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2021-01-07 07:06 网络整理 教案网


My family often buy clothes _____ HuaXing store _____ weekends。 2。 Can you help the children _____ English? You may come _____ our club。 3。 I?m looking _____ some presents。 These shops may have many kinds _____ things _____ sale。 Save your money till then! 4。 How many cities are there ______ Greece? --I don?t know。 5。 Look, the birds are _____ the tree! 6。 When is her birthday? I can?t rememberIt?s _____ January。 7。 Mr。 Green always goes to work ______ bus。 He has to get up _____ 6 o?clock _____ the morning。

8。 Come on! I?m hungry。 What do we have _____ dinner? 9。 Don?t eat and read _____ night。 That is bad _____ your health。 10。 Come and see ____ yourself ____ Wendy?s store! 11。 We live _____ London。 How about you? Where do you come _____? 12。 _____ Sunday morning, I usually sleep late _____ home。 1



3. Jack is shorter than Sam, but Jack is sitting _________ Sam. 14. Here is a photo ________ your family. 15. There aren?t many people ______ the train ________ five o?clock ______ the morning. 将以下段落改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定跟否定两种回答。 1. I have a dictionary. 2. There are a lot of animals in the zoo. 3. He does his homework at night. 4. Dogs live in all parts of the world. 5. Greenfield is a small village in England. 将下列语句改为否定句。 1. There is a very high waterfall in Venezuela. 2. Egypt has a very long river. 3. She does her homework every day. 4. I come to school by bus. 5. She can swim very well. 用短语正确方式填空 1(Mr Zheng (read) a book now. 2. The rabbits (jump) now. 3.. Look ! Tom and John (swim). 4. My brother (make) a kite in his room now. 5. Look! The bus (stop). 5 英语教案模板下载篇三:英语教案模板 课题: Unit 3 My birthday 教学设计 二、教学目标 1(知识目标: a. 能听、说、读、写:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. b. 能熟练运用短语:When's your birthday? My birthday is in... 3(情感目标:创设学习情境,激发师生学习的热情跟兴趣,提高教师学习的积极性和主动性。

三、教学重点和课堂难点 根据本课的教学内容和教师对常识的理解程度,结合本课的课堂目标与学习目标,确定本课的重点、难点。 1(能听、说、读、写:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 2(能熟练运用短语:When's your birthday? My birthday is in... 3(通过合作,学生可熟练在网上寻找资料。 五、教学方法设计(写讲稿时有些英文可以用中文代替) Step 1 Warming-up 1. Free talk Step 2 Presentation a,教教师读句子 b. T: When is your birthday? (Help them describe and say their birthdays.) ( Step 3 Practice 1. Game: Before and after 教师给出一个单词,如:June,


并拿起左手或双手。教师举右手,学生要写出June的上一个月份;举双手,学生应说出下一个月份。 2. Let's chant When is your birthday? When is your birthday? Listen and do. Listen and do. January or February, raise your hand. March or April, up you stand. May or June, touch your nose. July or August, touch your toes. September or October, touch your knees. November or December, clap 1, 2, 3. 3. Read the dialogue, act out the dialogue. 4. Make a new dialogue. Step 4 Consolidation and extension 1. Activity 1: I am a reporter. 教师组织师生进行“我是小记者”的访谈活动。

学生能在学校内自由走动,既是小记者,又是被采访对象,将“采访”到的同事的生日一月记入调查表。最后,邀请部分“小记者”做“现场报导”,如:There are three students' birthdays in May. 2. Activity 2: Talk about the festivals. a. T: Now, how many students' birthdays are there in October? Ss: Me. Step 6 Homework 1. T: My kids, do you know the birthday of your mother and your father? To get it and remember it! And don't forget to give them birthday cards. 3. Make a personal calendar. Find out important dates for your family and your friends. Don't forget to put the holidays and festivals in. 4. Write down 2 more sentences about the birthday. The topic is "My birthday". 主课教案要包括下面蓝色字体的内容(其中有自己想要加的也可以自己加上去) 一 、 课题(说明本课名称) 二 、教学目标(知识素养【要使教师认识和把握这些内容】,情感态度) 三 、教学重难点 教学重点(说明本课所需要缓解的关键性问题) 教学难点(说明本课学习是容易造成困难和障碍的知识点) 四、教学方法的设计(主要有下列三种) 1、以语言传递信息为主 2、以实际训练为主 3、以欣赏活动为主 教案应 达到四个要求: 1 内容选取要合理 2 目标制订要确立 3 重点难点要掌握 4 学生水平应知道(这一点很关键,一定要在讲课前知道学生学过这些知识,没学过这些,否则自己教的常识超越了学员接受的范围,学生也吸收不了) 注:写教案时可登录“人民教育出版社”官网查看电子教材 先写3篇主课教案 交教案的截止时间是5月29号晚12点之前~