mathematics teaching. Compared with the "Outline", the "Standard" has both inheritance and development and innovation. The comparison can be summarized as the following 4 points:

(1) "Outline" and "Standards" embodied curriculum concepts are very different. The former focuses on teachers' teaching and the improvement of teaching methods; the latter focuses on students' learning and changes the way students learn.

(2)The curriculum goals of "Outline" and "Standard" are the same but different. Both of them attach importance to the cultivation of knowledge and skills, but the latter pay more attention to the development of students' learning process, emotion, attitude and personality.

(3) "Outline" and "Standard" have the same course content. The latter inherits the former's advantage of emphasizing students' proficiency in the necessary basic knowledge and basic skills, but the "Standard" has some content It has been strengthened or weakened, and realistic, challenging and highly flexible content is set to provide a broad space for development, allowing students to experience the fun of "doing mathematics" in independent exploration, cooperation and communication.

(4) "Outline" and "Standards" have very different evaluation concepts. The former advocates summative evaluation and focuses on evaluation screening functions, such as setting scores and grades; the latter emphasizes process evaluation and evaluation. Educational function, evaluation not only examines students’ mastery of knowledge, but also emphasizes the learning process and experience.

In short, the "Standard" was developed on the basis of summarizing and reflecting on previous mathematics education. It maintains some of the characteristics of the "Outline" and also fixes some deficiencies. This is an innovation based on inheritance. , Inherited under the premise of innovation, rather than a simple negation. In fact, the "Syllabus" is just limited to teaching goals and requirements, knowledge requirements, ability requirements and moral education requirements, etc., the requirements in these aspects seem to be too Specifically, it sometimes limits the creativity of teachers, and it is difficult to take into account the different requirements of different regions [4]. The "Standard" presents an open system that provides a comparative advantage for textbook writers, teacher teaching, student learning, and academic evaluation. Broad development space.

3 Some thoughts

Because of the first development of the "Standard" in my country, there must be some shortcomings, which need to be tested in the implementation. Based on the above analysis, the following points of thinking are put forward:

First of all, due to the changes in the curriculum concept, the relationship between teachers and students has also undergone a complete change, that is, the teacher-centered transformation to student-centered. How to achieve this change is very important, which brings forward teacher training New tasks, and at the same time, should there be any changes to the training methods of normal students in schools? In consideration of the situation of teachers in different regions of our country, should the goals that mathematics teachers should achieve should be formulated and made explicit rather than implicit ?

Secondly, the new curriculum standards dilute the screening function of evaluation, which is appreciated. But after all, our country still needs examination methods to select talents, so how should we treat the selection function of examinations? New curriculum standards and examinations What should be the relationship between the systems? How should the relationship between the two be handled?

Again, the establishment of new curriculum standards is only the first step. To reflect the ideas of new curriculum standards, textbooks must be compiled. Textbooks are the blueprint for teachers' teaching. The quality of textbooks directly affects the realization of curriculum standards. The "Standard" encourages the compilation of textbooks with local characteristics and the development of school-based courses. How can local characteristics be reflected in the course content? What problems should be paid attention to in the development of school-based courses?

Finally, the "Standard" attaches great importance to new technology, so what degree should new technology be reflected in the teaching and learning of mathematics?

The above is the entire content of the Beijing Normal University version of the junior high school mathematics lesson plan shared by the editor, I hope it will be helpful to your study.
