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2020-12-21 21:02 网络整理 教案网


The public aren't interested in this question. 公众对这个疑问不感兴趣。 (2)in public 公开地;在对方(尤指陌生人)面前 It's not polite to spit in public. 在公共场合吐痰是不礼貌的。 针对训练 1.You mustn't smoke in ________. It's bad for our health. A A.public B.common C.person B 2.The public ________ about the environment very much. A.cares B.care C.cared词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]考|点|3 afraid adj. 害怕的;担心的 【点拨】 (1)be afraid of (doing) sth. 害怕(做)某事 I'm afraid of snakes. 我害怕狗。 She was afraid of waking her baby up. 她担心吵醒她的小孩。


(2)be afraid to do sth. 害怕去做某事 Most girls are afraid to go out alone at night. 大多数女生讨厌夜晚独自出门。 (3)be afraid +that从句 担心……;害怕…… I‘m afraid that I can’t come. 我其实不能来了。 (4)可用于简单回答: 肯定回答:I'm afraid so.(恐怕是这种) 否定回答:I'm afraid not.(恐怕不行/不是这样)词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]针对训练 1.My brother is afraid ________ his math teacher. C A.to B.with C.of 2.They are afraid ________ with others at times. A A.to communicate B.communicate C.communicating 3.—I heard they would come to have a picnic with us. A —________. There will be a heavy rainstorm. A.I'm afraid not B.Take it easy C.Never mind词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时 考|点|4Units 3—4[九年级全一册]proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的【点拨】 (1)be proud of (doing) sth. 为(做)某事而觉得自豪 His parents are proud of his success. 他的父亲为他的顺利而觉得骄傲。


(2)be proud to do sth. 很自豪做某事 We are proud to be Chinese. 作为全球人我们最骄傲。 (3)be proud+that从句 ……很自豪 Ben is proud that he is an artist. 本为自己是一名艺术家而觉得骄傲。词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]【拓展】 pride n. 自豪;骄傲 pride的常见搭配: the pride of… ……的骄傲 take pride in=be proud of为……而觉得自豪 John is the pride of his parents, so they both take pride in/are proud of being his parents.约翰是他父亲的骄傲,所以 他们为成为他的父亲而觉得骄傲。 针对训练 用proud或pride填空 1.Your parents will be ________ proud of you if you finish the work on your own. 2.Tom is the ________ pride of his parents. 3.Most parents take ________ pride in everything good their children do.词句梳理 重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]考|点|5 on one's way to在某事去……的路上 【点拨】 “on one's way to+地点名词”意为“在某人去某 地的路上”英语备课大师下载初中,若to后跟表示地点的介词here, there或home时 ,要把to去掉。


On my way home, I saw a cat. 在我回家的路上,我看见了一只猫。 【拓展】 way的相关词汇: by the way 顺便说一下 in a way 在某些程度上 in the way 挡住路,妨碍 in this way 用这些方法 lose one‘s way 迷路词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]针对训练 用by the way, on one's way, in the way或in this way填空 1.___________ By the way , when will your plane take off? 2.They met an old man who was selling newspapers _______________ on their way to the museum. 3.You can make your dream come true ___________ in this way . 4.He wanted to walk through the door, but a desk was in the way . ___________词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]考|点|6 【辨析】from time to time/in time/on time/all the time/at times词条 from time to time in time on time all the time at times含义 有时;偶尔例句 From time to time he fired questions at me. 他有时接二连三地向我强调问题。

Can you come back in time? 你无法及时回家吗? Please be here on time tomorrow.明天 请准时来这儿。 Mary studies hard all the time. 玛丽总是努力学习。 I stay up at times. 我有时熬夜。及时 准时 始终;总是 有时词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]针对训练 1.The meeting tomorrow is very important. Make sure to B be ________ . A.in time B.on time C.at times 2.The doctor is like a hero. He saved the old man _____ A . A.in time B.on time C.at times 3.The boy makes the same mistake ________ , so the C teacher is mad at him. A.from time to time B.at times C.all the time词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]考|点|7 Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? 打扰一下,你无法告诉我怎么到书店吗? 【点拨】 (1)“Could you please…?”意为“你可以……吗 ?” 表示委婉地强调请求,后接动词原形。

相当于 “Will/Would you please…?” 其显然回答: Sure/Certainly…;否定回答:Sorry, I can't… Could you please open the windows? 请你开启窗户好吗? (2)句中“how to get to the bookstore”是“特殊疑问词+动 词不定式”结构,作名词tell的表语。 I don't know what to do next. 我不知道下一步该做哪些。词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册](3)问路的常用词汇:请问银行在哪儿? Excuse me. Where's the bank? Is there a bank near here? Which is the way to the bank? Would you please tell me how I can get to the bank? Can you tell me how to get to the bank? …词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]【拓展】 (1)“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”作主格时,谓语 动词常用单数形式。

When to go has not been decided. 什么时候去还没决定。 (2)在“疑问词what/how+动词不定式”引导的结构中,一 般为what to do(后不加it)和how to do it(it不可以省略)。 If you don't know what to do, you can ask your teacher. 如果你不知道要做什么,你可以问你的同学。 If you have some questions on how to do it, you can ask Tom for help.如果你对怎样做(这件事)还有问题的话,你可以向汤 姆寻找帮助。词句梳理重难聚焦第16课时Units 3—4[九年级全一册]针对训练 1.—Could you please help me clean up the classroom? —________ . A A.Of course B.Not at all C.No, I can't B 2.—Could you tell me ________ ? —Of course. There's a post office across from the street, and you can buy one there. A.where can I buy a stamp B.where I can buy a stamp C.how I can buy a stamp 3.How to improve my math ________ the most important A for me now. A.is B.are C.was词句梳理 重难聚焦